Elections Place Your Bets - When does Biden drop out?

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  • Biden is on the ballot in November.

Results are only viewable after voting.
His only platform last time was “I’m not Donald Trump”.

The results were shit and finally even the dems are openly seeing what we’ve all seen since he ran the last time. Cap the age of a president at 70 at the highest. This is insane.

Yeah I think after eight years of it people have become tone deaf to that message. Have talked with a lot of my fiends and co workers that feel it’s Trumps Presidency to lose. These are not part of the maga crowd by any stretch of the imagination.
The South Park prophecy has materialized
I have never seen the left turn so abruptly...every left news source is reporting it's over after that debate. But there is no one in the wings...Kamala would be worse. Hillary is still hated. Biden appears to just take one breath and ramble for as long as that breath takes him. No comas, no pacing, all in a weak whisper. Then towards the end there are no more words being used. His pupils are as big as pies and his eyes are black. He looks like those puppets used in the Genesis video in the 80s.

If he wins, he will drop out within a year and let the FIRST BLACK FEMALE PRESIDENT blah blah blah and that will be his legacy.
I still think it's too late to replace him, and would make the democrats look even more incompetent than they already do, and would put even more egg on their faces, as they would essentially be admitting that they were lying to everybody about Joe's health for the last three and a half years. All their "deep fake" bullshit excuses come back to bite them as well. They would look so incredibly disorganized, dishonest, and incompetent, and it would be extremely tough to get past all that baggage to promote a new candidate.

However, I gotta admit the odds are getting a bit better for the old switcheroo. Be a pretty epic call if he was replaced.
Yeah I think after eight years of it people have become tone deaf to that message. Have talked with a lot of my fiends and co workers that feel it’s Trumps Presidency to lose. These are not part of the maga crowd by any stretch of the imagination.
The South Park prophecy has materialized
I think at the end of the day, all the partisan hack division stuff fades way to actual results. People have seen their standard of living sharply decline while Ukraine gets hundreds of billions. The liberal elites can’t even hide their disdain for the common citizen anymore either. People will vote with their wallets when pushed enough.

Canada is going through this now. 10 years of a government who did nothing but virtue signal and spend billions on meaningless, garbage projects have hurt the standard of living enough that people are ready to drop the partisan shit and vote for who they think will make their lives are easy.

The west is waking up and finally demanding real results. We’re seeing it in other countries now. I’m not sure Trump is the answer but I already know Biden isn’t. A lot of people identify with Trump solely because they hate the establishment.
I voted at the Convention and gotta say it's looking pretty good at the moment. I was caught pretty off guard on everyone turning on Biden last night. They've been propping him up for so long and making excuses for this exact behavior so I expected the ruse to continue. This almost looks like a setup. Have this early debate before the Convention to test him or expose him in order to force a replacement. Newsom will probably be the guy, that weasel has been lurking in the shadows the whole time waiting for his opportunity.
I think at the end of the day, all the partisan hack division stuff fades way to actual results. People have seen their standard of living sharply decline while Ukraine gets hundreds of billions. The liberal elites can’t even hide their disdain for the common citizen anymore either. People will vote with their wallets when pushed enough.

Canada is going through this now. 10 years of a government who did nothing but virtue signal and spend billions on meaningless, garbage projects have hurt the standard of living enough that people are ready to drop the partisan shit and vote for who they think will make their lives are easy.

The west is waking up and finally demanding real results. We’re seeing it in other countries now. I’m not sure Trump is the answer but I already know Biden isn’t. A lot of people identify with Trump solely because they hate the establishment.
I expected this two years ago. The bread and
butter wave. Certainly hasn’t got anymore favorable standards of living. And I agree with you the foreign wars are something America has seen far too much of.
I’m not naive enough to think democrats haven’t been privately trying to talk Biden out of running for the last couple of years.

Replacing him at this point won’t help anyway.

His senility is ultimately just one strike of many against him and the thought of keeping a democrat in the White House.

Any replacement has to answer for the border, inflation, and crime as well. Only they won’t have the benefit of familiarity and will only have a couple of months to ingratiate themselves to voters.

Which can be difficult since people like Pritzker, Newsom, and Whitmer are probably the epitome of smug liberal elitism that you’ll need more than a few months to re-shape into general electability. All three have faces and attitudes that scream “distrust me”

And nobody likes Kamala

Democrats will stick to the game plan they set 2 years ago. Their plan was to jail Trump before the election or before he can take office…and that will continue to be their plan.
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Not that it has anything to do with the debates last night but Trumps agg Polling lead is shooting back up while Bidens approval further dipped. Which is a terrible baseline for 'Low Joe' to be at considering the certainty that his performance is going to further hinder his public image.

Guess we'll just have to hear about how polls don't matter this far out...
I still think it's too late to replace him, and would make the democrats look even more incompetent than they already do, and would put even more egg on their faces, as they would essentially be admitting that they were lying to everybody about Joe's health for the last three and a half years. All their "deep fake" bullshit excuses come back to bite them as well. They would look so incredibly disorganized, dishonest, and incompetent, and it would be extremely tough to get past all that baggage to promote a new candidate.

However, I gotta admit the odds are getting a bit better for the old switcheroo. Be a pretty epic call if he was replaced.
Agreed, wholeheartedly. The next 4-5 months are going to be so crazy
Got to admit, I definitely thought Low Joe would be the guy heading into November. I mean majority of Americans knew he has become a mumbling corpse mostly capable of only gaffes, but steadfast dems propping him up would be enough.

But now his allies and friends are telling Jill to pull the plug...

Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.
No Way Joe Will Ever drop out after showing his brilliance last night !​