Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

lol, I think she is actually burping at the start when she puts hand over mouth. The change in her voice indicates someone passing gas one way or another

“She’s really an amazing speaker. Classically trained. Her training as a lawyer really shines through in the way she articulates herself”

lol, I know you’re being sarcastic. But have you also noticed there hasn’t been one clip of her as an effective prosecutor on Twitter, played by mainstream media, or anywhere?

It is cause she was given a job and had the people below her do everything for her as she gets credit.
lol, I know you’re being sarcastic. But have you also noticed there hasn’t been one clip of her as an effective prosecutor on Twitter, played by mainstream media, or anywhere?

It is cause she was given a job and had the people below her do everything for her as she gets credit.
That and her being effective was keeping wrongly convicted people in jail.

This polls are not looking good for Kamala Harris because this are the top issues for people.

It's actually frightening for the future of the US that Kamala is getting a double digit number in the border poll.

I wonder if some of these brainwashed wokies will snap out of it once Trump is out of the picture or if they're permanently brain damaged.
It's so interesting how the right trained Americans to not care about mass murder and mass shootings. That they never thought it would also apply to people not caring about it when it happened to trump.

1. The Right are not trained. They have rejected the "training" of the MSM and institutions that are all Leftist. You're projecting again.
2. Of course right leaning Americans care about Mass Murder, that's why we want all the massive crime in our cities that the Left actually ignores to be dealt with.
3. Guns are not the problem. The problem is mental health, poverty with lack of opportunity, and broken families. We've always had guns, we've not always had this amount of driving factors in this poor of state
4. You're welcome for the education.
What kinda reality do you live in that you think Trump is expected to go on CNN for another shit show after he exposed and destroyed Kamala and ABC during their first rigged debate?



I know it's Sunday football, so I'll forgive you if you've had a few swigs of "Donold's cold remedy."

"Bubbbuuut she's BL1NDE DRUUUUUNNNNNKKKK!!!!!!!!111"


Shoutout from the crowd..

"Felons can't vote!"



I for one, do NOT believe the polls. Gotta stand on the gas until the race is over.

I for one, do NOT believe the polls. Gotta stand on the gas until the race is over.

You'd rather not believe them because the most accurate poll from 2020 is showing a 3.6% lead for Trump in the popular vote.

Go ahead and deflect or ignore the entire point, respond with a dumb emoji to this post and continue being a brainwashed TDS lemming.
You'd rather not believe them because the most accurate poll from 2020 is showing a 3.6% lead for Trump in the popular vote.

Go ahead and deflect or ignore the entire point, respond with a dumb emoji to this post and continue being a brainwashed TDS lemming.
When Obama was never going to win and Hillary was going to win by a landslide, what were your thoughts?
lol, I know you’re being sarcastic. But have you also noticed there hasn’t been one clip of her as an effective prosecutor on Twitter, played by mainstream media, or anywhere?

It is cause she was given a job and had the people below her do everything for her as she gets credit.
I thought she carried out the debate with Trump exactly in the role of prosecutor. I think that is the difference between Kamala vs Tulsi and Kamala vs Trump. she has figured out how to use her experience as a prosecutor in debates. at leaste against a degenerate like Trump. it might not work against a non degenerate Republican should you guys ever choose to back one.

it worked splendidly on Trump though.

This is GREAT! Let's get more IRS agents hired so that they can keep going after those millionaires and billionaires!

"The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that the enhanced IRS enforcement funded by the law will generate an additional $204 billion in revenue over 10 years. That represents additional taxes that are owed under existing laws, but which go unpaid."

If you think that the 1% paying their fair share is a bad idea, then you're the type of person that applauds the fact that Brett Farve took 11 million (allegedly) from the poorest people in the poorest state in the union...

Just to build his daughter a new volleyball facility at his alma mater.

Pull your heads out.

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