Media What’s everyone eating, drinking, etc. for UFC 299?

Dead Kennedy

Don't steal, the government hates competition
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
We know it, we love it, we do it all in fun, but that being said…

Ohhhhhhh hell yea and shit Sherladies and Gentlebros, it be that motha fucken time again. That’s right it’s Fight Night, and suck me sideways is it a banger. With Marlon “Cheddar jalapeño Cheetos” Vera taking on “High Fructose corn syrup” Sean O’Malley, shit should be wild…


So let’s all enjoy ourselves, stay safe, and do this shit up right…

Grub: Local Chinese takeout, because i don’t want to make shit…

Chug: Bud Ice Tall cans, because it reminds me of when i was in High school…

Drug: Horchata, because it smelled fucking amazing…

Cap the night off with some good food, good drink and smoke, and take in some good old fashioned ultra violence…



@rj144 has promised to cook me something expensive and fancy later tonight^^ Exciting.
Always fun with a little mystery :) *Hungry.*
You didn't even say what sauces.
Shame on me, LOL. I get hot/BBQ extra crsipy wings with ranch for dipping (fuck bleu cheese, I ain't doing a dressing that tastes like you are sucking on hobo socks!) and then a wild card sauce that is determined as the night progresses. Pro tip for shit places like this, have the table give a nice cash tip to the server at the start of this night. It lets her know that you are not going to be a table of cheap skates that is just going to camp one of her tables for a 4 or 5 hour event and burn her at the end with a low tip. The service is always better when you do this!
Maybe some chips.

Just picked up an O from the local weeds store so that will definitely be on the menu tonight
Finally, a card we can seek our teeth into. I’m really pumped for tonight’s card, super stacked and should be a good time.

Just got home from bourbon hunting, and I picked myself up a poke bowl to eat for dinner tonight. I love sushi and poke, so I’m happy with that.

For libations, I’ll be sampling these 3 bourbons I bought: Bardstown Discovery #11 (which I am super stoked to try), Fox and Oden Double Oaked, and Rebel 10 Year.

Also got my trusty Good News and Mindy’s gummies. Let’s do this.

Watching at a friend's house. Doing a potluck thing with some neighbors and the guy who runs our neighborhood bar and grill. Probably going to catch the replay of Ngannou getting Deebo'd a few times.

Bacon cheeseburgers
MN Poutine - Some weird new fusion shit. Tater tots, cheese curds, and Chicken Wild rice soup in a casserole dish.
Bowl of berries and pomegranate

Pawel Kwak out of the holder

4g of Super Sour OG hash
1 vial of Sour Bubble tincture
A pack of cigarellos + 1oz GG #4
Probably just the usual khav khalash, deep fried rat scrotums then I’m going to sever my own foot and eat it raw all the while washing down those delicacies with a glacier fresh Kokanee. Might rail some meth too we’ll just have to see how cute I’m feeling