News BREAKING: Fatima Kline makes her UFC debut next week against Jasmine Jasudavious

Always thought Fatima was a funny name, and I still do. Ha, Fatima. Still waiting for some fool to name their daughter Obesity.
It's not an English name.

You think it's funny because you think the word Fat is funny, and for no other reason. Without that association it's actually quite a nice sounding name.

I call bullshit on that. Most people don’t give a shit if it’s a man or women fighting. It’s not even a thought that crosses their mind
Stop... you are either being clearly disingenuous or you are in a weird fantasy where men enjoy for entertainment, women beating each other bloody.

No, it really isn't. It's actually objectively false. Your feelings don't count as evidence.
See above and how you get so triggered off what's obvious?

It's actually not even close to true. It feels true to you, because you aren't actually paying attention.

Every single thread of its kind shows that WMMA haters are not even close to a majority, let alone an overwhelming one.

I don't think you could find any evidence at all of your "objectively true" opinion. I could easily find lots that refutes it though.

They are just a small, loud, and pathetic minority of MMA fans.
Projection? Maybe?

I will bet a bitcoin to anyone here that wants to hook up at any venue and poll folks on whether or not they have ever bought a ppv for a women's fight...

and a second bitcoin if they would be more likely to buy a ppv without that crap!
Stop... you are either being clearly disingenuous or you are in a weird fantasy where men enjoy for entertainment, women beating each other bloody.
It's MMA. We like watching people beat each other bloody.
See above and how you get so triggered off what's obvious?
So obvious that you can't provide even a shred of supporting evidence
Projection? Maybe?

I will bet a bitcoin to anyone here that wants to hook up at any venue and poll folks on whether or they have ever bought a ppv for a women's fight...

and a second bitcoin if they would be more likely to buy a ppv without that crap!
Lol no you won't.
Stop... you are either being clearly disingenuous or you are in a weird fantasy where men enjoy for entertainment, women beating each other bloody.

See above and how you get so triggered off what's obvious?

Projection? Maybe?

I will bet a bitcoin to anyone here that wants to hook up at any venue and poll folks on whether or not they have ever bought a ppv for a women's fight...

and a second bitcoin if they would be more likely to buy a ppv without that crap!
Now please leave the thread since you obviously know nothing at all about Fatima Kline or Jasmine Jasudavicius.

They are both more deserving of respect than you are.
send location!

I travel a lot and will absolutely come in peace. You're still a sherbro. I have seen a UFC in every state but for Alaska.
Centretown Ottawa. I'll be at the Human Rights Monument.

Fun fact about you:

You are not really an MMA fan. You only like MMA if the fighters have male genitalia.

Now that is objectively true. And a little weird TBH.
It's not an English name.

You think it's funny because you think the word Fat is funny, and for no other reason. Without that association it's actually quite a nice sounding name.

It's pretty standard for grown men to have a 13 year olds sense of humor, so yes it is the fat part that makes me chuckle. I know many nice Portuguese women named Fatima, I keep the childish joke to myself.
It's pretty standard for grown men to have a 13 year olds sense of humor, so yes it is the fat part that makes me chuckle. I know many nice Portuguese women named Fatima, I keep the childish joke to myself.
I would think a lot of Fatimas use it as motivation to stay in shape. The threat of being called Fatty Fatima is always looming large.
This is an absolutely TERRIBLE TAKE. Women’s basketball has recently had massive surge in popularity. Carlin Clark and Angel Reese have become superstars. The WNBA has been forced to rent out larger arena to house the massive influx of fans. Their games are constantly being feature in prime time and viewership is at an ALL TIME HIGH!!!!

All of this proof is that casuals fans of any sport do not give a damn about gender. They care about star power and storylines above all else regardless of sex.

Caitlin Clark is a super star. The biggest reason there has been such an increase in wnba exposure is because of all the race-baiting reporting with the Reese/Clark "rivalry".

Let's see where we are at the end of 2025 for viewership.
Stop... you are either being clearly disingenuous or you are in a weird fantasy where men enjoy for entertainment, women beating each other bloody.

See above and how you get so triggered off what's obvious?

Projection? Maybe?

I will bet a bitcoin to anyone here that wants to hook up at any venue and poll folks on whether or not they have ever bought a ppv for a women's fight...

and a second bitcoin if they would be more likely to buy a ppv without that crap!
I bet most people I poll at the fights will also say they like dogs.

Ya know, as long as we're taking popularity contests on shit that doesn't matter
Caitlin Clark is a super star. The biggest reason there has been such an increase in wnba exposure is because of all the race-baiting reporting with the Reese/Clark "rivalry".

Let's see where we are at the end of 2025 for viewership.

It will not last. Just like womens mma the wnba is just not as exciting and the athletes just aren’t as good or even close for that matter.

Caitlin Clark is like Rousey. She will capture the attention of casuals and in a couple years be forgotten. Just like womens soccer wins the World Cup or on. Women’s sports just don’t have the lasting power of men’s sports because the quality isn’t the same.
Ive seen the name but havent 'heard' much about her. Googled her real quick .... ah, she's a grappler. Dont care. I enjoy WMMA but were at a point were we need action.
Ive seen the name but havent 'heard' much about her. Googled her real quick .... ah, she's a grappler. Dont care. I enjoy WMMA but were at a point were we need action.
She's a also a good striker. And she's an action fighter, always looking for a finish. She's probably the best prospect in WMMA IMO.
send location!

I travel a lot and will absolutely come in peace. You're still a sherbro. I have seen a UFC in every state but for Alaska.
Are you really not from some conversative country? I have a hard time believing western people would find the concept of women fighting..... each other ....... at all shocking. Like in the least. This culture is so much "dirtier" than that. The world even. It's women fighting in sanctioned combat. It's something honorable if anything. Like really? Imo, I don't consider MMA violent unless it's something pretty bad happening, like someone getting beat needlessly when the fight should be stopped. Doesn't change how I feel if it's a girl or guy... They're fighting each other

They also look fine after most fights. Like on one hand the argument is they can't hurt each other. Then the other is it's too violent. Probably different people but I find it funny. Yeah they can't hurt each other as much as heavyweights lol. It'll be fine dude. Just enjoy the fights

It's crazy cause I feel like the traditionalist usually, but you guys are wild lol. Berka fighting maybe? With wooden sandals? What's your stance on ring girls lol
I will bet a bitcoin to anyone here that wants to hook up at any venue and poll folks on whether or not they have ever bought a ppv for a women's fight...

and a second bitcoin if they would be more likely to buy a ppv without that crap!

This has to be trolling
Rousey had like 3 one million buys pay per views
Not sure how Jasuda-vicious Jasmine will get in this one, but if she was coming in fully prepared for Araujo, then I think she should be good for this.

Fighting is stupid, so it's always funny when people try to pull some moral point that only grown women shouldn't do it, like it's only grown men we shouldn't give a shit about. Really should have people raising an eyebrow about the critic's inherently possessive thoughts.
Californian or college student?
GiganticMeat, sup lol

Are you really not from some conversative country? I have a hard time believing western people would find the concept of women fighting..... each other ....... at all shocking.
Turn off anything related media narratives. Sometimes things are not as they appear. This is why my bet stands. One bitcoin... poll any UFC audience as to whether or not they think having women on these cards makes them more likely to watch. It won't even be close.

Remember when every card there was so much to look forward to? And when they marketed killers against killers... and made them the main?

Objectively now, no?

What's your stance on ring girls lol
<Neil01> <KhabibBS><TrumpWrong1>

This has to be trolling
Rousey had like 3 one million buys pay per views
No, but an exception and since all the marks left the building after the head kick, back to normal. Kayla might do this as well. Who knows or cares?