See unlike
@Rob Battisti who claims to 'not take either side' but then just ends up agreeing with the right wing posters on everything.
I ACTUALLY don't care about either side. I could give fuck if sherdog democrats don't like what I'm saying.
@kflo is genuinely baffled that I'm happy that neither 'side' likes me. He's a middle aged man who still believes in treehouse gang politics, he needs reinforcement of other strangers on the internet to feel strong in his positions.
I'll rip on nazi jake shields apologists like
@OneOfOne and
@Killer Kadoogan
But I'll also shit on 40 IQ mouth breathers like
@Siver! who doesn't think Hermoinie Granger is white.
No man is an island? Fuck that,
I'm an Island. I'll say it with my whole chest until you have to run for the hills like
@nhbbear does. Kamala is going to LOSE. And not one of you has had the
sack to sig bet me on that.