Crime Biden was in possession of classified documents while not in office

Stopped reading right here, because if that's the level of discussion you want to have, I'm out. I'm not a maga supporter, I've stated numerous times itt that I'd like to see him locked up as well for mishandling sensitive information.

couldnt even answer a single question. but theyll keep pushing the "same thing both sides" narrative without ever telling us anything at all that would even indicate these two events are even related anywhere along the same family tree.

thanks for playing, #6. i expected better out of #6 here. there isn't any question that he isn't willing to answer with logic and facts just to get his message across.

i'm really getting a kick out of the "same thing both sides" crowd. it appears as if not all of them trump lickspittles either. they keep trying to imply or even flat out say that these two events were the same, but so far none of them have been able to make that kind of argument, and when asked just how these two incidents were the same, every single one of them has tucked their dick so far. strange.

it's almost as if these incidents really arent related at all, but some people just want them to be and are out there to paint that narrative, while ignoring all of the facts and everything else in front of them.
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It's literally the same thing you pests were whining about Trump doing. Except Biden did it twice and won't face anything for it. Won't face raids, won't face one let alone two impeachment trials... Won't face a bad media report really. He might even 'win' reelection... Congratulations for being on his side. You're a real winner.

"Literally" is it?
Nothing at all different in those two situations?
Are you purposefully dishonest or just stupid?
couldnt even answer a single question. but theyll keep pushing the "same thing both sides" narrative without ever telling us anything at all that would even indicate these two events are even related anywhere along the same family tree.

thanks for playing, #6. i expected better out of #6 here. there isn't any question that he isn't willing to answer with logic and facts just to get his message across.

i'm really getting a kick out of the "same thing both sides" crowd. it appears as if not all of them trump lickspittles either. they keep trying to imply or even flat out say that these two events were the same, but so far none of them have been able to make that kind of argument, and when asked just how these two incidents were the same, every single one of them has tucked their dick so far. strange.

it's almost as if these incidents really arent related at all, but some people just want them to be and are out there to paint that narrative, while ignoring all of the facts and everything else in front of them.
Are all the minor nuances the same? No

Are the crimes of possessing CD and TS documents in less than secure facilities, at a time they weren't supposed to possess them? Absolutely
I think every president has taken documents, knowingly and unknowingly that they were not allowed to keep.
I also think the reason these documents were recently found is because of the Trump investigation.

The obvious difference is someone with the government asked Trump for his.
"Literally" is it?
Nothing at all different in those two situations?
Are you purposefully dishonest or just stupid?

There's a lot different in those two situations, unfortunately. But the 'crime' is the same. Your reaction is different for one thing. That much is for certain.
Are all the minor nuances the same? No

Are the crimes of possessing CD and TS documents in less than secure facilities, at a time they weren't supposed to possess them? Absolutely

minor naunces?

you mean like ignoring the NRA's requests to return those documents for over a year, and then defying a court ordered subpoena to return the rest of those documents, and then lying in a sworn statement just to try to get them off of your back, and then they ultimately had to wind up getting law enforcement involved and have a federal judge sign off on a search warrant, just so that they could recover their property, because it was clear at that point that diaper don had no intentions of ever returning their property. they had to come and take it from him because he obstructed all of their efforts to get them back and refused to cooperate.

that doesnt sound very minor to me. whens the last time they had to get a federal judge to sign off on a search warrant on a former presidents home because he refused to cooperate and return somebody elses property?

you say its a bunch of minor naunces? i don't see brandon in the same situation here. nobody was hounding brandon for years to return their property while he willfully ignored them. he wasnt fighting them tooth and nail. he didnt lie about not having a bunch of documents only for them to find them on his residence. he didnt defy any subpoenas. he promptly returned the documents the moment he found them. and if donald trump would have done the same thing as brandon, he wouldnt be in this mess that he is now. instead he wants to break all the rules just for the sake of it. this motherfucker cant even microwave a big mac without breaking 5 laws. he did everything he could to take the "peaceful" away from peaceful transition of power.

i mean shit, even after the fact trumps still raging and fighting and kicking and screaming about this "greatest witch hunt" thats ever gone on. hows brandon handling it? is he in a fit of rage sending out any mean tweets about the weaponized fbi and his biden-hating special counsel? is he filing lawsuits trying to further obstruct their investigation and try to get them to give them those classified documents? is he begging for a special master that he doesnt even want to work with or answer any of his questions? is he on tucker carlson or hannity, telling everybody that its no big deal because he can use his magical powers to declassify those documents inside of his head just by thinking about it? no. it seems to me as if he's welcoming the investigation.

seems to me there is nothing remotely the same here, except the only common ground here is that they both had some classified documents where they shouldnt have had them, but that isnt always necessarilly a crime. everything else is apples to oranges because you are dealing with an overgrown toddler who simply wants to do whatever the hell he wants and face no consequence for his actions.

if trump would have just gave them back their shit when they first started asking for it, it wouldn't be a big deal and he wouldnt be looking at obstruction charges and crimes tied to the espionage and presidential records acts, and then maybe it would be a "same thing both sides"
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There's a lot different in those two situations, unfortunately. But the 'crime' is the same. Your reaction is different for one thing. That much is for certain.

Not really, no one even heard about the classified documents Trump kept when he was asked to return them the first time.. its only when he continued to refuse to do so over and over is when it became an issue
There's a lot different in those two situations, unfortunately. But the 'crime' is the same. Your reaction is different for one thing. That much is for certain.
Intent matters in determining the crime. We don’t know yet if Biden’s actions were irresponsible or intentional. We know trumps were intentional.
Are all the minor nuances the same? No

Are the crimes of possessing CD and TS documents in less than secure facilities, at a time they weren't supposed to possess them? Absolutely
Again you’re ignoring that intent matters.

Did they find TS or TS/SCI docs with Biden? I didn’t see that yet…..
the NRA's requests
<BidenShutIt> The NRA has nothing to do with this
he didnt lie about not having a bunch of documents only for them to find them on his residence
He most definitely did. He has to sign documents that state all sensitive material is accounted for.
i mean shit, even after the fact trumps still raging and fighting and kicking and screaming about this "greatest witch hunt" thats ever gone on.
I don't give a single shit about him, don't support him for president, and would like to see him answer for his crimes as well.
if trump would have just gave them back their shit when they first started asking for it, it wouldn't be a big deal
That's the difference between us here. It is still a big fucking deal!!! You or I would go to prison for having documents we weren't supposed to have. They were both private citizens with shit they shouldn't have had, and in unsecured locations.

You can try to spin this until you turn blue, the only difference will be is you're a blue fucking idiot.
Stopped reading right here, because if that's the level of discussion you want to have, I'm out. I'm not a maga supporter, I've stated numerous times itt that I'd like to see him locked up as well for mishandling sensitive information.

We have an Outburst here
That's the difference between us here. It is still a big fucking deal!!! You or I would go to prison for having documents we weren't supposed to have. They were both private citizens with shit they shouldn't have had, and in unsecured locations.

You can try to spin this until you turn blue, the only difference will be is you're a blue fucking idiot.

all brandon did was return a bunch of overdue library books. the library didnt even know he had those books, and neither did brandon. it was an honest mistake. he didnt ignore the library's phone calls for a year, defy court orders, lie about having those books, and continue to refuse to cooperate. the library didn't have to get law enforcement involved just to recover their property. brandon just returned those documents in a timely manner and is cooperating with everyone. thats the difference between grown men and toddlers.

i dont know about you, but i'm never gonna go to prison for not returning my library books. perhaps if i refused to cooperate with everybody and continued to act like a petulant little child that wants to do whatever they want without facing any consequences for their actions then maybe yeah....if it gets to the point when an overdue library book turns into the cops kicking down my door, then yeah i would expect to be in some trouble. i'm the one who made that trouble. but most rational human beings wouldnt put themselves in that situation. they would just return the books back to the library once the library starts callling them up and reminding them, and then it would all be over with.

it shouldn't ever have to come down to over 1 year of waiting, court records, affadavits, subpoenas, and search warrants just to get somebody to return their overdue library book. only with diaper don. motherfucker cant even tie his shoes without breaking 5 rules.
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