Media Rogan shows off carnivore diet results by going shirtless

Rogan clearly did this because of the "how to fix Rogan's body" thread. Probably upped the hgh because he was hurt.
I feel Rogan is turning into a case study for why you should NOT use HGH. I don't mind letting nature run it's course.

Fucks up your gut and makes you grow everywhere. I took it for over a year and my gut sticks out more than it used even now that im off of it,got me shredded as fuck without any effort but its just not worth it.Even my face is bigger now.
A ton of meat-eaters are b12 deficient.

Factory farmed animals need to be supplemented with b12 as well.

This b12 thing is not as black and white as people make it out to be.
Thats what they said on the game changers.
Yea he did have a massive guy not to long ago. He could still lose some weight IMO but better. Either way I don't trust Rogan anymore when it comes to shit like this. This guy 100% reminds me of my cousin. Basically everything new my cousin tries is the best thing ever and he loves it. A month later he'll come back and be like yea it's BS.
Fucks up your gut and makes you grow everywhere. I took it for over a year and my gut sticks out more than it used even now that im off of it,got me shredded as fuck without any effort but its just not worth it.Even my face is bigger now.

Yea I'll never use HGH. I'll get on TRT eventually but fuck HGH.
HGH makes cancerous cells grow in your body and grow the internal organs. TRT is a better option.

Yep I'm going to hold off for as long as I can (only 35 now) and I've been working out for over 10 years at this point so my levels should be good for a lot longer. I'm thinking somewhere between 60-70 I'll need to dive in.
If you're going to throw around the word retard, learn how to fucking spell it first, retart

lol does spelling bother you that much?

how pathetic

I wrote that post in like 1 min while I was taking shit btw <45>
Yep I'm going to hold off for as long as I can (only 35 now) and I've been working out for over 10 years at this point so my levels should be good for a lot longer. I'm thinking somewhere between 60-70 I'll need to dive in.
Smart move, only reason I haven't taken the TRT is of heart issues, hairloss and it supposedly enlarges the prostate in sedentary males.

Some guy who takes it says just dont be sedentary he said taking TRT should increase your energy and hunger to hit the weights or go jogging.
We dont need powerful jaws or sharp teeth because we don't eat raw meat, we cook our meat.
But it just so happens that literally every carnivorous organism have mainly incisors (most have them exclusively) and herbivores and omnivores have predominantly molars? In literally hundreds of thousands of different species where this is the case with basically no exceptions?

Plus, the vitamin C/Taurine thing seals it. Why do you think scurvy killed millions for so long? Because of the lack of vegetation when it wasn't readily available and vitamins weren't synthetically placed into processed foods. Some idiots actually put their pet dogs and cats on a vegan diet and kill them because they are oblivious to the fact that these animals are mainly carnivorous and need meat to get adequate amounts of taurine, which kills them eventually.

For sure you can live off a meat-only diet for periods, and there's no doubt short term health benefits, but longterm, no way.
Smart move, only reason I haven't taken the TRT is of heart issues, hairloss and it supposedly enlarges the prostate in sedentary males.

Some guy who takes it says just dont be sedentary he said taking TRT should increase your energy and hunger to hit the weights or go jogging.

Yea none of that should be an issue for me. I never plan to stop working out. I want to be one of those weird 70 year old dudes who's massive or at least as close as I can get to that.
lol does spelling bother you that much?

how pathetic

I wrote that post in like 1 min while I was taking shit btw <45>

Amuses me when retards call other people retarts, shows their lack of intelligence. Also using taking a shit as an excuse lol you got shit for brains
But it just so happens that literally every carnivorous organism have mainly incisors (most have them exclusively) and herbivores and omnivores have predominantly molars? In literally hundreds of thousands of different species where this is the case with basically no exceptions?

Plus, the vitamin C/Taurine thing seals it. Why do you think scurvy killed millions for so long? Because of the lack of vegetation when it wasn't readily available and vitamins weren't synthetically placed into processed foods. Some idiots actually put their pet dogs and cats on a vegan diet and kill them because they are oblivious to the fact that these animals are mainly carnivorous and need meat to get adequate amounts of taurine, which kills them eventually.

For sure you can live off a meat-only diet for periods, and there's no doubt short term health benefits, but longterm, no way.
Yeah I agree, carnivore diet is not a good long term thing. Scurvy is a legit issue if you lack vitamin c.
Its best to have a balanced diet with some meats and veggies and fruits, just avoid all those synthetic additive type junk foods and processed garbage.

What type of diet do you go by brother?
Yea none of that should be an issue for me. I never plan to stop working out. I want to be one of those weird 70 year old dudes who's massive or at least as close as I can get to that.
So you wanna look like those handsome muscular silver foxes in there 60 and 70s like this guy, but do you got the facial symmetry and hair?
I feel Rogan is turning into a case study for why you should NOT use HGH. I don't mind letting nature run it's course.

Timestamped lol Rogan says while he was on Carnivore diet he took a lot of supplements and multivitamins to get his required daily nutritional values in lol just eat a balanced diet guys, no need to rely on supps it means your diet is shit if you need to toss in other synthetic vitamins and supps just to get nutrients you are missing.
Smart move, only reason I haven't taken the TRT is of heart issues, hairloss and it supposedly enlarges the prostate in sedentary males.

Some guy who takes it says just dont be sedentary he said taking TRT should increase your energy and hunger to hit the weights or go jogging.

If you are healthy,you should be fine. But if youve never done steroids then you can raise your testosterone naturally,you just need to adjust your lifestyle and your diet. IMO most men jump on TRT as as the easy way out and they are making a huge mistake because you are just shutting down your natural production even more and if you get off youll be even worse.If you are like me and Hoe Hogan who has used and abused steroids our systems are permanently shutdown and our testes do not produce the testosterone needed.

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