Adesanya buying groceries for Nigerians

The ones who really help are not the ones posting that they help, just saying. I’ve hear from a nurse that Cristiano Ronaldo once came to her hospital, took 3 pics and left the kids with cancer. Didn’t even stay for 1min and next day you see articles how he cares etc, pure marketing in a disgusting way.
Good on Izzy, hard to believe that some people have say otherwise
The ones who really help are not the ones posting that they help, just saying. I’ve hear from a nurse that Cristiano Ronaldo once came to her hospital, took 3 pics and left the kids with cancer. Didn’t even stay for 1min and next day you see articles how he cares etc, pure marketing in a disgusting way.
SMH, why didn't Rolandos cure their cancer while he was there if he's supposedly God's gift to humanity and is way way higher value than the average man on planet Earth?
Based on Izzy's net worth and an average salary of $4 million, this is the equivalent of someone making $100k a year and spendign $80 on groceries for some strangers.
The Nigerians..

maybe he should move back there and become president, then fix the country. if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. but if you fix a man’s economy, he can buy his own fish.
The ones who really help are not the ones posting that they help, just saying. I’ve hear from a nurse that Cristiano Ronaldo once came to her hospital, took 3 pics and left the kids with cancer. Didn’t even stay for 1min and next day you see articles how he cares etc, pure marketing in a disgusting way.
He should've cured the cancer before he left tbf
Yeah, that title was garbage. He spent $3000 US. To use the Nigerian currency saying it was millions is just wrong. And you know that.

But I understand.. Usman, and Izzy aren’t relevant in the title pictures. So you need to pump them up somehow. But yes, congratulations on a multimillionaire buying $3K worth of food. It was a good thing.
He should've cured the cancer before he left tbf
I mean no one expected him to do miracles and we all know these people have so many marketing and sponsorship meetings they need to attend to that they can't spend 10 hrs anywhere. But for kids with cancer, meeting Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the biggest gifts they can receive and for the guy to not even stay for 1min and post after how he cares and was there talking to all of them is disgusting. Like have some decency and stay for like 30min and talk to them and don't take 3 pics and leave and act like you did some honorable act.