The Sphere Card is kind of trash

UFC brassdem have a slick approach tryna convert passersby who be poppin into Vegas fi di Canelo scrap all di brokeazz yutes who nah have tix finna be like oh damn raza up der buckin' mi tink I like UFC I rate it 💯 Short term loss long term gainz fam MBA eggheadz prolly came up wif di plan 🥚👤👩‍🎓
I know it's beating a dead horse but having Burns v Brady just a week before this fight on a fight night is kinda lame. Just have them on the main card. I know the counter argument is its free on fight night but a card is kind of an event type of night. Not sure what fight to be excited over other than the main event. Diego v Ortega is decent I suppose

If you want to see how diluted the UFC is just look at the fight night the week before. Should be a few of those fights in the main card or atleast prelims
Prince Turkey is going to be very upset that you guys are giving UFC all the credit for this shitty "Mexican" card in the most useless venue ever created, completely ignoring that he proudly bought this sack of shit event from the UFC. It is wild how far UFC is distancing their brand from this event. Based on the last 217 UFC PPVs this event would be titled UFC 306: O'Malley vs Dvalishvili or based on all 305 UFCs ever held would at least start with UFC 306:, but they dropped that number lineage for the first time ever and dumped this financial pig on the Saudis just like they did with Francis ;)😲
the card is average, for a big UFC event my problem is built around its marketing. the entire premise has been the first ever Sphere sporting event but a hamfisted mexican "noche" gimmick. but this is UFC as a whole who are still stuck in their early 2000s WWE style presentation and its well and truly behind.
Why isn't Gaethje on the card ? Isn't he half mexican?
A lot of short-sightedness about this card.

The UFC has put out about $30m already for this card. With no guarantees of success.

But they were supposed to be paying another $20M for “name” fighters assure a card the casuals would want to buy?

That card would literally LOSE money..

But as long as SD and it’s complete misunderstanding/utter ignorance about big business by some in here. Continue to talk out of your asses. Hate all you want.

But if you talking nonsense, and I will continue to tell you to..

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UFC bankrupt within 2 years if most of you were running the show.


The best movies never get heavily promoted because there is no need to promote the movie because word of mouth will do the job for free.

Bad movies receive heavy promotion in order to generate enough sales to recoup the cost of making the bad movie.

In the fight biz, you have to convince two people to agree to fight on a certain date, and you have to succeed at that job 12 or 15 times for each card.
You may have some great ideas for matchups, but there is no guarantee that you will succeed in convincing both fighters to agree to fight on the date you want.

That's normal fight biz.

You can complicate the normal biz by booking the most expensive venue known to man.
When you do that, you have added a problematic challenge to your normal game.

As you approach the date, and you failed to get every booking you wanted, you still have to pay for the expensive venue.
Your solution to obtaining profitability switches from "greatest card evah" to "greatest venue experience evah.'

Seems normal.
What's with people expecting 6-7 high ranked fights on every single card??!?!? Shit back in the day your lucky to get 1-2 competitive watchable fights on a card and a stacked card once or twice a year rofl.
The WMMA is ruining it the most for me. The breaks are already so long but the standard WMMA co-main just means there's 50 minutes of uninteresting stuff before the main event that usually ends just past midnight.
What's with people expecting 6-7 high ranked fights on every single card??!?!? Shit back in the day your lucky to get 1-2 competitive watchable fights on a card and a stacked card once or twice a year rofl.
So you're saying and I quote the boss the "greatest sporting event of all time" card is trash?

You should be here telling the people the Esteban vs Zellhuber fight is wagyu and if people didn't know, now they know. How bad of a shill can you be when you don't point out that the guy that opens the main card has 1 win in the UFC vs a guy that is 0-3 in the UFC?

Unless you show your 5.000 usd ticket I am gonna ask you to stop the dickriding.
More than half the card is shit. I don’t take Dana serious when he says he wants to honor Mexican fighters either. These events usually compete against boxing cards.
Seems like Dana is banking on the venue being the main attraction, along with the Mexico Independence Day angle....but ticket sales suggest that he missed the mark and really should have put some more quality into the card.
The main event is WMMA ffs and I don’t even know who this chick is?!?!

What did you expect, the UFC has been a subpar entertainment product for years.
jeff, Hate your pain came back. That shoulder replacement & bone infection damage by not grafting was a total nightmare.
Yeah. That sucked.

You're an inspiration to anyone needing joint replacement. So few realize how much one surgery affects so much more than just where the surgery was done.

Every time they cut me open it takes a little something away, range of motion, certain activities, ability to sleep

Best of luck to you and Pf with the battle of pain. Not for pain, but Cibadol's full spectrum cbd tincture 1800 mg bottle can possibly help with the anxiety.
did you edit this? I seem to remember (possibly incorrectly) it saying something like "it won't make the pain go away but" ... which is the type of thing someone with way too much first hand experience would say (and it is also true, particularly of the high levels of pain that chronic pain has to offer)

One eye-dropper IMHO helps your brain to somewhat chill - but it's not going to make the pain go away.

Derp. There it is. Sorry. I'm a tard.

but apparently a tard with a halfway decent memory

It just somehow helps dealing with the sucky cards dealt when dealing with the insane body repairs. I've tried multiple cbd types and brands - Cibadol has proven to me, by far, being the most consistent help at the best price.

I'll share that what I am really struggling with now, besides pain, is the mental/endurance side of things.

2023 sucked. Broken bones of one form or another all 365 days. Horrendous pain, brutal surgery.

Jan 2 2024 had surgery so since then had been recovery and that facilitated a "positive attitude" because I was "on the track to recovery" or "on the better side of the nightmare"

But now i have done 7 months+ of physical therapy. I am not going to get back more range of motion. What i have now is what I am going to deal with for the rest of my life and I can't reach my head with my right arm, can't shave my bald ass head with right arm, can't reach shelves above shoulder height, blah blah blah. This is it.
And it sucks.

Also I am as "recovered" as I can probably ever expect to be and I am still in pain, a lot of fucking pain, every day pain, wake up numerous times in my sleep every fucking night pain.

Sorry to dump on you. You have listened to me, you have been supportive and I do truly appreciate that. You also may be a member of a very small group of people that may understand what I am talking about. (@Poirierfan @others) I hope I am wrong about that.

I have to go back to ketamine infusion treatment.
I tried to quit it because it fucking takes me out of commission for 2-3 days and I can't work. But I tried without it and pain seems to have gone up. That is annoying.

Sorry to be a whiny bitch. I should have written this before (im in a decent ass amount of pain right now) but I wanted to give you a proper response.

I am open to trying CBD again. If you dont mind (feel free to ignore this or tell me to fuck off)
what is the exact Product name/dose and what does it cost? Where do you get it?

My worry with CBD, like everything else is that my pain level is simply too high. I can see how it would help people but when I tried it before it just wasn't strong enough for me. My current pain level cuts thru 80mg of oxycontin and 60mg oxycodone daily and the pain cuts thru the ketamine which i think current dose is 450mg plus toradol.

I don't expect to ever be pain free but it would be nice to be able to function like a regular person, to be able to work at least part time and to have a few hours a day where it was possible to focus on something besides the pain.
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So you're saying and I quote the boss the "greatest sporting event of all time" card is trash?

You should be here telling the people the Esteban vs Zellhuber fight is wagyu and if people didn't know, now they know. How bad of a shill can you be when you don't point out that the guy that opens the main card has 1 win in the UFC vs a guy that is 0-3 in the UFC?

Unless you show your 5.000 usd ticket I am gonna ask you to stop the dickriding.
I mean half the people complaining also like to pretend that Pride Pro Wrestling put on more than 2 watchable cards a year. Also O'Malley Merab, Val Grasso and Lopes Ortega are amazing fights. What the fuck more do you cry babies want?? Honestly. It's crazy the standards some of you old limp dicked dorks hold the UFC to while praising Pride ONE PFL for putting on actual garbage. Sorry there's no fat slob Japanese pro wrestlers on the cars to get KTFOD to satisfy your weird little fetish.
Which genius in the UFC brass thought it’d be a good idea to have a card headlined by two manlets (one with colored hair) on Mexican Independence Day weekend in Las Vegas?
They were probably confused why a foreign country's independence day would matter to Americans (i.e. UFC's biggest audience)
I remember when Conor fought on an Ode card, NOW ODE is ppv at The Sphere. Kid's finally made it get your $2000 nose bleed seats everyone. <mma4>
Ode Osborne vs Ronaldo Rodriguez being on the main card is completely ridiculous TBH. That is a Fight Pass early prelims kinda fight.

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