Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

I am surprised no one talks about the $600 a week that the unemployed was collecting during COVID surge. I did not collect a dime from that part.

I still believe Trump approved such a sizable increase in unemployment due mostly Southern States low unemployment dollars. Example in New York unemployment was around 500 to 700 a week Louisiana was 270 a week or around that amount. A ton of the debt that drove some of that 7 trillion surge was due to that part. A lot of oil workers found themselves unemployed during that time. They were not going to be collecting enough to pay their expenses.

Lets not start on the PPP that was handled so badly again did not collect a dime. I knew these debts that Democrats would get blamed somehow. Some businesses that did not need the money collected millions.

The PPP was a shit show that Trump ran like his own slush fund.
It's tough to look at Trump as a serious politician a man of the people concerned with everyday Americans.

I wonder how many of his rallygoers can set down a 100 grand just to own a Trump watch.

Biden issues new executive action: Much of southern border to close at midnight​

If you don't know, I can't help you. Harris was influenced by her father's ideology

It was a rhetorical question. There is no such thing as a "Marxist professor" in the context that you are talking about it. You don't have the basic understanding of economic theory, and seem to think that a professor that was employed by Stanford University was teaching classes on "How to be a Commie 101' or something. His work falls under post-Keynesian economics, not Marxism. But you are just repeating FOX news and Trump talking points.

He did. Where were you when that happened? Do I need to show you a video from YouTube?
Why can't a President put a Vice President in charge of something.

You don't seem to have a clue as to what the actual powers of the President, Vice President, or the Congress are.

I know what Biden said. (Again, it's amazing how you guys care about what senile Biden says here, but everywhere else, he's delusional) I am talking about the REALITY of the powers of these positions.
What are the powers of the Vice President?
Explain to me how a Vice President can fix the border.

What is a Vice President for?
The Vice President is there to help get votes. You said Kamala was only hired because she was black. Why was that important? To get votes.
Why did Trump choose Mike Pence? Because he is a Christian and he could get the Christian vote.

A Vice President doesn't have much actual power to do anything. They back up the President when they're asked to. They can be sent to talk to leaders on the President's behalf. They can work behind the scenes to push Congress. And in the event of something happening to the President, they'd take over.

Again, you don't know what you're talking about. Go actually read up on our immigration laws. There are domestic and international laws that restrict what the president can do.

The president can temporarily tighten up border security through executive actions, but they can not unilaterally FIX the border, or indefinitely close it.
Trump tried to do the same thing and he couldn't because it is ILLEGAL under US and international law. Under US law, people have the right to seek asylum. If you don't like the law, then you need to get your politicians to change the laws. That's the job of CONGRESS, not the President, and certainly not the Vice President.
Trump was able to get around it during COVID with a travel ban, but that wouldn't of stopped people who snuck across the border from applying for asylum.
The rednecks? As a redneck I feel offended that it has somehow associated with being a bigot and not being associated with hard working men who are outside busting their ass to pay bills and raise a family .
Hey been working for 35 years many of those running an apartment houses full of families dealing with their own difficulties. Working at several companies mostly in manufacturing. An dealing with family health issues. If you're looking for sympathy forget it. Rednecks not regular southerners but Trump loving Rednecks have set this country back years.

Hey been working for 35 years many of those running an apartment houses full of families dealing with their own difficulties. Working at several companies mostly in manufacturing. An dealing with family health issues. If you're looking for sympathy forget it. Rednecks not regular southerners but Trump loving Rednecks have set this country back years.

Where did I indicate I was looking for sympathy? Either way the post was in jest. I know many of my brothers in the trades are not very well educated and often vote against their best interests . But I wouldn’t put the blame on the working class putting this country back , I’d blame the 1%.
Hey been working for 35 years many of those running an apartment houses full of families dealing with their own difficulties. Working at several companies mostly in manufacturing. An dealing with family health issues. If you're looking for sympathy forget it. Rednecks not regular southerners but Trump loving Rednecks have set this country back years.


ROFL you worried about the rednecks?? wow okay yeah.... id say its war mongers like yourself who love to send all the money to Ukraine to fight a no win war...

meanwhile if Trump was president this would have never happened... but yeah man i am worried about the rednecks in trailer parks with Trump flags.... retard
I can't unfortunately he will sell some of those 100k watches out of the 147 of them made.

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp​

USD▲ +0.77 (+5.51%) today
14.88▲ 0.13 (0.88%)After Hours ·
September 27, 7:59 PM EDT · Market Closed

How can people just keep getting suckered? He's gone bankrupt 6X and he cannot get a bank loan in the U.S. anymore because he's a loser.

I ALMOST feel sorry for that one guy on Truth Social who said "Yeah, I'll buy a few coins, but I REALLY need that DJT stock price to go back to $50."

Yeah, buddy that ain't happenin'... When you get in bed with the Devil, sooner or later you're gonna get the shaft.
Makes one wonder why the GOP shot down the toughest border bill in decades, huh?

It's almost as if they're willing to sow chaos for votes... True patriots all...
They just brush that bipartisan bill written by sane republicans under the carpet because....alert...brainwashing.
Makes one wonder why the GOP shot down the toughest border bill in decades, huh?

It's almost as if they're willing to sow chaos for votes... True patriots all...
Yeah, if we had given more money to Ukraine, they would have come over and helped!
Yeah, if we had given more money to Ukraine, they would have come over and helped!

Ukraine war thread is right here bud.

Ukraine war thread is right here bud.

Funny how you know the two aren’t related, but the democrats didn’t.