How much are you getting in social security?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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Have you guys planned out your retirement yet?

I just created my social security account on to see how much money I'll be getting at what age when I retire.

I suggest you create an account and look on there what you get if you retire at 62, what you get at 65, what you get at 67 and at 70 years of age.

This way you can plan on your retirement. A lot of people are retiring at 62 overseas because it's a lot cheaper.
I've done the calculations before, but it's hard to say when I would take my social security. It would have to depends on my actual retirement age, health and overall financial picture. I'll be 44 this year so it's hard to predict what will happen 15-20 years from now without making tons of assumptions. I predict anywhere between 62-65 though.
That's my retire plan aswell. Probably with the help of some fent and a good amount of supreme red wine.

When I hit that age I am pretty sure the money is gone and I will be forced to work to I die.
I think the people born in the 40ties and maybe 50ties are the last one with a decent pension.
The rest of us is fucked.
When I hit that age I am pretty sure the money is gone and I will be forced to work to I die.
I think the people born in the 40ties and maybe 50ties are the last one with a decent pension.
The rest of us is fucked.
Yea, and many of those people are fucked by diabetes etc and had a happy 10 geriatric years after working whole their lifes.

Just jump off this flat earth.