Whats with this red pill stuff?

Red Pill something isn't that bearded troll ranting to the camera in Youtube?

I guarantee you Red Pill Philosophy posts on Sherdog. He's a huge MMA fan and even brought the site up once on his videos. Seems like he would fit right in in the War Room too.
That has been my observation as well. I mentioned this in another thread before but the guys I know in real life who are into this kind of shit are far from the assertive “manly” guys they desperately want to be. They’re unassertive chodes who put the blame on women instead of their lack of a personality or redeeming qualities. Personally I find putting the responsibility of one’s happiness on the shoulder’s of other people to be rather unmanly, which is ironic because these idiots are the ones calling for the return of patriarchy. I feel like the old school tough guys these guys wish they could be would find this shit to be a petty. I get confused with MGTOW sometimes because I don’t believe in marriage, although my reasons are different.


Tells me everything I need to know about Red Pill dipshits.
Red Pill and MGTOW are fucking ridiculous.

Maybe if we didn't live in such a gynocentric society with biased family/divorce courts MGTOW and MRA's wouldn't have to exist.

for all these people saying MGTOW's are losers etc. a lot of them are successful and have been with women but got married and divorced then fucked over losing their assets, the house, the kids etc.

everyone hates gold diggers right?
Does that same logic apply to learning about ANY topic on a forum?
After thinking about it, i'm probably completely wrong. What I should have said is that a Reddit forum is just one angle of attack. You still have to find examples in the world or history to follow, you still need to go out there and work and live among other men.
After thinking about it, i'm probably completely wrong. What I should have said is that a Reddit forum is just one angle of attack. You still have to find examples in the world or history to follow, you still need to go out there and work and live with other men.

Agreed. Discussion with others is definitely one way we learn things; be it forum or in person.

Tells me everything I need to know about Red Pill dipshits.

Absurd. Thats like screen shotting two ridiculous threads in the heavies and being like "tells me everything I need to know about MMA fans". Sound logic bud
Absurd. Thats like screen shotting two ridiculous threads in the heavies and being like "tells me everything I need to know about MMA fans". Sound logic bud

I could screenshot most of the shit and it's equally as absurd.

Those are particularly bad because they were posted by a moderator. That's not just general shitposting.
Maybe if we didn't live in such a gynocentric society with biased family/divorce courts MGTOW and MRA's wouldn't have to exist.

for all these people saying MGTOW's are losers etc. a lot of them are successful and have been with women but got married and divorced then fucked over losing their assets, the house, the kids etc.

everyone hates gold diggers right?

I actually went on in that post to say that most of MGTOW are harmless guys who have, for one reason or another, decided to stop giving energy to pursuing women. Which is perfectly fine. I've got no problems with that.

I emphasized that the fringe of MGTOW (which is less MGTOW and more Red Pill, but clearly there is some crossover) are sexist little trolls.
I could screenshot most of the shit and it's equally as absurd.

Those are particularly bad because they were posted by a moderator. That's not just general shitposting.
Look I don't post on the red pill reddit and I've only perused their stuff a handful of times. I can't vouch for the community at large. Much like anything else I take the good and leave the bad. The core of red pill philosophy is sound. Society has been totally built a lie around women and has been set up to advantage them over men.
Look I don't post on the red pill reddit and I've only perused their stuff a handful of times. I can't vouch for the community at large. Much like anything else I take the good and leave the bad. The core of red pill philosophy is sound. Society has been totally built a lie around women and has been set up to advantage them over men.

You know the worst part of Red Pill?

It's that these fucking clowns think they're somehow enlightened to "the truth" that all the other idiots just aren't smart enough to see.

This might be the coolest of stories, bro.
That has been my observation as well. I mentioned this in another thread before but the guys I know in real life who are into this kind of shit are far from the assertive “manly” guys they desperately want to be. They’re unassertive chodes who put the blame on women instead of their lack of a personality or redeeming qualities. Personally I find putting the responsibility of one’s happiness on the shoulder’s of other people to be rather unmanly, which is ironic because these idiots are the ones calling for the return of patriarchy. I feel like the old school tough guys these guys wish they could be would find this shit to be a petty. I get confused with MGTOW sometimes because I don’t believe in marriage, although my reasons are different.

There is no return to patriarchy. What society is showing is that, given power of state, women are as every bit as evil and power hungry as man if not more so. I too don't believe in marriage. For starters, I fail to see the value of bringing the state into my relationship on a business arrangement that only panders one way. I am keen to date casually and to pursue younger women when women begin talking baby crazy.
Look I don't post on the red pill reddit and I've only perused their stuff a handful of times. I can't vouch for the community at large. Much like anything else I take the good and leave the bad. The core of red pill philosophy is sound. Society has been totally built a lie around women and has been set up to advantage them over men.

That is in the form of affirmative action. I hear women trashing men in the workplace, it could be their boyfriends, their fiances husbands, etc. and I always think, some cuck married this?

I think their is value in pursuing a passion or dream. The involvement of a woman in your life be it 'Netflix and chill' or a LTR, there is no harm or foul. I notice most guys are into mma or the gym life until perma pussy is around. Suddenly, dad bod is more likely to kick off and the girl loses interest since, the guy was fake as fuck. Who and what he is was not what was presented initially.
You know the worst part of Red Pill?

It's that these fucking clowns think they're somehow enlightened to "the truth" that all the other idiots just aren't smart enough to see.

This might be the coolest of stories, bro.

If you take the basic core points of feminism, mgtow, socialism, etc. there is some actual solid points but, mostly, people let ego kick off. You have ego on a individual or collective levels. You see it in politics, the DNC, the entitlement one sec, victimhood the next. You can see the value in women wanting equality, the right to vote, etc. however, you now have affirmative action whereby, a woman not qualified to be a police man or fire fighter should have the standards lower to fill a quota and therefore, weakening both fire and the police force.

There is a point in MGTOW where a man has a life outside women. There is furthermore obvious issues with the current legal system, family courts, and the allocation of male resources post divorce 80% + of which initiated by women. Does this mean everyone should adopt this? Fuck no. Then again, where is the gender neutral relationships going?

As for "enlightenment," again, it is more ego kicking off and people wanting to see themselves as in the knowing. I would say, personality is very individual, and therefore, human pair bonding on a long enough timeline whereby resources are staked; gambled upon even seems absurd at best.

No man should ever follow anything blindly. Free thinking goes a long way.
I want the health pill and I can do anything I want.

Men blaming women for their problems has to be the single dumbest thing I've heard the most throughout my life. It's so stupid, it's so weak, it's pathetic. How can you blame something you want for why you don't have it? Blame the government, blame evolution, blame your parents, blame SOMETHING other than the object of your desire that you fucked up in acquiring because you didn't have your shit in order. Blame your predecessors; at least you didn't have control over their actions and how they shaped your life, don't blame your contemporaries, especially the allegedly 'weaker' contemporaries.
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I have a friend who just brought it up to me and he said it really changed how he looked at things. I looked up the subreddit and I have to say it was pretty depressing. I kind of see how some of the things they say have a point. It just sucks to think you have to go through your life so self concious and conniving with every personal interaction. It would be nice to just take things as they come and trust your instincts but alot of what they say makes it seem like you will get screwed if you do that. Can anyone fill me in?

edit for those who don't know the red pill is this male rights group on reddit and a documentary about the male rights movement.
It's either a reference to this documentary:


...or it's a reference to Morpheus in The Matrix that moron tinfoilers like Alex Jones hijacked.

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