Television THE BOYS (Spinoff Series VOUGHT RISING Starring Jensen Ackles in the Works, post #4387)

If you have seen THE BOYS Season 3, how would you rate it?

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If you're putting this show up there with Breaking Bad or TWD, then ... WOW.

Good thing I'm not putting this show up there with Breaking Bad or TWD, and mentioning they had dedicated discussion threads just like this one for The Boys doesn't suggest that.
It's just good crazy fun with a sprinkle of intrigue dashed in. There is no need to get all into a tizzy because they make fun of "X" or "Y".
And your point is?
Enjoy the show.
I did, and the spin-off, until this season.
Which is why I'm here in this thread, discussing why the show is now far less enjoyable.
And you're just saying 'Your complaints are invalid because I say they're invalid.'
Yeah, real convincing.
So are Starlight and Kimiko the only morally decent supes? What was once shocking is now just meh, oh look this supe is also human garbage and a sexual degenerate, just like all of them.

If you really wanted to shock us you should of made Tek Knight a good, decent super hero who actually cared about saving people. That would of actually shocked me.
Caved and watched a few episodes instead of waiting to binge the season which i strongly prefer. This season is odd, and really lazy. The main story lines are actually massive in size and scope (basically the most Sinister plot in US history to install an evil government regime; plus the allegory of extreme left vs right with starlight and Homelander...but it's Iike that's a background story done in a perfunctory manner and the gross out shock value scenes take center stage. It was fun when they came out of nowhere to break up the main story lines as a little thrill, but this like if the Jackass Crew tried to remake Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Agreed that the main plot is good but the execution has been lackluster on an episode the episode basis.

I've noticed that the main cast spends very minimal time actually interacting with each other, and seem to have shot most of their scenes by themselves, either relying on some kind of "heist" or side quest to justify them not being with the rest of the gang.

Could it be because the actors had conflicting schedules so shooting had to be done around their limited availability? That would be unfortunate, because not having the main characters interact much is drastically affecting the quality of the show.
Well it makes you go bald, shrinks your balls and makes it so you can't produce testosterone naturally.
him and Stallone aren't bald though, so I'm wondering if side effects are exaggerated a bit? It seems like everyone famous is on them
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I keep watching wanting to like it again but this/season everything is just worse. It's sort of boring , gross when it's not needed, way over the top with the political shit, story just drags. Best part was the Giancarlo coming back then they really do nothing with him.. homelander has even fallen off a little aside from the going home episode.
I actually liked the last episode a bit more because at least it advanced the main storyline a little bit with Homelander and Neuman making their big overthrow democracy plans. Overall it feels like they just want to set up season 5 but don't know how to fill a whole season with it. I still think the finale and season 5 are gonna be insane.
Hairplugs, minoxidil and other things can hide it.

Make no mistake that steroids make you go bald pretty quick.
Makes sense. Then begins the cycle of drugs. Take this for this. Then this for that and so on. Either way I have no need but I can understand the temptation for guys getting up there in years.
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Makes sense. Then begins the cycle of drugs. Take this for this. Then this for that and so on. Either way I have no need but I can understand the temptation for guys getting up there in years.

Guys getting up there in age can do HRT in anti-aging clinics which is basically low level steroids and HGH.
Actually, shock value is a needed factor in a series. It gives the impression of any character can get killed off when you least expect it. But there has to be more behind it than just shock value... like Ned Stark's beheading & Red Wedding in GoT.
Killing main characters got old in GoT real quick though. After the red wedding it gets boring.
Killing main characters got old in GoT real quick though. After the red wedding it gets boring.

Its HOW you kill well-developed characters.

You can't tell me the sequence of Cersi bombing the Sept in S6EP10 was extremely well done.
Its HOW you kill well-developed characters.

You can't tell me the sequence of Cersi bombing the Sept in S6EP10 was extremely well done.
The sequence was good. But when I read the book it got to a point where it was like "ah, that character is too well-developed, they gonna die soon"
They're going to 100% bring Soldier Boy back. It's the only way to deal with Homelander without killing every supe on the planet. There's no way they're leaving that ratings gold on the table.

No way.

Solja Boy coming back would want to kill all the protagonists tbh. The whole reason Butcher wouldn't use the virus is it would kill Ryan, Starlight and Ms Leather. Solja Boy would want to kill their whole group anyway for betraying him.
The sequence was good. But when I read the book it got to a point where it was like "ah, that character is too well-developed, they gonna die soon"

That sounds like Walking Dead Season 4 & onwards.

I was like "Woah, this character is getting alot of screentime. Much more than they were. They're definitely getting killed off soon."
Solja Boy coming back would want to kill all the protagonists tbh. The whole reason Butcher wouldn't use the virus is it would kill Ryan, Starlight and Ms Leather. Solja Boy would want to kill their whole group anyway for betraying him.

True, but Butcher being the monster he is would gladly sacrifice his whole team as long as Homelander dies, and Ryan is safe.
True, but Butcher being the monster he is would gladly sacrifice his whole team as long as Homelander dies, and Ryan is safe.

Yeah but Ryan dies from the virus or Solja Boy. Solja Boy might not have really cared about killing Ryan but now he absolutley does out of pure spite.
Yeah but Ryan dies from the virus or Solja Boy. Solja Boy might not have really cared about killing Ryan but now he absolutley does out of pure spite.

IF (and it's a big IF), Butcher can finally convince Ryan to go with the NSA lady, she can keep him off the grid and Soldier Boy can go H.A.M. :)
IF (and it's a big IF), Butcher can finally convince Ryan to go with the NSA lady, she can keep him off the grid and Soldier Boy can go H.A.M. :)

Ryan at this point still cares about Butcher but hes not turning on Homelander IMO. Specially after Homelander basically said "you have no rules". Homelander did this specifically so Ryan can't have any reason to resent him whatsoever.

Butcher might be able to kidnap Ryan though cause that means Ryan is allowed to keep visiting Butcher cause that was the main disagreement that led to that whole thing.
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