Media Rogan shows off carnivore diet results by going shirtless

Meanwhile, his autopsy revealed that he suffered from heart attacks, congestive heart failure and hypertension...vegan folklore my vegan ass.

Do you vegans live forever or do i need to exclude most tasty foods and still die ?
I just don't understand what Joe is going for...whats the endgame?

Jack Lalane looked fine without roids in the 1950s...
I just don't understand what Joe is going for...whats the endgame?

Jack Lalane looked fine without roids in the 1950s...
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Do you have his USADA test results from that period of time? just kidding. He was somewhere around 35 in that pic. That's attainable for a lot of people at that age with Lalanne's hard work and dedication.
Yes I do eat a lot of organ meats, usually liver. I eat tongue as well. I do ribs occasionally (at least one every two weeks).
I train judo or Jiu-Jitsu twice a week. Those days I only do that. The other days i walk, short intensive runs and functional exercise (push ups, squats, etc). Saturday and Sundays I just do long walks (at least an hour).
Not bog at all, but not an athletic body either. My body is the khabibs type, same weight (around 190) and same height

I couldn’t have your diet, I just like to eat too many different things, but thanks that’s definitely interesting
I think the larger problem is that so much meat is unhealthy people correlate hormone infused mystery meat goo with actually natural healthy meat. One fucks up your endocrine system and one doesn't.

The studies that showed meat to cause cancer included processed meat. There is no studies saying eating normal red meat is bad.

Like the cow fart conspiracy, the greenhouse emissions of livestock is tiny compared to that caused by cars and factory but no it’s the cows that are causing global warming... lol
It has been extensively researched for decades and is accepted by the scientific community.
The people who don't agree are the scientists working for the meat industry and a bunch of people online who still throw tantrums like children when told to eat their veggies.
Still waiting....
Carbophobes are retarded. I eat cookies, vanilla cream, etc every day, still have abs at 30 and i sit on my ass most of the day. Just dont eat above what you consume.

Cant wait for the summer season so im eating icecreams every day while people obsessed with diets can't enjoy life. Very sad!
You have a high metabolism. Let me guess you have difficulty adding mass?
Dr. Jordan Peterson does the carnivore diet only and found he had improved his health and maintains a good shape. Its pretty obvious cutting out the carbs and sugar does wonders. Thing is it's about balance and keeping the diet varied and not having excesses of everything.
Health wise seems counterintuitive for a middle aged man eat like this for a prolonged period of time. Dangerous in fact.
I will never understand sherdog's obsession with Rogan's body. A lot of projecting and dudes who need to come out of the closet in this thread.
People who continue to deny the benefits of veganism and who deny the research are shit for brains morons.
A carnivore diet is dumb af.

You simply can't get optimal nutrition from eating that way any more than you can get optimal nutrition from most vegan diets (without major supplementation...and even then, you're likely making many sacrifices).

People need to stop looking for fad diets...
I don't get these gross diets. Only veggies? Only meat and dairy? It just puzzles me how people give up entire food groups based off such relatively new science