The accusation that Herb Dean was influenced or had money riding on O'Malley needs to be taken seriously.

Herb's been in the game a while. I seriously doubt he's gambling on MMA, much less a fight that he's a part of. That's just asking to go to jail.

Now, what's this about kissing male mma fighters? I don't get it.
I am sick and disgusted...

I couldn't believe my eyes Saturday night.

Herb's biased refereeing against Merab was so painfully obvious, he barely tried to hide it.

From the second the bell started, Herb came at Merab.

Just because Merab won, doesn't mean I'm going to let this whole ordeal slide.

First things first, I want to point out that I'm a true MMA fan (I don't mean that in an arrogant or pretentious way).

Yes, I may have my biases, but that doesn't mean I want there to be barriers put in place by outsides forces (the referee in this case).

Regardless of how insufferable and hideous Merab may be (he looks like a goblin), he shouldn't have to deal with Herb's BS. What in God's green earth did Herb mean when he told Merab to show some "work"? I cannot stand it when a referee dictates how a fight should play out.

Personally, I was amused by Merab kissing Sean. In fact, I would have liked to see more of it. I don't understand why more fighters don't utilize kissing their opponents. It's an effective psychological tool to break their opponent's will. I enjoy watching it (mainly for male fighters).

I respect O'Malley for not making excuses but I would like to see him call out Herb's biased refereeing.

Personally, I'm no O'Malley fan. Dying your hair bright colors does not make up for having the personality of an expired raisin.

The hat that Merab wore after the fight looks like he he stole Khabib's hat and dipped it in Shrek's swamp before urinating all over it. It looks hideous. (no offence to his culture).

Umar vs. Merab is the fight to make. Caveman vs caveman.

Honestly, I'd be more inclined to support Umar if he decided to grow out his mustache or shave his neckbeard.

I respect the caveman culture he comes from, but I'm not a fan of the neckbeard look. Khabib would have been a lot more popular if he grew out a normal beard.

All this macho crap about how a fighter's looks not being important is complete BS. If I can imagine myself kissing a male fighter and liking it, I'm usually a lot more invested in their fights.

what a mess of a post...
"I'm a true MMA fan!!!!!!! " but I don't mean that in an arrogant or pretentious way... <<<<<<Really... you don't say... I Would NEVER have gotten the impression you were Arrogant or Pretentious.... No...... NEVER.....
"Herb's biased refereeing against Merab was so painfully obvious, I am sick and disgusted!!!! <<<<Then >>>> Personally, I was amused by Merab kissing Sean I enjoy watching it (mainly for male fighters): If I can imagine myself kissing a male fighter and liking it....I'm usually a lot more invested in their fights.... <<<<<<the (male) fighters kissing each other angle.... that will expose Herb as corrupt...
"Honestly, I'd be more inclined to support Umar if he decided to grow out his mustache or shave his neckbeard" <<<< what does this have to do with Herb???
"I respect the caveman culture he comes from" <<<<<<Yup sure sounds like it...
"The hat that Merab wore after the fight looks like......." <<<<<<<<<< just stop already....
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Personally, I was amused by Merab kissing Sean. In fact, I would have liked to see more of it. I don't understand why more fighters don't utilize kissing their opponents. It's an effective psychological tool to break their opponent's will. I enjoy watching it (mainly for male fighters).

All this macho crap about how a fighter's looks not being important is complete BS. If I can imagine myself kissing a male fighter and liking it, I'm usually a lot more invested in their fights.
Jerome Le Banner confirmed.

Regardless of how insufferable and hideous Merab may be (he looks like a goblin
Oh I don't know, like he's not ugly to the point that I feel uneasy when I look at him (I mean, he isn't some blob-looking HW). He does look like he's mostly self aware though, and he's not acting like a bad tough guy (which is funny, because he doesn't really lack toughness).
Why do you find him unsufferable ? (really asking, I may have missed something.)
But-but-but interfering with and influencing fights is literally illegal! Dana, Ari, and TKO Holdings Incorporated are squeaky-clean goody-goodies who would NEVER do anything untoward!!!!
OP you need to change your password. Your account may have been compromised. I feel that you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid threads.
While I do think Herb absolutely sucks as a ref, it never once looked like he was doing things out of something pre-conceived.

They've all rang with being just in the moment calls.
While I do think Herb absolutely sucks as a ref, it never once looked like he was doing things out of something pre-conceived.

They've all rang with being just in the moment calls.
Imagine if O'Malley won and as he is getting belted up, Herb shouts "FIFTY GEEEEEEES DANA!"
This thread reminds me a lot of something ol Dimebag Darrell used to say about playing in certain keys, although I believe OP ventured well beyond the "semi" part here.

Am I missing something? What betting allegations?

If that was true Herb could lose his job easily I would think. Also so dumb to bet on Sean in that fight
He also got real pissed at O'malley when he was grabbing Merab's gloves.
We had a snoozer co-main and main. I think it was more pressure from the UFC to try to give us a more exciting fight.
I think it was this more than anything.

The UFC spent big money on this and charged massive amounts for the tickets. They filled it with no names and then had Schev lay and pray her way to a win and Merab vs Omalley was just Omalley doing nothing and Merab playing with him. It's like that UK card that cost people the extra bonuses, though that was the UFCs fault for the weird fight timings.