Thing is the rest of us aren't as naive as you guys think. I've done competitive shit before, albeit not at an elite level. I've seen people cheat at low level sports, in videogames, in card games, at fucking monopoly lmao. People like winning and hate losing, and don't mind taking shortcuts to win. I'm not under some illusion that most people competing at ANYTHING aren't stacking the deck if they can. That being said, official high level competition has the expectation of fairness. People want to see a fairly contested matchup where the better guy wins, not the better cheater. So if you are gonna cheat, you better not fucking get caught. And if you do, you better not get caught cheating more than anyone ever has all while having a smug, shitty, unapologetic attitude about it. Not if you really care about legacy anyway. It's really, really bad optics.