Getting rid of social networking?

I've thought about deleting the fb profile. I rarely go on there anymore. It's the same boring bullshit every day. I don't care what your kid said, what you ate for dinner, or how you're way happier than you ex that dumped you, or what your stance on gun control is.

The ONLY thing I actually like about it, is that when I used to be on it often, now I can look back and remember shit I'd forgotten all about. It's kind of like a journal. And I was pissed when the new myspace deleted everybody's old shit. That was like a little time capsule for me.

What the hell happened to the member blogs and comments section?
It seems like every time myspace changes ownership, they lose a huge chunk of their original design.
First they got rid of member groups, then they got rid of the forums section, then they got rid of blogs, and then they got rid of comments. wtf
I still believe the original myspace design beats any social networking site on the planet.
I have a FB account but created it for so my wife would have someone to be "married to". I think I've actually logged in and took a look around 4 or 5 times since 2007 or so. I can't really get rid of something I never had. About 3 years ago, I logged in and the wife said "you've got all these friend requests...aren't you going to accept them?". After a little bit of back and forth (it's nice, save face etc...) I said "okay, you can accept whoever you want". I ended up with a bunch of people that I don't REALLY talk with anyways.

The nice part is that the people that don't really know me are always saying "you didn't get my invite on FB blah blah blah" and I can say nope, I don't really check it. My friends and family know that I don't and we communicate via text and calls. If you can't call someone, you don't really want to be around them anyways.

The bottom line is: If I wanted to know what you were doing or if I wanted you to know what I'm doing, I'd call you and either ask or tell you.
I have FB for UFC prelims and to check on some people sometimes. But I don't really use it for anything else.
I still believe the original myspace design beats any social networking site on the planet.

Yeah the old myspace is still the most fun I've had on a social networking site. The good old days.
I still have all my social networking shit. Haven't used them in awhile tho. Get emails when I'm tagged in some bullshit, regardless of how many times I make sure I get no notification.
Only friendless folk use facebook, MySpace etc.
LOL!!!! My friend comes to mind. He's got like thousands of friends in fb, gets 80+ likes per post. When its his bday theres just 8 of us. LOL.
What the hell happened to the member blogs and comments section?
It seems like every time myspace changes ownership, they lose a huge chunk of their original design.
First they got rid of member groups, then they got rid of the forums section, then they got rid of blogs, and then they got rid of comments. wtf
I still believe the original myspace design beats any social networking site on the planet.

i really enjoyed myspace. the school forums and stuff were great. ppl just abused the html badly, it was insane. but the basic layout was great

if you look closely at at your facebook homepage, it has the basic layout as the old myspace

anyways, fb is a great news source for whatever you follow
Only friendless folk use facebook, MySpace etc.

I've just come back from holiday with 11 of my friends from uni, organised entirely through Facebook, everyone lives all over the UK now so it would've been a nightmare to organise any other way, even email conversations with that many people would get too complicated.

The majority of what I use it for is organising social events, especially with friends who now live in different cities.
I always find these threads funny because the people who say FB is for losers always have thousands of posts on here.
LOL!!!! My friend comes to mind. He's got like thousands of friends in fb, gets 80+ likes per post. When its his bday theres just 8 of us. LOL.

Dude must have that pay for friends & likes thing.
i've wanted to delete my facebook account, but there's too many of my navy friends that i would lose contact with. facebook was great when it first came out, but it has turned into myspace, nothing but people posting ridiculous pics with messages on them, as well as spamming me to play dumb ass games.
deleted facebook in 2010. I now arrogantly look down upon those that haven't.
Facebook seems to be fizzling out. I still have an account but it hasn't been used in awhile. I can see it being practical for some people, but I've never really cared for it.

Same here. Plus I have my own site, so I learned long ago to not work hard on promo'ing other people's sites.
Dude must have that pay for friends & likes thing.

Well some people just do that. They have 1000s of "friends" - basically they just say YES to any friend request. Somehow it makes them feel they have more status or something, or they're more "cool".

Never made a myspace or a facebook account. Sherdog stands alone!
So does not using social networking instantly make you a better human being? Because that's the vibe I'm getting in here. I use Facebook as a social organizer now, good for events/chatting to pals but not much else. Twitter I enjoy looking at for a number of reasons, one being I like to keep up with MMA news.
I've often thought the same thing, except replace Facebook with Sherdog. This place is a fucking time sink.

By your post count and join date, i'm surprised you're not dropping Sherdog instead. I'm sure you spend way more time on Sherdog than Facebook. Hell, drop both and you may be productive enough to become president of the United States! Godspeed sir.

I used to have a job that allowed me to post for 5-6 hours a day, 3-4 times a week a few years ago. Sherdog gets about 30 minutes of my time, maybe a bit more... but for small chunks of time. I jump off sherdog for a few days at a time quite often. Cant explain it why its less addictive.
I hardly even use my FB at all. I spend a total of probably 20 mins a day on FB compared to hours upon hours I waste here on Sherdog lol

Shit I spent more time watching that damn dubstep cat video in the You Laugh, You Lose thread last night than I have on FB in the last week.

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