Media Poatan really has the perfect coaches


if your a fighter, id imagine you would at least want to see how you would do, how the skills line up.

I would spar him and im a hobbyist. Yeah I know its gonna hurt but Id rather know and not wonder what it would be like

On the one hand, I agree, but on the other, the skill gap would be so wide that I don't know that I'd even be able to comprehend just how much better a professional is than I am.

It would be like going to an offensive lineman camp and matching up against a college player or an NFL all-pro. Both are going to knock me on my butt, right? Am I really going to feel the difference between one or the other?
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Both are going to knock me on my butt, right? Am I really going to feel the difference between one or the other?
Only one way to find out bud.
Sparring Poatan would be an incredible experience. It would make watchin his fights after so much more enjoyable


if your a fighter, id imagine you would at least want to see how you would do, how the skills line up.

I would spar him and im a hobbyist. Yeah I know its gonna hurt but Id rather know and not wonder what it would be like
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Sparring Poatan would be an incredible experience. It would make watchin his fights after so much more enjoyable

He's actually really cool with noobs in sparring too. Most pro fighters are.

Dude is having sparring seminars on the daily. That's what he was doing when they called him to step in for this PPV
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Yeah it's something I think about too whenever the old school guys teach things. Not that it's not applicable, but there are areas of the game that have passed those guys by. But at the same time Weidman became champ under Serra so I probably don't have much of a case.
At the same time, when was the last fighter in the UFC that was trained by Ken Shamrock, who is still out there coaching. It might be Ken himself at UFC 61.
I would not take Chuck's advice on striking defense. He always was willing to eat a shot to launch a bomb. We have seen Poatan on skates before, it could be a lot worse at 205.

Correct. Chuck was incredible vs grapplers

Vs strikers however ... he was definitely beatable
How to do lines of cocaine and win a world title. - Chuck
Chuck looks like he's starring as CTE in its bio-pic
On the one hand, I agree, but on the other, the skill gap would be so wide that I don't know that I'd even be able to comprehend just how much better a professional is than I am.

It would be like going to an offensive lineman camp and matching up against a college player or an NFL all-pro. Both are going to knock me on my butt, right? Am I really going to feel the difference between one or the other?

Alex would feel what skill level you got. Then he would choose a moderate level of intensity and contact
Alex would feel what skill level you got. Then he would choose a moderate level of intensity and contact

From the sparring videos I've seen of him he's extremely good at this. Extremely good at having a high level of intensity in the sparring as well without carelessly hurting people either.
He really does

Its so cute how you support him