i'm 24 years old and have legit zero friends. I have no idea how this happened. My life sucks and I need help turning it around

Sometimes there is a reason why you find yourself with no friends. I never heard of you but my first impression is a sad one. Maybe work on that? Start counting relatives as friends will look better on your resume.
I don't know why I'm telling you this, but it gets worse as you get older. The way it's easy to make friends at jobs? That goes away in your 30s and 40s. Everyone has kids.

If you're introverted now and you don't fight it as hard as you can, you'll just get more introverted as you age.
I'll drink to that!!!

The older I get, the less time I want to spend around others.
Do I go back to school to get a Masters just to make more friends? i'm also unemployed. getting a masters would kill two birds with one stone : making it easier to get a job and making me get friends easier
There is first mistake to think that if you will have next paper you will have more real friends.
I had to see different kind of guys. Some were cretines and still not too bad.
No, you will not get friends easier. Pretty opposite. While for CV ofc if you are learning something will automatically look better for primary screening and chances to get first interview. This still is only like excuse that you are doing something real etc type. A lot of ppl with " low " education level does have friends and even normal jobs or businesses....
There also is reality that before you will not get real problems you will not know who is your real friend and who isn't.
I had experience when I had wrong opinion about 3 guys. I had assumed that they are too sharp and brutal, while in reality they were surprisingly helpful when I had real shit. Some others initially looked more friendly and they were friends when I had good days.....
About girls I will not talk cos otherwise there will be too much posts in long rows and I don't think that someone here needs to read boring stuff.
Do I go back to school to get a Masters just to make more friends? i'm also unemployed. getting a masters would kill two birds with one stone : making it easier to get a job and making me get friends easier
Definitely finish school.

What do you like to do?

What do you find interesting?

You're only 24 ffs its not the end of the world lol.

Go to places that interest you, find people that like the same thing.

Go outside, touch grass, build something.
I graduated college when I was 22, had a job lined up right out of school and was there for a year before I got fired. Been unemployed since February. I cant find work due to the horrible job market. I'm applying to jobs in the 40K-50K range and I'm getting nothing

Why did you get fired, and what was the job sir?
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For 24 y.o imho better is to think about possible spouse rather than about guys you might party around and make some trouble etc.
Do I go back to school to get a Masters just to make more friends? i'm also unemployed. getting a masters would kill two birds with one stone : making it easier to get a job and making me get friends easier

This is common in your generation. Join clubs, get an outdoor out of home activity, walk someone's dog if you don't have one. Don't get down, it's going to turn... just put yourself out there.
I don’t have friends either, just colleagues. I have a handful of true friends, but lucky if I see them more than once or twice per year.

24 and unemployed and not in college or trade school. Wtf have you been doing?

Were you in the military or prison?
They/them were right here on Sherdog but on they/them other account.
Yeah I was put on PIP in January and I was looking for stuff all the way back in November. I know PIP means your basically a goner. Its just a shit job market rn and I cant find anything
It's tough right now just general advice since I wasn't sure if you were aware of all that. Everyone gets canned at least once and it sucks but it can be a good learning experience.

I dunno where you live but there's probably some sort of retail or something even if that sucks. I was out of work for about two years once and getting a job after that long out of work was a nightmare. You're soft blacklisted.

So try to at least find something even if it's low hours and pay just so you're doing something. It'll make you feel more productive too.
This has gone from friends to job advice. Makes sense cos a lot of people make friends at work no?
Especially in America since we spend a lot of time here. Was just talking with a young guy at my job the other day. He doesn't like dating where he works but when you work 12 hr shifts it's VERY hard to avoid it.
have you try connecting cable tv? i hear cable guys are friendly bunch