Crime Biden was in possession of classified documents while not in office

all brandon did was return a bunch of overdue library books. the library didnt even know he had those books, and neither did brandon. it was an honest mistake. he didnt ignore the library's phone calls for a year, defy court orders, lie about having those books, and continue to refuse to cooperate. the library didn't have to get law enforcement involved just to recover their property. brandon just returned those documents in a timely manner and is cooperating with everyone. thats the difference between grown men and toddlers.

i dont know about you, but i'm never gonna go to prison for not returning my library books. perhaps if i refused to cooperate with everybody and continued to act like a petulant little child that wants to do whatever they want without facing any consequences for their actions then maybe yeah....if it gets to the point when an overdue library book turns into the cops kicking down my door, then yeah i would expect to be in some trouble. i'm the one who made that trouble. but most rational human beings wouldnt put themselves in that situation. they would just return the books back to the library once the library starts callling them up and reminding them, and then it would all be over with.
You do realize that nobody takes you seriously right?
You are acting like a fucking child with your library book talk. And I won't be engaging with you any further itt.
Why would I repost articles already shared?

You keep talking in circles no matter the evidence provided. You're dismissed.
You keep saying they are the same without acknowledging we don’t know if intent was the same. Yet you seem to now acknowledge intent does matter.
You keep saying they are the same without acknowledging we don’t know if intent was the same. Yet you seem to now acknowledge intent does matter.
It's classified and top secret. Fuck off with your intent shit and admit being irresponsible with classified documents is a very fucking bad thing to do!!!
You do realize that nobody takes you seriously right?
You are acting like a fucking child with your library book talk. And I won't be engaging with you any further itt.

i'm not the one who brought up the library book thing lets make that clear. i just have to go along with it.


since you muppets want to play the same thing both side argument, lets do it! seeing how what donald trump did was basically an overdue library book. what brandon did was an overdue library book as well. time to have your cake and eat it too fucko.
i'm not the one who brought up the library book comparison lets make that clear.

according to the forum, what trump done was no worse than an overdue library book


since you muppets want to play the same thing both sides, what brandon did was clearly no worse than an overdue library book. you cant have your cake and eat it too fucko.
Save your stupid shit for someone that has picked a "side".

Obviously I don’t like either, and my "side" would be the average citizen

again, you're comically confused. the issue isn't trump asking for a warrant to seize the stolen shit. i don't care that he asked for a warrant to seize the stolen shit. i care that he had the stolen shit and refused to return it to the owner. that they only retrieved the stolen shit that he was irresponsibly storing by seizing it. your warrant strawman is a joke.

did they say ‘just give us all the documets” and he refused or was it “give us this this this and that document?”
Save your stupid shit for someone that has picked a "side".

Obviously I don’t like either, and my "side" would be the average citizen

the average citizen would have returned their overdue library book when the library started calling them up and reminding them that they have a book they need to return. they wouldnt take it so far that the police would ever have to get involved.

if you think the library book thing is dumb and unreasonable, just wait until i start having fun with trying to downplay brandon's actions as nothing worse than jaywalking, or butting in line at the arcade. and before you start trying to take dumb little potshots at me for it, you can thank the maga trash here at sherdog for that. anything to try to defend their orange idol and downplay his crimes!

i mean same thing both sides right? i'm still waiting for somebody whos trying to make that implication to come along and actually tell us just why these incidents are supposed to be even remotely the same thing. you are #7 who's failed. maybe we will have better luck with #8.

but if you're trying to imply that these two events were the same, then you leave me with no choice than to go with the same bag of excuses that the trump defense force pulled out of their asses to try to defend diaper don's ordeal after his golf course got raided by those weaponized fbi agents, unlawfully of course.

kudos to brandon for contacting the library and returning his overdue library books in a prompt manner. it takes a grown man to be responsible and do the right thing. not everybody returns their books to the library.
the average citizen would have returned their overdue library book when the library started calling them up and reminding them that they have a book they need to return. they wouldnt take it so far that the police would ever have to get involved.

if you think the library book thing is dumb and unreasonable, just wait until i start having fun with trying to downplay brandon's actions as nothing worse than jaywalking, or butting in line at the arcade. and before you start trying to take dumb little potshots at me for it, you can thank the maga trash here at sherdog for that. anything to try to defend their orange idol and downplay his crimes!

i mean same thing both sides right? i'm still waiting for somebody whos trying to make that implication to come along and actually tell us just why these incidents are supposed to be even remotely the same thing. you are #7 who's failed. maybe we will have better luck with #8.

but if you're trying to imply that these two events were the same, then you leave me with no choice than to go with the same bag of excuses that the trump defense force pulled out of their asses to try to defend diaper don's ordeal after his golf course got raided by those weaponized fbi agents, unlawfully of course.

kudos to brandon for contacting the library and returning his overdue library books in a prompt manner. it takes a grown man to be responsible and do the right thing. not everybody returns their books to the library.
Not reading all that nonsense

You're dismissed
It's classified and top secret. Fuck off with your intent shit and admit being irresponsible with classified documents is a very fucking bad thing to do!!!
Being irresponsible with classified records is bad. Being intentional with TS and TS / SCI records is worse. Let’s find out what bidens intent was before we say they are the same. Again your aggro responses to facts is unnecessary.
Not reading all that nonsense

You're dismissed

concession accepted

i'd like to say that our good friend Same Thing Both Sides #6 over here tried. but i hope he didn't give it his best.

frankly i was more amused by #4, though the effort there was rather lacking as well. but maybe #7 will finally be the one to come along and put forward a rational and compelling argument as to why these incidents were the same thing instead of just trying to attack other posters because they are incapable of using facts or logic to make or refute any points

i mean sure the fbi executed a search warrant of the home of a president, and there were a bunch of other minor naunces and stuff, but really it was all just the same deal, and i look forward to brandon also getting "trumped up" on obstruction charges as well. same thing both sides. and besides, what diaper don did was considered no worse than an overdue library book, jaywalking, or cutting in line at the arcade, so being the same thing different sides, i dont know why it should be treated any different with the big guy either.
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Intent matters in determining the crime. We don’t know yet if Biden’s actions were irresponsible or intentional. We know trumps were intentional.

Sigh... yeah let's wait and see what happens with Biden. Totally still to be determined..
Again you’re ignoring that intent matters.

Did they find TS or TS/SCI docs with Biden? I didn’t see that yet…..

they might have but its moot now. president obama probably declassified them in his head and didn't tell anyone. but obama is a private citizen now so he is able to use his private citizen privilege superpowers and declassify all of those documents just by thinking about it, and make all of brandon's problems go away.

i'm pretty sure thats how it goes anyways. donald trump, tucker carlson, and sean hannity told me that they can do that kind of stuff. so its time to give private citizen obama a call and exercise some jedi mind tricks so they can wash their hands of this.

if that doesnt work then its time to cry for a special master, and then pick our own special master, and then cry about our special master and refuse to work with our special master the moment our special master asks any questions.

brandon and his administration need to start handling this situation ike a bunch of toddlers if they want any chance of the right wings "same thing both side" narrative to ever hold any water. at the very least, brandon should get on twitter right this very moment and start attacking the weaponized FBI and the DOJ, tell everybody that the FBI planted those documents in his house (but they are really his, and he wants them back!) and demanding to know who snitched him out, while he tells everybody what a cooperative good little boy that he's been the whole time. after that its lawsuit time baby! if we cant get our overdue library books back, we're gonna stall this baby out for as long as we can while we kick and scream!
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@Saye_mc as I mentioned, kash Patel was talking about this earlier. He also was apart of keeping Devin Nunez memo in Russia gate from being made public.

They have the receipts for all this shit and alike I said, they need to bring these people into congress ASAP. Thankfully you can see Elise and others already being public with this stuff and she has some influence within the party. Coming in hot with this rhetoric means she better be ready to fight

@Saye_mc as I mentioned, kash Patel was talking about this earlier. He also was apart of keeping Devin Nunez memo in Russia gate from being made public.

They have the receipts for all this shit and alike I said, they need to bring these people into congress ASAP

lmao this is beautiful. garland appointed a special counsel just to shut the trumpers up and now the chuds are now crying about brandons special counsel. nothing will ever be enough to satisfy these muppets until brandons head is on a pike and cheeto benito gets installed as king and fuhrer through some kind of corruptive and unconstitutional means because he will never win another election by votes.

boy its going to hurt them when they start to realise that nothing will become of brandon's overdue library books because he never did anything to obstruct and they will not find any willfull or malicious intent to be able to define mishandling under the code of law, which they will need to do to get any kind of convictions under the criminal records act or the espionage act.

brandon doesnt even need to cry about the special counsel or his investigation. the maga muppets will gladly do it for him!
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