Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

The problem with this retarded argument is that you have to actually prove that the person is unqualified for the position.
And this somehow ONLY applies to black people for some odd reason.
So SCOTUS Brown was a DEI hire, but Amy Coney Barret wasn't? Brown has more experience as a judge than everyone there, multiple times over.

So you don't look at these people's records. You see that they are black, and immediately assume that they are unqualified because of their race, and then don't understand when people call you racist.

Why did Trump choose Pence as his VP? Was he the most deserving? Best pick? No, he is a Christian that could bring in Christian voters.
You don't think Joe Biden being an older white male had anything to do with Obama picking him to be his VP?
Again, SOMEHOW, these things are only an issue when black people are involved. What a mystery it is.
“Racist”‘doesn’t work
Fuck that
Giving people handouts based on race or gender is wrong
Your little tantrum doesn’t change that
Yo, we missed our chance in 2016 and again in 2020
Bernie is what America needs.
Yo, we missed our chance in 2016 and again in 2020
Bernie is what America needs.

Bernie needs to discover the Chucky voodoo spell to transfer his soul into a younger body, and when that body turns 35 years old he should run for president...

...and get screwed out of the nomination for a third time.


Anyway, the +1 point in general election polls for Trump is cute, but the real action is with the swing states and how they've changed, if any, from when Biden was to be the nominee and now it Kamala.

Even with the +1 poll that was +2, that's largely irrelevant because its not like the same people voted in both polls. I'd be so much more interesting to see who's minds have been changed.

Perhaps some didn't like Trump or Biden and would be convinced by the 'Black Female' headlines to vote for Kamala?

Perhaps some didn't like Trump or Biden but were so revolted by Kamala they're convinced to vote for Trump.

The polls amingst the black community have been interesting with Trump attracting the highest polls for a Republican nominee in modern political history.... but now the Democrats have Kamala. It'd be interesting to see if the needle has been moved.
Bernie needs to discover the Chucky voodoo spell to transfer his soul into a younger body, and when that body turns 35 years old he should run for president...

...and get screwed out of the nomination for a third time.
He’s the real one that would fight for the everything working man and anti corporate power and greed. The true enemy of the establishment. The Peoples Champion.
Dumb fucks in America lost their chance for the next FDR, a man of integrity that would fight to rebuild the middle class and make America number 1 again.
He’s the real one that would fight for the everything working man and anti corporate power and greed. The true enemy of the establishment. The Peoples Champion.
Dumb fucks in America lost their chance for the next FDR, a man of integrity that would fight to rebuild the middle class and make America number 1 again.

'The next FDR...'

*Sigh of relief* Thank God we dodged that bullet.

Anyway, I'll give Bernie this credit - He's a true believer. Most closeted communists know communism doesn't work because its never worked as advertised. Its a cancer that destroys prosperous nations and they become povertous totalitarian states.... which is great for the totalitatians but absolute shit for everybody else.

Bernie is a true believer in the respect he actually believes communism can work as advertised. God bless him the stupid fuck.
Remember guys, Elon totally didn't buy Twitter to promote propaganda.

He bought it to post bad fake AI ads of a presidential candidate.

And under the old leadership which had major influence by the FBI, that AI clip would be deleted and the account that uploaded it would be banned..... for 'misinformation.'

No matter how much Kamala gets in campaign donations, at least she can't use the FBI's influence over social media to silence and punish her political opponents.

Well, not on Twitter anyway. They can still ban whomever they like on all the other social media apps.