Crime Biden was in possession of classified documents while not in office


i dont know about the democrats, but i'm all about law and order, and not beating up a few hundred cops every time somebody loses an election. if brandon committed any crimes, then he should very well be held accountable for them. so far it doesnt appear as if this was ever the case. he might have ordered a pizza with pineapple on it once. they might want to check that one out instead of trying to put his head on a pike just for returning a bunch of overdue library books that he never even knew he had and neither did anybody else.

i'm not the one who brought up the library book thing lets make that clear. i just have to go along with it.


since you muppets want to play the same thing both side argument, lets do it! seeing how what donald trump did was basically an overdue library book. what brandon did was an overdue library book as well. time to have your cake and eat it too fucko.

Stop posting this shit without context.
More hypocrisy unraveled and the swamp takes another beating. Today was a good day.
Did you black out and forget making several hundred posts in the "Trump's home raided" thread, because lemme guess, you happened to have some time off then too from your job that totally exists?

This deranged essay is pretty embarrassing given your new stance on classified documents. What happened to "OMG, there's no way out for him now, this is it, those are government documents including classified and top secret material which bunker boy kept stored unsecurely in an unauthorized location mixed up with his personal belongings in pool room closets and desks of an unsafe location, his day of reckoning is finally here, they should seize his passports, there's no way for 'chuds' to defend him now, he's going to have to flee to Russia"?

Cut to a couple months later and now it's "Bro, it's not like Biden parked his Corvette in the street, his crack addled son's closets and strewn around random garages in multiple states are exactly where classified documents belong. This is the nothingest nothingburger ever."

so whats next? now how is tangerine jesus supposed to stop the FBI from taking all of those classified documents that they were granted custody of through the courts, and then using them to indict mango mussolini under federal charges? the same classified documents recovered from diaper don's golf course. government property which they found and recovered after executing a lawful search warrant. documents belonging to the government which diaper don illegally and unlawfully possessed and even lied to the feds about having on his property after 13 months of stifling and ignoring the NRA's requests and even defying court-ordered subpoena's to return. government documents including classified and top secret material which bunker boy kept stored unsecurely in an unauthorized location mixed up with his personal belongings in pool room closets and desks of an unsafe location on a golf course located inside of a hurricane zone where foreign agents have been known to venture around freely at.

now what? how are they going to try to spin what happened, and the situation at hand now? most of these chuds arent even going to know what to make of all this or even what they are supposed to think until tucker comes on the air!

theres not much if any of a way out left for the fanta fascist. perhaps he can write to The Pope and demand a divine intervention from God. i dont know what else is supposed to save his sorry ass from getting perp walked. maybe somebody else has more insight on that matter, but for all i know his finest team of lawyers have pretty much exhausted every option they had left of preventing, or even significantly delaying the inevitable.

putin's puppet should just like flee to russia or some shit before his big day of reckoning arrives and they seize his passports. or at least for the very first time in his life, perhaps the human corncob needs to go through on one of his promises and simply just fuck off to fuck offedy land where nobody will ever see him again, just like he said he would do if he lost the 2020 election. run away forrest drumpf. its about all you can do now to try to save face in front of all that maga trash who applaud and even worship you and throw their money at you, no matter how many times that you lie to their faces, throw them under the bus, and steal from them.
Did you black out and forget making several hundred posts in the "Trump's home raided" thread, because lemme guess, you happened to have some time off then too from your job that totally exists?

This deranged essay is pretty embarrassing given your new stance on classified documents. What happened to "OMG, there's no way out for him now, this is it, those are government documents including classified and top secret material which bunker boy kept stored unsecurely in an unauthorized location mixed up with his personal belongings in pool room closets and desks of an unsafe location, his day of reckoning is finally here, they should seize his passports, there's no way for 'chuds' to defend him now, he's going to have to flee to Russia"?

Cut to a couple months later and now it's "Bro, it's not like Biden parked his Corvette in the street, his crack addled son's closets and strewn around random garages in multiple states are exactly where classified documents belong. This is the nothingest nothingburger ever."


I agree with your post, but to be fair to @idrankyourbeer ....or dunno, maybe I shouldn't since he LOVES to rub everything in our faces...I think this is something that everyone does. We're all hypocrites on some level and we're just defending our own "tribe". It's just human nature.

My only pleasure in this is that the left gets a tiny taste of what the right's been getting for a decade. I hope more of these swamp beatings happen so they get more humbled and realize the errors in their thinking and that maybe this means the gap between left and right can shrink.
Did you black out and forget making several hundred posts in the "Trump's home raided" thread, because lemme guess, you happened to have some time off then too from your job that totally exists?

This deranged essay is pretty embarrassing given your new stance on classified documents. What happened to "OMG, there's no way out for him now, this is it, those are government documents including classified and top secret material which bunker boy kept stored unsecurely in an unauthorized location mixed up with his personal belongings in pool room closets and desks of an unsafe location, his day of reckoning is finally here, they should seize his passports, there's no way for 'chuds' to defend him now, he's going to have to flee to Russia"?

Cut to a couple months later and now it's "Bro, it's not like Biden parked his Corvette in the street, his crack addled son's closets and strewn around random garages in multiple states are exactly where classified documents belong. This is the nothingest nothingburger ever."


i never changed my stance on classified documents. i'm all about law and order. not just when its convenient for me.

if brandon broke any laws, then charge him for it.

but the way it looks now, honest joe done the right thing and deserves to be recognized and honored for his actions. not everybody returns their overdue library books or turns in wallets with all of the money in tact. not everybody does the right thing.

donald trump stole boxes of classified documents and obstructed every attempt that was made to have him give them back. for that he deserves to be locked up indefinately for the greater good of the country. law and order baby! no man should be above the law.
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I agree with your post, but to be fair to @idrankyourbeer ....or dunno, maybe I shouldn't since he LOVES to rub everything in our faces...I think this is something that everyone does. We're all hypocrites on some level and we're just defending our own "tribe". It's just human nature.

My only pleasure in this is that the left gets a tiny taste of what the right's been getting for a decade. I hope more of these swamp beatings happen so they get more humbled and realize the errors in their thinking and that maybe this means the gap between left and right can shrink.
I've already said I didn't care before and don't care now, but they were pretty damn insistent that it was the most serious crime ever and obvious justification to raid political opponents' homes and should clearly result in imprisonment, and they probably got Bob Woodward to come on CNN to say "this is worse than watergate" like a pullstring dummy.

I'm more concerned with why apparently damn near everything our public officials do seems to be classified and kept from the public where there are just millions of classified and top secret documents to the extent that they can't even keep track of them and don't even know when they're missing. I get having a few things that shouldn't get out, but it seems like damn near everything they do is a sercret outside of their rehearsed speeches that are usually full of lies. The fuck are people supposed to be voting for if so much of their operations are kept from the public?
I agree with your post, but to be fair to @idrankyourbeer ....or dunno, maybe I shouldn't since he LOVES to rub everything in our faces...I think this is something that everyone does. We're all hypocrites on some level and we're just defending our own "tribe". It's just human nature.

My only pleasure in this is that the left gets a tiny taste of what the right's been getting for a decade. I hope more of these swamp beatings happen so they get more humbled and realize the errors in their thinking and that maybe this means the gap between left and right can shrink.

fuck it bro, in order to downplay trumps obstruction, you told us that what diaper don did was no worse than an overdue library book, jaywalking, or butting in line at the arcade. seeing how brandon found some shit that he didnt know he had and neither did anybody else and he promptly returned them instead of making anybody have to fight him for it, i can't really compare the two, but i'm going to have to try.

so if what bunker boy did was just like having an overdue library book or jaywalking, then what honest joe did was help a little old lady get across the street and return her library books. for that he deserves to be recognized and awarded for his leadership and good will towards the country. not all heroes wear capes.

i don't even really like the old man, but he's gained some respect in my books just for doing the right thing. not everybody is honest enough to return their library books or turn in somebody elses wallet with the money still in it.
its nice to see the repugs focusing their attention on joe's corvette instead of just hunter bidens cock. they should check the trunk and see if theres any missing trump ballots in there.
fuck it bro, in order to downplay trumps obstruction, you told us that what diaper don did was no worse than an overdue library book, jaywalking, or butting in line at the arcade. seeing how brandon found some shit that he didnt know he had and neither did anybody else and he promptly returned them instead of making anybody have to fight him for it, i can't really compare the two, but i'm going to have to try.

so if what bunker boy did was just like having an overdue library book or jaywalking, then what honest joe did was help a little old lady get across the street and return her library books.

I compared criminal punishments between a President and a civilian and yes the difference is a slap on the wrist for them vs a life sentence for us. Overdue library book vs 25 in federal.

I also compared the outrage leftists had for Trump vs what they had for Hillary. Your side has a sick obsession with the orange guy and his party, even though your side can be just as guilty if not much more. Enough with the dirty tricks and double standards, it's ruined the country.
I compared criminal punishments between a President and a civilian and yes the difference is a slap on the wrist for them vs a life sentence for us. Overdue library book vs 25 in federal.

I also compared the outrage leftists had for Trump vs what they had for Hillary. Your side has a sick obsession with the orange guy and his party, even though your side can be just as guilty if not much more. Enough with the dirty tricks and double standards, it's ruined the country.

sitting here talking about double standards when your masks already came off after the mar-a-lago "raid" oh please. whats next, are you going to tell me that it would also be no biggie if it was brandon who done what trump did?

5 years of screeching about the handling of government documents while chanting Lock Her Up, and suddenly trump gets caught up into something that no other president has, and suddenly you dont seem to give a shit about that. no biggie! no worse than an overdue library book, or cutting in line at the arcade! whatabout obama and hunters laptop.

up until august 8th, mishandling government documents is a really bad crime and people should be locked up over it. thats all we've heard out of the rubes for years on end. and suddenly donald trump gets wrapped up in the very same shit.....and now they dont even care about the crime anymore!

you guys are as fake as they come. now you go back to screeching about brandon returning a bunch of classified documents, as if you suddenly care about any of that. you dont care about the crime, you only care about who is doing it and what color hat they wear. if they found a bunch more boxes full of classified documents in the mar-a-lago pool room closet tomorrow, it would still not be an issue to you. don't even pretend like it would. you have already shown your hand.

double standards lol get real
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the best takeaway from this so far is that maybe diaper don will stop with trying to portray himself as the victim of some kind of unfair targetted witch hunt, now that a special counsel is also looking into brandons actions.

doubtful. but we'll see.
sitting here talking about double standards when your masks already came off after the mar-a-lago "raid" oh please. whats next, are you going to tell me that it would also be no biggie if it was brandon who done what trump did?

5 years of screeching about the handling of government documents while chanting Lock Her Up, and suddenly trump gets caught up into something that no other president has, and suddenly you dont seem to give a shit about that. no biggie! no worse than an overdue library book, or cutting in line at the arcade! whatabout obama and hunters laptop.

up until august 8th, mishandling government documents is a really bad crime and people should be locked up over it. thats all we've heard out of the rubes for years on end. and suddenly donald trump gets wrapped up in the very same shit.....and now they dont even care about the crime anymore!

you guys are as fake as they come. now you go back to screeching about brandon returning a bunch of classified documents, as if you suddenly care about any of that. you dont care about the crime, you only care about who is doing it and what color hat they wear. if they found a bunch more boxes full of classified documents in the mar-a-lago pool room closet tomorrow, it would still not be an issue to you. don't even pretend like it would. you have already shown your hand.

double standards lol get real

Screeching? Fake as they come? I extended an olive branch instead of rubbing this disaster in your face nonstop.
the best takeaway from this so far is that maybe diaper don will stop with trying to portray himself as the victim of some kind of unfair targetted witch hunt, now that a special counsel is also looking into brandons actions.

doubtful. but we'll see.
For Trump and the chuds they are always the victims of some unfair targeted withchunt. For them the victimhood never ends.