Yeah he looks slower because he's bigger, that's kinda what I was saying LOL. But he's carrying weight his body isn't ideally suited to carry is the point. Tom at 256 lbs or whatever is WAY faster than Jones at 238 or whatever he comes in at. Because one is his natural optimal size for fighting and one isn't.
Stipe--I agree sort of. But I was speaking relative to what he used to look like. He was never a "quick" HW, but he never looked nearly as sluggish as he did vs Jones. Which, at 42 and coming off a 4 year layoff...duh. But he DID land on Jones. No, they weren't shots that hurt Jon obviously. Stipe just didn't have the snap and power anymore so while he was able to land, there was no real threat. If Tom hits Jones like that? We will see. Jones has always had a GOAT level chin, but against LHW's. Different story here.
The "deep waters" argument is real. If Jones survives early, it could get interesting. Tom is unproven in long, drug out fights for sure. I don't see Jones getting there though. Too many things stacked against him. There's a reason he's been favored in every UFC fight in his career...until this one.