Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

Actually I'll thank you for the correction : Insurrection charges have been made for some, but I can't find any numbers for any who have been convicted.

I've seen the longest sentences of those convicted were charged with 'sidicious conspiracy.'

Sedition involves plotting and incitement, while insurrection refers to actual acts of violence against the government123. The federal law against insurrection, Section 2383, slightly blurs that line

So, I'll ask again... why wasn't Trump charged with Insurrection or Seditious Conspiracy by Biden's DOJ?

He'd be rotting in a jail cell now, rather than running for president.

You who are constantly saying 'insurrection' should be pissed at Biden.
LOL........ he'd be in the exact same boat he is now.... delaying at every step. Did you miss where he was charged with a boat load of crimes already? Somehow you think that THOSE particular crimes would have been any different?

Grab your balls...... and pull downward.
Facts are facts, doesn't matter the bias of who's checking them.

Except when facts aren't facts.

"The problem is that fact checkers themselves can be unreliable sources for what's true or not. Fact checkers make their own mistakes. They sometimes change ratings based on new information. Or they make determinations based on arbitrary standards that can change from one review to the next."

"Case in point: PolitiFact called a 2012 Mitt Romney campaign ad its "lie of the year" for a statement about Jeeps being made in China. PolitiFact admitted that the "lie" in the ad was actually the "literal truth."

If you're an honest person, you shouldn't be attempting to analyse my post for what you can dispute. You should be wondering what you've read long ago from a fact-checker and you don't even remember you read from a fact-checker but you've automatically concluded since reading it it is a fact... but it may be... or probably is a lie.
you shouldn't be attempting to analyse my post for what you can dispute
LOL........ he'd be in the exact same boat he is now.... delaying at every step. Did you miss where he was charged with a boat load of crimes already? Somehow you think that THOSE particular crimes would have been any different?

Grab your balls...... and pull downward.

As it turns out, all of them have been bunk... not even worth going to trial and the ones that went to trial and were convicted for are just as bunk and will obviously be thrown out during appeal.

*Leftist judge with a daughter DNC fundraiser.
*DA who ran on 'getting Trump.'
*Assistant DA who transferred from the Biden Admin 6 weeks before charges were pressed.
*Trial was in a district that Trump had a 95% dissaproval rating.

‘You need not be unanimous’: Legal experts explain confusing jury instructions in Trump hush-money case as jurors themselves ask judge to re-read them​

There's literally layers of legal reasons this will be thrown out, but the whole point of the trial was for Democrats & MSM to repeat 'Convicted Fellon' at nauseum until the election.
LOL @ how brainwashed people are to the point where they literally try to construct a new reality by denying all the facts and creating alternate ones.
So why did Trump have a private dinner in 2006 with Stormy and then find it necessary to commit bank fraud to make her sign an NDA because of their encounter?

This is really childish, lmao.
Leave him alone. He’s tryna convince himself that Diaper Don didn’t choose Stormie to smash over him…
As it turns out, all of them have been bunk... not even worth going to trial and the ones that went to trial and were convicted for are just as bunk and will obviously be thrown out during appeal.

*Leftist judge with a daughter DNC fundraiser.
*DA who ran on 'getting Trump.'
*Assistant DA who transferred from the Biden Admin 6 weeks before charges were pressed.
*Trial was in a district that Trump had a 95% dissaproval rating.

‘You need not be unanimous’: Legal experts explain confusing jury instructions in Trump hush-money case as jurors themselves ask judge to re-read them​

There's literally layers of legal reasons this will be thrown out, but the whole point of the trial was for Democrats & MSM to repeat 'Convicted Fellon' at nauseum until the election.
You don't HAVE to stay in the cult buddy. Seek deprogramming.


I am open to being corrected, and I just was about the insurrection charges.

With such ignorant statements when discussing the credibility of fact-checkers - 'Facts are facts' implies he believes the fact-checkers are just reporting facts and seperating them from lies.

That article proves otherwise.

And its ironic that you posted a Cartman meme because the absolute last thing I want to be is...

...at you guys for not knowing that fact-checkers are disguised editorials with the aura of unchallengable truth.

I learned something from you guys, so there's no shame in ya'll learning something from me.
Sometimes the political bickering can be fun, but learning something would be more constructive.

And if not....

But seriously, its Friday night, so I'm going out to have some drinks with friends. Enjoy bickering in the thread.
You don't HAVE to stay in the cult buddy. Seek deprogramming.

Did you bother to 'fact-check' anything from my post, or are you afraid to?

Because if anything I said was wrong, then by all means tell me. I am very open to be corrected.

If not, and you just don't want to admit what I said is true, then you should stay in your cult. Don't bother seeking deprograming, it won't help you at all.
stay home or vote third party

Do NOT stay home. That is an L no matter how you shake it.

No one has the right to shame you for your vote. Neither Republicans or Democrats seem eager to quell the suspicions of collusion with foreign nations or election fraud. We are undoubtedly heading for more voter demoralization again this time. Almost as if they want you unsure and willing to give up, pass the buck.

Even if you vote for yourself, this isn't a sporting event, cheering and high 5s with your friends at the water cooler cause your guy or girl won is a low brow and infantile reaction.
R's will say "if you voted for Biden in 2020 shame on you" D's say "if you voted for Trump in 2016 shame on you" nah, fuck all that. Educate yourself and be honest with what you expect from these so called "leaders" in our government.

If you give up your right to vote, the owner/donor class (who most def will not be staying home, they have way too much invested) wins. These "elites" lol are fighting for the right to always have most chips at the table at all times and Washington DC is happy to bend over and allow it.