Crime Someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania

I disagree, I like @Darkballs and like @Jack V Savage enough to get in discussions with them. It's more on the Mandy Crap, Shickdance, poon goon and the two dumb mods.

i respect your opinion but how do you interact with jack n' balls if they never course-correct?

i might have missed it but i've never seen them admit anything they just pretend like their newly crumbled narrative never happened and just move on to the next one, which they repeat all over again in a new cycle.

for 4 years biden IS SHARP
no wait biden is OLD and demented and needs to step down for the sake of democracy
kamala was ALWAYS OUR GAL

it's just the same song and dance with these people. i'd love it if they normal just once but you'll never get it out of them.

omg JD vance once called trump hitler in 2016 but kamala believing the metoo allegations against joe won't get a response. it's all propaganda with them.
Fawning over a politician walking out to a song and using emojis is hilariously pathetic

*Blows kisses*

If you can’t see that’s epic, I don’t know what to say.

Edit. It not real. An honest person would be able to admit how gangster it would have been. It’s not really giving up ground when you call a spade a spade; truth be told it creates credibility, and doing the opposite robs yourself of it. Food for thought my friend.
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Thank you for your service

I was 15 at the start. Saved actual lives.

More professional than assholes protecting the President. LoL.

It is okay. Back in 1995 you would love to have me watch it you swim.

The point of my story was that I was a NOBODY and took it more serious than the fucking Secret Service.

The local pool watchers > people protecting democracy hahhhah
He did it. He walked out to “Many Men” by 50 cent! 💪💪💪

Edit. Sadly it’s fake. Haha

Why is that tweet from an old white ESPN guy and "why he be all like 'ain't' n' shit?" Did he get a street-cred-inducing hood-sentiment from one of their corporate loan-a-twits?
I was 15 at the start. Saved actual lives.

More professional than assholes protecting the President. LoL.

It is okay. Back in 1995 you would love to have me watch it you swim.

The point of my story was that I was a NOBODY and took it more serious than the fucking Secret Service.

The local pool watchers > people protecting democracy hahhhah

You can watch me swim right now babe 💋
Leftists still trying to push the lie that Trump wasn't shot by the ActBlue Assassin. The FBI and the NYT confirmed he was struck by a bullet or a bullet fragment. Leftists shamelessly upset Trump wasn't injured more during his assassination attempt now.
Leftists still trying to push the lie that Trump wasn't shot by the ActBlue Assassin. The FBI and the NYT confirmed he was struck by a bullet or a bullet fragment. Leftists shamelessly upset Trump wasn't injured more during his assassination attempt now.
They're running with the CT even with a picture of the bullet in the air right next to his head. Yeah, Doug Mills, the FBI, NYT and his doctors are all in on the conspiracy to help the bad orange man.

Though I guess if your reaction to getting shot is so badass that people who hate you have to come up with conspiracy theories to convince themselves it isn't true, that's kind of a compliment, like accusing an athlete of being on steroids who isn't because they can't believe how good he is.
Leftists still trying to push the lie that Trump wasn't shot by the ActBlue Assassin. The FBI and the NYT confirmed he was struck by a bullet or a bullet fragment. Leftists shamelessly upset Trump wasn't injured more during his assassination attempt now.
Hey if we’re pulling shit out our ass might as well go bigger bro. Global Illuminati?
They're running with the CT even with a picture of the bullet in the air right next to his head. Yeah, Doug Mills, the FBI, NYT and his doctors are all in on the conspiracy to help the bad orange man.

Though I guess if your reaction to getting shot is so badass that people who hate you have to come up with conspiracy theories to convince themselves it isn't true, that's kind of a compliment, like accusing an athlete of being on steroids who isn't because they can't believe how good he is.
It was glass. Give it up.
Under calm conditions I've played dueling AR 15s using iron sights on reactive metal swiveling targets with a friend. we had zeroed our rifles at 100 yards and we were in the same prone position as crooks shooting at about 130 yards. Later on during the course, we simulated intense conditions by running 100 yards, doing 10 push-ups and 15 jumping Jack's to increase our hear rate. it's amazing how much your breathing and stress levels affects your ability to shoot calmly. compared to earlier on in the day when we basically were not missing the targets ay all, the elevated heart rate and heavy breathing meant that our easy shots were near impossible to calm down enough to even hit the targets.
It was glass. Give it up.
When even snopes thinks lefty CTs are mentally ill.

But ok, let's pretend there was magic glass(presumably from a teleprompter that was not broken or damaged?), and glass flew around his head, curved back, cut his ear, then flew back onto the teleprompter and pieced itself back together perfectly, at the exact time a bullet flew by his head and killed the person directly on the other side of him. Ok, what do you gain from this CT? That he was actually perfectly safe with someone firing a rifle at him?

When even snopes thinks lefty CTs are mentally ill.

But ok, let's pretend there was magic glass(presumably from a teleprompter that was not broken or damaged?), and glass flew around his head, curved back, cut his ear, then flew back onto the teleprompter and pieced itself back together perfectly, at the exact time a bullet flew by his head and killed the person directly on the other side of him. Ok, what do you gain from this CT? That he was actually perfectly safe with someone firing a rifle at him?

I expect them to be making a correction at some point.
In a new statement released on Saturday morning AEST, the FBI sought to clear up conflicting accounts.

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the agency said in a statement.

The FBI can't be trusted and is completely full of shit.
Fragments of a bullet? What did the original bullet hit?
It was not glass from the teleprompter hitting Trump's ear either.
That video simulation of the shooting is really off. You can see how Trump's head is small at 130 yards and that red dot is bouncing all over the place. Just look at the difference a real scope on the rifle makes. It amplifies the target. There are lots of these shooting simulations to Trump's head on YouTube. Again, I don't think Crooks was aiming for the head. That is just where the shot ended up.
Notice on this simulation Crooks is using iron sights. Plus, Crooks wore glasses and was not on the right corner of the roof. He was about 60 feet to the left.
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"...and I am a much better shot than that little bitch."
This is how you take out someone with a head shot at 130 yards:

The MK13 MOD 5 sniper rifle (bolt action) is one of the best choices for the job - as seen on the video.
The FBI can't be trusted and is completely full of shit.
Fragments of a bullet? What did the original bullet hit?
It was not glass from the teleprompter hitting Trump's ear either.
That video simulation of the shooting is really off. You can see how Trump's head is small at 130 yards and that red dot is bouncing all over the place. Just look at the difference a real scope on the rifle makes. It amplifies the target. There are lots of these shooting simulations to Trump's head on YouTube. Again, I don't think Crooks was aiming for the head. That is just where the shot ended up.
Notice on this simulation Crooks is using iron sights. Plus, Crooks wore glasses. Plus, Crook's was not on the right corner of the roof. He was about 60 feet to the left.

I was mainly showing the bullet can nick the ear without mass damage mate. Not particularly the accuracy / angle required as they shoot from far closer with sights.

My opinion is it was the bullet personally . But that's just my opinion

Where he was aiming? Centre mass / head? Couldn't tell you. Don't really have a opinion on it
Truly amazing the amount of people here on Sherdog, television, and social media that wanted Trump dead. They really wanted that head shot to have worked. Comments made by Hillary Clinton, school professors, and TV shows. What exactly is it that these people hate so much about Donald Trump? The man will win the next election.