Crime Ohio Haitian Migrants eating Local Geese, Ducks and Family Pets

I'm sure it is tasty but the presentation could use some improvement, I think.

I've seen it fried and with garnishes on it


Never had it though. On its own it's already very rich and fatty, frying it would just take it over the top, imo.
outside of Springfield?!? It's almost like you haven't seen the 18 monthlytown hall meetings in a row with local citizens begging their treasonous politicians to help and they're not just white either. Do you think this issue just started at the debate because it didn't Locals have been begging for help for almost two years now.
So are you ok with Springfield residents bringing in the Haitians, starting under Trump admin, to work in SPringfield?
Don't let facts get in the way of a narrative. They're legal migrants? Fuck it call them illegal anyway. They aren't eating pets? Fuck it, say they are. Can't find evidence? Make some shit up or post some unrelated shit.

I swear the overwhelming and crippling desire to be right no matter what has killed critical thinking amongst the common man. If people don't stop blindly believing anything that fits their narrative we are going to keep spiraling into violence, ignorance, and hatred.

But hey, vote red till your dead and back blue no matter who...
Haitians have been living in the US for centuries. Now suddenly they became dog and cat eaters? Lol
So are you ok with Springfield residents bringing in the Haitians, starting under Trump admin, to work in SPringfield?
I'm not against them coming here the right way. If they received basic education on our laws, language and basic cultural appropriateness I'm sure 95% of the problems wouldn't be occurring.( Crashing cars, Eating food off the shelves in the grocery store and poaching ducks) All three of these issues most likely never even would have occurred if this situation was handled right. The fact of the matter is this entire mass migration issue that has really ramped up over the last 4 years to almost triple was it was under Trump and both the migrants and the locals are being neglected because of it.
Buddy I'm atheist lol. Your not getting sympathy for any ultra religious cooky weirdo from me. Line every one of them up and i'll tell them all their god is fake exactly the same. The fact of the matter is Human sacrifices ,Animal Sacrifices, Defacing peoples houses with symbols in order to curse them with mystical bullshido, and a whole bunch of other complete bs weirdo thing involved with Voodoo just flat out doesn't belong in America.
Idgaf about sympathy lol. I'm agnostic. You said that they should be ostracized for their religious beliefs, so I wanted clarification on what is an acceptable religion to practice in your eyes. It's a straight forward question.

Voodoo doesn't do human sacrifice. Animal Sacrifices are part of MANY religions practiced in the US and is present in the Bible. Vandalism isn't a protected practice even if it was for religious reasons so defacing someone's house would be punished by law.

So again, what religions are acceptable in the US? If you're going to make a claim like that you have to draw a clear line. Are we getting rid of any religion with animal Sacrifices? Or anything that involves supernaturally inflicting harm on others? Are we getting rid of all religious practices? What is the line?

You are expressing an extreme, ill informed, and illogical opinion based on personal prejudice against these people and justifying it under the guise of care for America and your community. But this country was founded on the grounds of religious freedom. It doesn't matter if you and me don't believe in the shit. It doesn't matter if we don't like it. Religious oppression is the most un-American thing going on here and doesn’t belong in the country
Racist? Look in the mirror, asshole. You've completely fabricated an argument and ascribed it to me, despite me saying nothing of the sort.

You made the claim you could tell this man was Haitian just by looking at him. I called bullshit and asked how you could tell the person pictured was Haitian.

You can't/won't answer, so instead you made up a lie about me to deflect/derail the thread.

I'll reiterate: You could have avoided all of this by just admitting you were wrong like a decent human being. Instead you've dug in your heels pushing this racist story and all kinds of other bullshit related to it, and have gone completely off the deep end trying to save face.
I said he looks Haitian. You think impossible for someone to look Haitian and are expecting me to type out an explanation of what differentiates Black Caribbeans to you.

I'll reiterate: You're disgusting uncultured swine of a racist that can't fathom the idea that Blacks might not be a monolith. You could have avoided all of this by just admitting you were wrong like a decent human being. Instead you've dug in your heels pushing this racist idea and all kinds of other bullshit related to it, and have gone completely off the deep end trying to save face.
Idgaf about sympathy lol. I'm agnostic. You said that they should be ostracized for their religious beliefs, so I wanted clarification on what is an acceptable religion to practice in your eyes. It's a straight forward question.

Voodoo doesn't do human sacrifice. Animal Sacrifices are part of MANY religions practiced in the US and is present in the Bible. Vandalism isn't a protected practice even if it was for religious reasons so defacing someone's house would be punished by law.

So again, what religions are acceptable in the US? If you're going to make a claim like that you have to draw a clear line. Are we getting rid of any religion with animal Sacrifices? Or anything that involves supernaturally inflicting harm on others? Are we getting rid of all religious practices? What is the line?

You are expressing an extreme, ill informed, and illogical opinion based on personal prejudice against these people and justifying it under the guise of care for America and your community. But this country was founded on the grounds of religious freedom. It doesn't matter if you and me don't believe in the shit. It doesn't matter if we don't like it. Religious oppression is the most un-American thing going on here and doesn’t belong in the country
Dude there is like a 5 mile long list of weirdo things that plenty of religions do that aren't culturally appropriate here lmao. Like all the weirdo :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile garbage in Abrahamic religions like Talmud and forced child marriages in the Muslim world which are just now starting to be made illegal. Or how about the passages in the bible about slaves must be good to their master!! and how you should beat your slaves lmfao. Bro theres so much wrong we could be here all week.
Dude there is like a 5 mile long list of weirdo things that plenty of religions do that aren't culturally appropriate here lmao. Like all the weirdo :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile garbage in Abrahamic religions like Talmud and forced child marriages in the Muslim world which are just now starting to be made illegal. Or how about the passages in the bible about slaves must be good to their master!! and how you should beat your slaves lmfao. Bro theres so much wrong we could be here all week.
Religious extremism is what you're describing. And absolutely, that shit is obscenely terrible. It's why I'm agnostic. Actively harming people is a separate issue.

Harmless Religious practice like how most Haitian practice voodoo in the states. Is not comparable and people shouldn't be forced to leave the country for it
i'm just saying this Island chain with over 200k residents refused to house 50 people. The same people who live on this island chain ( mostly mega rich democrat scumbags ) are now trying to shove these migrants down the throats of low to middle class cities all over America. Then people wonder why your average American is pissed tf off. Go to the social media site of your choosing and type in migrant crisis and just see the millions of people that are angry at this shit. It's wild to me how some of you on here still don't seem to understand how big of an issue this is with most of America. The amount of engagement from the public alone should be telling both parties that this is issue # 1 ,2 and 3 but it seems only the republicans are seeing that right now. While the Dems seem to think if they ignore it long enough their constituent's anger will just go away.

It's a shame then Republicans torpedo'd their own border bill to give Trump a chance to win an election he's currently losing. lmao

I accept your concession to my last post.
Again, cultural differences of a group is not a reasonable justification for forcing them out. Them "acting inherently odd and practicing voodoo" is not an attack on your culture as you're not forced to engage with them. It bothers you to look at but frankly, that's tough shit. Sometimes in life you're gonna be exposed to shit you don't like. It is ridiculous to want a group doing no legal wrongdoing forced out because they don't fit the demographic you want in your town. That's crazy.

Yeah, it's really telling that so many right-wing arguments against immigration revolve around "keeping our culture." It implies that they're being forced to adapt to the culture of immigrants. Like they're forced to convert to Islam or to attend quinceaneras or watch Telemundo or something.

Obviously none of this happens so the logical interpretation of this is that they just don't wanna see different people around. Their brown and black faces walking around bothers them, the sound of non-English bugs them, seeing them in the park playing soccer bugs them.

But do not, I repeat, do NOT call them racist. You libs use that term for everything.
In the 94 pages of this thread has anyone actually brought into the discussion WHY Haitians are fleeing Haiti into the US, and what the US involvement in their country is currently and has been historically?

Or are we still talking about BBQ Cats?
I've seen it fried and with garnishes on it


Never had it though. On its own it's already very rich and fatty, frying it would just take it over the top, imo.
Deliciously decadent on (or in) a burger…….

Almost always scored and just pan seared. Its own fat provides the oil almost immediately as it hits the pan.
In the 94 pages of this thread has anyone actually brought into the discussion WHY Haitians are fleeing Haiti into the US, and what the US involvement in their country is currently and has been historically?

Or are we still talking about BBQ Cats?

People are "still talking about BBQ Cats" because thats the actual topic of the thread.
Oh man, its our famous Historian who has never actually commented on any topic other than to cheer lead his side. <lol>

Step right up, folks! Step right up! Don't be shy! Come see the amaaaaaaaazing Mr. Holmes! He farts from his mouth, ladies and gentlemen! You've never seen or smelled such a spectacle! Prepare to be amazed AND disgusted!
Step right up!
National Review editor in chief Rich Lowry accidentally said the quiet part out loud in a discussion with Megan Kelly
