Media Sean Strickland playing the victim card now

You sob, no you didn't .
Strickland was asked why Kevin Holland doesn't like him and responded with something like he told Kevin he could rape him in a jail cell said he could take that ass if he wanted to. I guess the abused really do become abusers themselves. So dudes being a bit of a hypocrite.
No, he said his dad told him on his dead bed" at least I didn't fuck ya"
Jesus Christ, lol. That makes sense because Sean didn't really react too strongly to what O'Malley said, whereas he was pretty obviously angry with Dricus's doozy haha.

Given that it appears Strickland was not the victim of sexual abuse, it makes me admire his tweet, tbh. He really takes a stand for people who have been victimized like that and told them it's okay and nothing to be shamed about. And it would've cheapened the message if he would've tripped over himself setting the record straight that he was NOT in fact molested as a child.
Idk about any of this I just wanna say it's absolutely insane that Sean o malley is a millionaire world champion and he can't pull better than a 4/10 chubby goblina.
Incredible stuff from Strickland. He talks sh*t about everyone, their wife's, their coaches, their personal stuff and now he has the audacity to talk like this? Especially when he tried to earn the cool points by attacking Omalley’s wife and culture he doesn’t understand. Among many other things he said.
No rules in trash talk
Seriously, making fun of someone's wife and relationship vs making fun of someone's dad and his beatings = same stuff

I actually loved Dricus's comment and I hope he keeps that coming lol. But as to your comment I don't completely agree. It's not like you can choose to have an abusive parent. But you can choose to have a wife who fucks other men. If you make that choice you have to know that others will make disparaging remarks towards that decision.

That distinction aside, of course Strickland has to expect people are going to get personal with him too. I like that he stuck up for vicitms of abuse and publicly stated it's nothing to shame someone about. That's an important message.

I mean, if cucking is something people are into then in a perfect world they shouldn't be criticized for it either. But they're going to be. Anyway, I think O'Malley was just talking shit. I don't think Strickland had ever claimed he was sexually assaulted as a child. I was laughing the whole time, it's all great entertainment.
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I don't think DDP was putting him down for it. He is just saying it is gonna be remiscent of the trauma he went through, which is probably fairly accurate because he is planning to beat the ever living shit out of him.That's the brutal reality of the sport. Obviously it is meant to also get under Sean's skin, but I don't see a reason why that would be putting down anything about an abusive past.

He is just keeping it really real, like Strickland likes to do himself. It's just an uncomfortable truth.
I hope he keeps going there, lol. Instead of saying the "memories" will come back, say "trauma". Tell him that after the first round Sean will be back in his bedroom and the sound of the bell to start the next round will sound like his father's footsteps coming up the stairs lol.

Dricus needs to get that weird friend of Chael's who's the shitty judge to write sime stuff lol.
Why? So if you got molested then people can blame it on you for being molested because you were asking for it LOL
??? I was clearly replying to a post regarding the degenericy of two, could be three champs in the UFC. LOL
Fuck me Strickland is an insecure bitch. Thinks he's the big guy on campus but turns into a whining cunt when someone says something harsh back to him. 'but, but that's not the rules' fuck off.
There is a big difference between Omalley choosing to let someone fuck his wife in an open relationship, and Sean having no choice of being abused as a child.
There is a big difference between Omalley choosing to let someone fuck his wife in an open relationship, and Sean having no choice of being abused as a child.
He should probably chill then given how public his dirty laundry is.
There is a big difference between Omalley choosing to let someone fuck his wife in an open relationship, and Sean having no choice of being abused as a child.
But Sean is an adult now. He chooses to act the way he does. He's a typical bully who likes to dish it out and throw gay slurs around, but can't handle someone dishing it back at him
He should probably chill then given how public his dirty laundry is.
Just what I'd expect from a piece of shit like you.

Criticizing someone's bad adult choices is no different than making comments about sexual abuse of a child.

You're a real winner.
But Sean is an adult now. He chooses to act the way he does. He's a typical bully who likes to dish it out and throw gay slurs around, but can't handle someone dishing it back at him
No one criticized Sean's sexual choices. The comment was made about him being sexually abused as a child. If you can't tell the different I feel sorry for you.

Making fun of being raped or sexually abused as a child is what a piece of shit human being does.
Sean “white knight” Strickland has turned soft real fast.