Rumored Merab... hair transplant?

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Because the recipient might bang fat chicks with your donation. And when you get that shiny new vagina and eventually let yourself go and put away the ice cream only to go out and have daquiries, lo and behold, some handsome fella takes you home to mom's house, and you get one steaming hot night and get knocked you up with your own member. Then you've really fucked yourself.

Dayum son.
To me it looks like scalp micro pigmentation, they tattooed a stubble on his scalp, basically. That's why it's super short.
Just shave it bro.......spend the $100 on a clipper instead......

I’m rapidly approaching full blown mid life crisis meltdown. Haven’t pulled the trigger in the hair, yet, but it’s still cheaper than a new corvette.
I’m rapidly approaching full blown mid life crisis meltdown. Haven’t pulled the trigger in the hair, yet, but it’s still cheaper than a new corvette.
Shave it off and build your body instead. Cheaper and more rewarding.
Look at Volkans Oezdemirs ig, he had a hair transplant. Pretty good results given he was shiny bald a year ago.
And moved up 3 spots in the rankings.
2700 grafts ain’t cheap. I’m looking at about 4000 and it’s going to run me in the neighborhood of 10-12k.

My sherbros also need to understand that the old method of cutting a strip is obsolete. Robotic FUE is much more effective with no scarring and minimal downtime, albeit quite expensive.
You can get a megasession discount with an unscrupulous T*rk doc if you don't mind flying to T*rkey, I think the lowest I've seen recently is €1.50 per graft for mega
As far as I know, it's pretty foolish to have this procedure done while actively competing in the UFC.

If you need a hair transplant due to hair loss from androgenic alopecia, then you'll also need to take a 5AR inhibitor to keep the transplanted follicles from being attacked by scalpel androgens. 5AR inhibitors are a banned substance under USADA as they actually cause a surge in free testosterone (since some portion of your free test. will no longer be converted to DHT).

This guy is either gonna fail a drug test, or waste the transplanted follicles.




Looks like he glued his pubes on his noggin
Yeah, I mean he'll never have full coverage. He'll need 1 more transplant, and probably would look better if he shaved it to leave a feint shadow. But I'm surprised a surgeon even attempted it, he was completely bald.
Yeah, I mean he'll never have full coverage. He'll need 1 more transplant, and probably would look better if he shaved it to leave a feint shadow. But I'm surprised a surgeon even attempted it, he was completely bald.

I think he looks good bald. Like, he looks like a guy that is just supposed to be bald. I'm surprised he opted for a transplant.
Scalp micropigmentation. I guarantee it.



It's basically a hair tattoo to make it look like you've got stubble.
I think he looks good bald. Like, he looks like a guy that is just supposed to be bald. I'm surprised he opted for a transplant.
True. The key is he has a well proportioned head (upper third of his skull), so he doesn't look like an alien. It's also probably why the transplant was able to cover his whole head (albeit sparsely).
If I go bald I'd look like the alien from Mars Attacks.
the hair tattoo thing would have me worried. you'd have to religiously shave that dome every single day. doesn't matter if there was a zombie apocalypse or you were in the hospital for a few days.
Growth hormone ? Could you elaborate ?

As a former competitive bodybuilder, I had anecdotally observed that when taking growth hormone, I would experience significant re-growth in my temples. If I had to be honest, I was probably a Norwood 2 bordering on Norwood 3 (no crown hair loss, but receding hairline - while it was difficult for people to notice, if I combed my hair straight back, I would have had a pretty serious widows peak).

A combination of Rogaine and Growth hormone (2 ius per day) basically restored my hairline - while my hair isn't as thick as it was when I was a teenager, you wouldn't be able to tell that I suffered from hairloss). I am currently in my mid 30s, and HGH definitely has anti-aging properties. The downsides are that it is expensive (a kit runs abouts $400 a month), and can cause water retention in your extremities. There are a number of small side effects, but when compared to the benefits, it is definitely worth it (for me). Keep in mind that I could rationalize the expense as I was using HGH for purposes other than just hair loss.

I'm not sure if it would be worth it for someone just looking to regrow their hair. @Squintz
You can get a megasession discount with an unscrupulous T*rk doc if you don't mind flying to T*rkey, I think the lowest I've seen recently is €1.50 per graft for mega

Holy shit that’s cheap! The trip would pay for itself. Thanks, as always, Wad. Serious question; how do you know so much about hair?
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