Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

Sometimes its more convenient to pay a fee to keep silent than to have to deal with the consequences of a public accusation.

$100K/month? A minor inconvenience in comparison to a public accusation that could sink a Presidential Campaign... just ask Herman Cain.

You who believe Stormy Daniels should be more pissed at her for staying quiet during the primaries & general election season. If her story is convincing she could have been the one who knocks Trump off his momentum and we could have had President Hillary.

<YeahOKJen> OK, you hold on to all of that ^^^ whatever that is? And I'll go with common sense thinking of what a private dinner with a pornstar means where you didn't have dinner, but money gets exchanged right there and lawyers get involved well after this innocent private dinner non-dinner. But please keep spinning I'm enjoying your completely innocent situation gymnastics explanation.
Is this true?
It was random Reddit comment.

"In the last 32 years, Republicans have won the popular vote a SINGLE TIME; they are extremely unpopular. The electoral college gives minority rule over the majority, and they couldn’t exist without it."
Gonna be an easy W in Nov
I wouldn't go that far yet. Being a woman(no matter how stupid), she is gonna gain some momentum around the abortion issue. I'm just amazed that they keep wasting time on "Project 2025", and not making the entire election about abortion rights. I figure they're picking their spot to drop that bomb, but it's getting pretty damn late in the game.
<YeahOKJen> OK, you hold on to all of that ^^^ whatever that is? And I'll go with common sense thinking of what a private dinner with a pornstar means where you didn't have dinner, but money gets exchanged right there and lawyers get involved well after this innocent private dinner non-dinner. But please keep spinning I'm enjoying your completely innocent situation gymnastics explanation.

The pornstar doesn't even claim money was exchanged for sex. Apparently you have a fantasy for how it all went down which includes invisioning how they had sex.

OK, you hold on to all that.^^^
I’m glad Elizabeth Warren called her the most qualified candidate in decades ..

Is this true?
It was random Reddit comment.

"In the last 32 years, Republicans have won the popular vote a SINGLE TIME; they are extremely unpopular. The electoral college gives minority rule over the majority, and they couldn’t exist without it."
It's true, but it's because "majority rule" is bad, and the system is in place to combat it. If it was straight up majority rules, they would campaign in a few big states, and that would determine the election. The little guy would not have a voice. It's a good thing that smaller areas still have a say in the election.
I wouldn't go that far yet. Being a woman(no matter how stupid), she is gonna gain some momentum around the abortion issue. I'm just amazed that they keep wasting time on "Project 2025", and not making the entire election about abortion rights. I figure they're picking their spot to drop that bomb, but it's getting pretty damn late in the game.
I thought Biden even tho had dead had more of a chance still . He already had the cat woman votes she will get that . People forget how horrible she was in 2020 and in interviews .. it’s the honey moon phase for her so she gets a bump it will go down in polls
Is this true?
It was random Reddit comment.

"In the last 32 years, Republicans have won the popular vote a SINGLE TIME; they are extremely unpopular. The electoral college gives minority rule over the majority, and they couldn’t exist without it."

True, and its actually 36 years, with Bush Sr in 1988.
It was 2004 Bush Jr won the popular vote and ironically the electoral college came down to a single state - Ohio.

Neither party got over 50% of the vote in 1992 or 1996 due to Ross Perot. But Clinton came the closest in both elections.

As for 'the electoral college gives minority rule over the majority' claim, that's laughable because the White House is only one of the three branches of government. And we're not a democracy and never have been, we're a representative republic that uses democracy systems to elect representatives. If we were a democracy we, the citizens could directly vote for legislation.
If it was straight up majority rules, they would campaign in a few big states, and that would determine the election.

So instead, we disenfranchise millions of votes so that they can campaign in a few swing states, and that determines the election.

<YeahOKJen> OK, you hold on to all of that ^^^ whatever that is? And I'll go with common sense thinking of what a private dinner with a pornstar means where you didn't have dinner, but money gets exchanged right there and lawyers get involved well after this innocent private dinner non-dinner. But please keep spinning I'm enjoying your completely innocent situation gymnastics explanation.
You’re talking to a guy who said he was going to go spend time with his friends on a Friday night only to stick around arguing politics on karate forum.

so either he is on his phone while out drinking with his friends arguing politics on a karate forum, He doesn’t have friends to go drinking with on a Friday night like he claimed, or in the span between posts he managed to go out, have a beer with some friends, and come back home to continue posting when they all called it a night to get rid of him and then secretly went somewhere else.

Any which way you cut it, it’s pretty sad. At this point you are punching down or you are kicking a man while he is down, tough to say. Regardless, I would ask you to try and be nicer to him. Seems like the right thing to do
It's true, but it's because "majority rule" is bad, and the system is in place to combat it. If it was straight up majority rules, they would campaign in a few big states, and that would determine the election. The little guy would not have a voice. It's a good thing that smaller areas still have a say in the election.

Bro, there's like 6/7 states that determine the outcome. The little guy has no say outside of those 6/7 states

Those 6/7 states pretty much have ALL the say in the election lmao