Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

As Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, I’m unfortunately well-suited to remind Americans of just how calamitous being associated with Trump can be, even for those who are convinced he’s on their side. Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America
Obama was smart enough to know that a pandemic could happen and be prepared enough to create a playbook and leave for Trump.
Really! How did Obama know the pandemic could happen?
So you telling me Trump had the border issue all tied up with his unbuilt border wall that Mexico was gonna pay for? If Trump really cared about the border crisis he would've urged the bipartisan border bill to be passed and still take credit like he always does, but he would much rather the problem than the solution for political reasons.
Trump was finishing a border wall that Biden/Harris stopped from being finished. Trump had the border closed.
Biden/Harris created a border problem when they took office. Biden opened the border and we now have over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants in the US. That is just the numbers we know of. The actual numbers are probably twice that. Murderers, criminals, and rapists. How has Biden/Harris improved the border/immigration crisis since taking office?
If you referring to the classified documents Biden freely gave them all back, Trump played shuffle, hide, and lie with his. Yes you go and trust this man with the nation's highest secrets because someone threw a flattery his way.
No, Biden did not. What was Biden doing with classified documents in his garage in the first place? Why did Biden accept bribes from both Ukraine and China? Why were Biden and his son involved in money laundering? When will the DOJ start an investigation into that?
I asked you specifically, 'what is a "Marxist Professor?", and your reply was "If you don't know, I can't help you". You have given nothing but a bunch of nonsensical answers. "Marxist Professor" is just as stupid as saying "Capitalist Professor". It is a meaningless descriptor.
Well, I can't help you if you are stupid. Everyone else understood what I was talking about.
Marxist professor: A professor who leans towards Marxist ideas. Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes—specifically between the capitalists and the workers—defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will lead inevitably to a communist revolution.
I'm well aware of what a tenured professor is since I have taught at universities for over a decade. What does being tenured or not have to do with post-Keynesian economic theory?
What university would that be? Is it here in the US?
The fact is you don't know what tenure means. A tenured professor is free to preach radical ideas to his/her students without the consequences of being fired by the school. What does Keynesian economy have to do with the discussion?
I specifically said INDEFINITELY. You are questioning whether or not I am from the United States and you can't even understand basic English. Biden can not INDEFINITELY and unilaterally close the border. I even gave you the example of Trump's inability to do so himself.
Ah, yes, Biden can. At least for his term in office. For fucks sake dude, how many times do I have to address the issue of a presidential executive order? Trump did exactly that when he was in office. I feel like I'm talking to a 9 year old.
Biden cannot delegate "fixing the border" to the VP, no matter what he says, because neither of them have the power to fix it.
Really? But he has the power to launch a nuclear strike anywhere in the world? Are you playing dumb or are you actually this dumb?
I asked you specifically what are the powers of the Vice President that would allow her to "fix" the border....and your answer is "visit the southern border more and work with the border patrol"? WTF does that even mean?
Again, if you don't know what that means I cannot help you.
I spelled out the process for you and you still don't understand it. English must be your second language.
Trump backs out of 60 minutes. Kamala still doing it.

Really! How did Obama know the pandemic could happen?
He didn't know but being a serious man who took the job as president the seriousness it deserved he prepared for the possibility for all global threats. And being the complete joke of a man Trump is, he threw it out only to find that he would need it.

Trump was finishing a border wall that Biden/Harris stopped from being finished. Trump had the border closed.
Biden/Harris created a border problem when they took office. Biden opened the border and we now have over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants in the US. That is just the numbers we know of. The actual numbers are probably twice that. Murderers, criminals, and rapists. How has Biden/Harris improved the border/immigration crisis since taking office?
Trump was nowhere close to finishing any new wall most work was refurbishing the existing wall. I'm not going to spend time talking about Trump's stupid border wall like the wall would solve everything border-related. A simple plan from a simple man.
No, Biden did not. What was Biden doing with classified documents in his garage in the first place? Why did Biden accept bribes from both Ukraine and China? Why were Biden and his son involved in money laundering? When will the DOJ start an investigation into that?
Please don't post at me like I'm in one of your conspiracy theory chat rooms. Pence, like Biden, had classified documents and as soon as they were discovered they were promptly returned by both men, that's just fact. Trump didn't and that's also a fact.

What's your evidence of these bribes? Whatever they are please send them to James Comer maybe this will be the boost to move his impeachment inquiry to full-blown impeachment, but the clock is ticking quickly after almost 4 years of this sh!t.
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Well, I can't help you if you are stupid. Everyone else understood what I was talking about.
Marxist professor: A professor who leans towards Marxist ideas. Marxism posits that the struggle between social classes—specifically between the capitalists and the workers—defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will lead inevitably to a communist revolution.

What university would that be? Is it here in the US?
The fact is you don't know what tenure means. A tenured professor is free to preach radical ideas to his/her students without the consequences of being fired by the school. What does Keynesian economy have to do with the discussion?

Ah, yes, Biden can. At least for his term in office. For fucks sake dude, how many times do I have to address the issue of a presidential executive order? Trump did exactly that when he was in office. I feel like I'm talking to a 9 year old.

Really? But he has the power to launch a nuclear strike anywhere in the world? Are you playing dumb or are you actually this dumb?

Again, if you don't know what that means I cannot help you.
I spelled out the process for you and you still don't understand it. English must be your second language.
It is always the dumbest motherfuckers among us that think they're the smartest guy in the room. lol Good lord, what a waste of time this has been.