Elections Teamsters won't endorse Kamala Harris internal polling shows most members support Donald Trump

Rural areas have been dominated by support for Republicans for a long time. These are mostly "working class" people in those areas. So it really isn't much of a shift at all. The same union members that say they support Trump now are the same ones that supported him in 2016.
The difference is they endorsed Biden in 2020. And clinton before that.
The difference is they endorsed Biden in 2020. And clinton before that.
Yea head of the Teamsters made an appearance at the RNC too. Local halls are endorsing democrats regardless of what the head does. Trump and Republicans are pretty anti union. Trumps interview with Musk once again provides evidence to back that up. I dont think think there has been much of a shift in support for Trump amongst union members themselves tbh.
Show me where Trump was endorsed without flailing around and talking about immaterial nonsense.

Then I will accept I was wrong and Teamsters did, in fact, actually endorse Trump.

Remember, no need for cope posts! Now is your time to shine, go ahead, win the the thread: show us the endorsement!

We're counting on you, guy!
You still pretending you didn’t get this one wrong.

Major whoosh in missing the point and probably a large part of the reason why you struggle to ever bring anyone round to your side during a debate.

I assume you want your political party and your political view to be the dominant one.

Currently, a lot of people - wrongly in your mind - hold a view contrary to their and your benefit.

Constantly talking down to people won't encourage people over to your way of thinking.

But you keep doing you. The numbers show it's being "successful". ;)
You did nothing to address my point

You think union workers for vote for republicans know the republicans are bad for their job and career. But they’re offended at “being talked down to” so vote for republicans anyways?
I don't need to address your point

I dont care

you need to address mine, because i assume you do care about US politics

It seems there is still a chance a buffoon like Trump could get reelected.

you know how many people thinking of voting trump will not because you ridicule them and lord your superiority over them? Zero.

you know how many might be swayed to your side if you treat them with respect, like they are your equals and try to reason with them? I don't know. But I bet it's more than a guaranteed zero

This is why the self anointed superior left dont get. And its why you were all in disbelief and shambles the last time he got in.

I mean shit, from this thread it appears that an organisation that basically alqays supports Harris side could not do it this time because it would look too ridiculous.

perhaps if the left engaged with these people as fellow human beings on your level you could sway some or the less arsent ones to your side.

Or you could keep calling them fucking idiots and looking at them like shit on your shoe. That seems to be an intelligent and successful strategy
You did nothing to address my point

You think union workers for vote for republicans know the republicans are bad for their job and career. But they’re offended at “being talked down to” so vote for republicans anyways?
I don't need to address your point

I dont care

you need to address mine, because i assume you do care about US politics

It seems there is still a chance a buffoon like Trump could get reelected.

you know how many people thinking of voting trump will not because you ridicule them and lord your superiority over them? Zero.

you know how many might be swayed to your side if you treat them with respect, like they are your equals and try to reason with them? I don't know. But I bet it's more than a guaranteed zero

This is why the self anointed superior left dont get. And its why you were all in disbelief and shambles the last time he got in.

I mean shit, from this thread it appears that an organisation that basically alqays supports Harris side could not do it this time because it would look too ridiculous.

perhaps if the left engaged with these people as fellow human beings on your level you could sway some or the less arsent ones to your side.

Or you could keep calling them fucking idiots and looking at them like shit on your shoe. That seems to be an intelligent and successful strategy
Ok. So pander to snowflake republicans and tell them comforting lies and they’ll vote for you even if you openly fuck them in the ass with policy.

It’s feelings over facts with that voter bloc
Union workers overwhelmingly supporting Trump.

Libs: How can they do that? We know what's good for them, they don't know what's good for them!
This isn’t true . It’s just the teamsters union which is one of the most conservative in the country. Unions still favor democrats
Same thing happening here in Canada, where the right of center party's fiscal policies are positive to those wll paid trades and labour jobs.
No it's fucking not. Pierre has never voted in favor of labor.

He's voted yes every time back to work legislation comes up.

You're either ignorant or full of shit
Ok. So pander to snowflake republicans and tell them comforting lies and they’ll vote for you even if you openly fuck them in the ass with policy.

It’s feelings over facts with that voter bloc
Do you want your side to win the election and dominate in US politics?

Or do you want to just lord your self proclaimed and intellectual moral superiority over your fellow citizens. Deliberate non use of question mark. It's clearly the latter.

Screaming "you're a fucking idiot, I'm way smarter than you dickface" has always been a sound strategy to winning people over to your side in a debate
Do you want your side to win the election and dominate in US politics?
I want the side that will put together the better laws and executive orders for America’s present and future to win.

At the moment that’s the democrats policies. It’s not about sides or dominating politics. that’s what you don’t get.
I want the side that will put together the better laws and executive orders for America’s present and future to win.

At the moment that’s the democrats policies. It’s not about sides or dominating politics. that’s what you don’t get.

What I want doesn’t matter

Belittling people who currently aren’t on your side (and have the capacity to vote in your country*) won’t bring them round to your side

Stop lording how much smarter and morally superior you are to the plebs. Engage them amicably and try and explain your pov and you may convert them to your way of thinking

What I think about the reps or dems is utterly meaningless

Idiots in the left in the Uk do the same thing. Demean and ridicule people who don’t think like them and then wonder what happened when votes don’t go there way
No it's fucking not. Pierre has never voted in favor of labor.

He's voted yes every time back to work legislation comes up.

You're either ignorant or full of shit
He is eating the NDP's lunch so he is doing something to attach labour.
I was in Brussels, Belgium for business 2 weeks after the Muslims bombed their airport. I was touring the town before we went on our pub run to see the city. It's beautiful. The botanical garden had to have military to guard it. Then you get the Muslim side where they have graffiti all over the churches and other buildings. As I walked with my friend from Finland, three Muslims in their standard attire, looked like dresses, approached us on the sidewalk going the other direction. It became clear at 5 yards out that they were not going to make any way for us on the sidewalk. My Finnish Friend stood against the building closest to us flat to make way for them. I did what any Red Blooded American man would have done, picked the biggest one, dropped my shoulder into him with force and nearly knocked him on his ass. I spun around and yelled, something like.... "What the fuck do you want!?" Their scowls went right off their faces. I think it was not just my aggressive pissed off ready to beat the shit out of them look, but my American accent. I am pretty sure they realized I was not like the standard Eurocuck and had no issue throwing hands. As I measured them it was clear only the biggest guy that I dropped my shoulder into was a threat. The other two had no desire. They all backed down and kept going. My Finnish friend was shocked. He said in Finland they would never do that. He said they pull that move all the time and they just get out of the way. I told him in America, no man will stand against that building like he did. I may be wrong, there is likely many Democrat men that will. Different Cultures... hard to judge.
None of this actually happened. Maybe the trip to Brussels. Thats it.

What I want doesn’t matter

Belittling people who currently aren’t on your side (and have the capacity to vote in your country*) won’t bring them round to your side

Stop lording how much smarter and morally superior you are to the plebs. Engage them amicably and try and explain your pov and you may convert them to your way of thinking

What I think about the reps or dems is utterly meaningless

Idiots in the left in the Uk do the same thing. Demean and ridicule people who don’t think like them and then wonder what happened when votes don’t go there way
Holy shit you’re not even American and are trying to have a say in American union politics

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