Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

That isn't a link, it's a screenshot of a link. Why can't you link it?

Because I already posted the link, and you didn't see it.

Why should I have any confidence you'd see the link if I posted it again? Its in the last page so its not hard to find now that you know what it looks like.

This is an example of you can lead a donkey to water but you can't make it not be a bitch.
That isn't a link, it's a screenshot of a link. Why can't you link it?
I think the reason why she did not the first time he wanted it on FOX with Hannity, Brian Kilmeade and Maria Bartiromo as hosts. It was viewed by Harris campaign as a joke by Trump.
Because I already posted the link, and you didn't see it.

Why should I have any confidence you'd see the link if I posted it again? Its in the last page so its not hard to find now that you know what it looks like.

This is an example of you can lead a donkey to water but you can't make it not be a bitch.
Mate, you posted it. You wouldn't have gone to the bother of screenshotting it if it were a credible link so let's just halt this debacle and save you the embarrassment.

We are in a current conversation. Why the fuck would I look at some shit you posted to someone else?
I think the reason why she did not the first time he wanted it on FOX with Hannity, Brian Kilmeade and Maria Bartiromo as hosts. It was viewed by Harris campaign as a joke by Trump.
She said any time after emasculating him in their debate. @GearSolidMetal is saying she refused 3 debates.
Mate, you posted it. You wouldn't have gone to the bother of screenshotting it if it were a credible link so let's just halt this debacle and save you the embarrassment.

We are in a current conversation. Why the fuck would I look at some shit you posted to someone else?

She said any time after emasculating him in their debate. @GearSolidMetal is saying she refused 3 debates.

@GearSolidMetal link to the fucking post you apparently posted and stop taking photos of it pretending it happened.

The link is on this post, from last page.

She said any time after emasculating him in their debate. @GearSolidMetal is saying she refused 3 debates.
Ok but look at how Trump treats his sucker's I mean supporters lol. Dude is embarrassing. He likely needed a nap on the plane lol. Media trying to spin this massive F up by him.

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I agree with all of your criticisms but I think you are not being objective in your scaling. Reagan's and GWB Jr.'s decisions were way more catastrophic and radioactive than Trump's.

Reagan shit the bed with the War on Drugs, Reaganomics, the AIDS crisis and his ghoulish foreign policy. All of them have deadly implications that we are still seeing plague America to this day. I know that Nixon formally started the War on Drugs but it eased up under Carter and Reagan brought it back into the spotlight. He prioritized punishment over rehabilitation (not very Christian imo) by setting up cruel minimum sentences and stripping funding from rehab facilities. The alleged goal of the War on Drugs was to reduce drug usage and there hasn't been any evidence up to now that indicates that it succeeded in doing so.

There was also some stuff floating around about the Reagan admin planting drugs in black communities and what not. I'd be lying if I said I looked deeply into it. But, it is consensus during the Nicaraguan civil war in the 80s, the CIA teamed up with the Contras to smuggle cocaine.

Also a lot of Reagan+Nixon's drug meddling overseas is partially responsible for the migrant crisis today. A good portion of the Asylum Seekers are from those destabilized countries that they meddled in.

To keep it brief, Reaganomics involved a lot of corporate deregulation/tax breaks and anti-union rhetoric. This lead to excaberated income equality and hindered economic mobility which devastated the middle class. The expectation was that the wealth would "trickle down". But, it didn't and you can see it carrying over to this day.


Also, Reagan didn't give a shit about the AIDS epidemic until his buddy,Hudson,died from it.. He didn't even bother to acknowledge it for 4 yrs and he added more salt to the wounds by pulling out funding for finding resolutions for the epidemic. I mean even Fidel Castro was more concerned about AIDS and the gay community than Reagan....And that man is not a saint by any means.....

Lastly, Reagan's foreign policy has a lot
  • Played a role in the formation of Al-Queda
  • Utilized Iranian Hostage Situation to win an election
  • Cozied up with the Apartheid South African Govt. and accused Nelson Mandela of being a terrorist....Like jesus christ, Mandela is a hero to literally everyone.
  • Betrayed congress by smuggling arms into Iran/Contra despite there being an embargo

Honestly with GWB Jr., the war on terror is probably the biggest fuck up in our nation's history. It is practically impossible to top, no amount of economic fuck ups are as much of a travesty as that imo. So yeah, Trump is a crock of shit but he was in no way shape or form (atleast up to now) as bad as GWB Jr. and Reagan as President.

This might be my longest post on this site.....Hope it wasn't too much.

With all due respect, all this ^^^ was unnecessary especially wasted on me. My original post ↓↓↓

I was not a fan of Regan, but I can never say he wasn't serious about the job of president. He didn't leave acting to seek TV ratings or crowd adulation, something that can't be said about the other guy currently running for the job who's also running to stay out of prison.
I used him as just an example of two people who moved from the field of entertainment to politics. Trump was never a real businessman he was much more brander as he is today but fell into entertainment through the reality show The Apprentice hence his obsession with ratings. Despite Regan's failures and shortcomings as president, he was what the Republican party held as their standard bearer of conservative ideology. And he certainly didn't leave acting seeking crowd adulation or TV ratings he had true beliefs about what America should be (not my beliefs)

For the life of me I just can't see what others see in Trump he's an extreme narcissist, extremely thin-skinned, extremely transparent, and dishonest on every level of human understanding, but as found a way to exploit people's fears & anxieties for his personal use. As I originally said I'm no fan of Regan but he did a far better job of acting the role of president than Trump ever did or could, Trump's major default, he does not care about people other than himself and some of his family.
Thank you for confirming, repeatedly, the stereotype of Democrats.
Thanks for what? You are rambling on twirling like a whirling dervish with no actual articles just your own weird photos.

Provide ONE link to an article to back up your weirdo unhinged bollocks.
It’s kinda been this way for a while now

The link is on this post, from last page.

View attachment 1068525

Can someone else help me here? Where is the hyperlink?

Thank you for confirming, repeatedly, the stereotype of Democrats.

Thanks for what? You are rambling on twirling like a whirling dervish with no actual articles just your own weird photos.

Provide ONE link to an article to back up your weirdo unhinged bollocks.


