Crime Trump found liable for fraud in NY civil case

nah, doesn't bug me.
You cool with fraud now?
Or do you have a 2nd rate conspiracy that's helping you cope?
BTW have an important urgent message for you. Hang on.

"Hi @Super_Nintendo!
This is the 45th President of the United States Donald J . Trump. with an URGENT text message for you. .....IM FKED!!! THE CROOKED LEFT FKED ME....SENDS ME ALL DA CASH NOW ...MORE CASH NOWWWW! DID YOU SEND THE FKN CASH YET????"
You cool with fraud now?
Or do you have a 2nd rate conspiracy that's helping you cope?
BTW have an important urgent message for you. Hang on.

"Hi @Super_Nintendo!
This is the 45th President of the United States Donald J . Trump. with an URGENT text message for you. .....IM FKED!!! THE CROOKED LEFT FKED ME....SENDS ME ALL DA CASH NOW ...MORE CASH NOWWWW! DID YOU SEND THE FKN CASH YET????"

Hes accepted the truth, that the politicalised DOJ inspired by the leftiest media witch hunt are out to get Trump, so none of it is surprising. Theyre gonna get Trump for not sorting his recycling any day now!
Wish he would get taken to task for stiffing contractors and others who provided a service or product. Trump is a thief, cause not paying someone who has done work for you is stealing

First political fundraiser i worked in the lead up to the 2018 mid-terms was hosted at the house of a life long republican endorsing a democrat. Mainly because Trump stiffed his business on contract work years prior.
Hes accepted the truth, that the politicalised DOJ inspired by the leftiest media witch hunt are out to get Trump, so none of it is surprising. Theyre gonna get Trump for not sorting his recycling any day now!
Their cult approves
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Trump always talking about the Biden Crime Family, a judge just ruled that Trump & Sons is the real crime family.

One of Trump's arguments the judge ridiculed was basically "I can't have overvalued anything because I can go to Saudi Arabia and get any price I want."

i like how he was crying on truth social yesterday about how it was so unfair that he's not allowed to have a jury trial after he was the one who opted for a bench trial.
"In opposition, defendants absurdly suggest that "the calculations of square footage is a subjective process that could lead to differing results or opinions based on the method employed to conduct the calculation. Well yes, perhaps, if the area is rounded or oddly shaped, it is possible measurements of square footage could come to slightly differing results due to user error. Good-faith measurements could vary by as much as 10-20%, not 200%."


Well we seen how badly Donald Trump spells simple words in his social media posts, it's reasonable to believe his math isn't any better. He could probably walk if he admits he measured all the properties himself with his Dr. Suess tape measure.
Yep. Here's the exact quote from the judge:

"He also seems to imply that the numbers cannot be inflated because he could find a 'buyer from Saudi Arabia' to pay any price he suggests."


Holy shit!

This cartoon man keeps entertaining <45>
Yeah, thats not how fraud works, but I completely get how it's over your head.

Please send him your money. Cult needs you.

lol dont be silly, im making fun/being sarcastic
nice yellows btw. those derp state trump-hating weaponized karate forum moderators were at it again i see.

no kidding! i was yellowed for "thread hijacking" in the boebert thread for talking about trans stuff even though the hijacking was started by others and EVERYONE was even talking about it and still are and they're fine and i'm not. i was even banned from posting in that thread for a week (insufficient thread privileges)

an officer even went back and forth with me on the trans stuff, then they card me for it. wtf <Lmaoo>
