Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

Then how about you take it the next step and explain, in your own words, what you thought was a good point. Because I already explained, in my own words, why it was pretty dumb.
As I said before, the point of the video is very clear and easy to understand. It was clear that unlike the moderators, this person from ABC realized a "fact check" was in order. Regardless of you agreeing with it or not.
You see, this is how debates work. You make a point. People come along and rebut or support, and then you address as necessary. This works better than just crying that someone has pushed back.
I cried? News to me. You're the one butthurt enough about a easy to understand tweet that you felt the need to whine about it.
So again, my point was that it's kinda silly to say that Harris was brutally fact-checked because one could argue that the 2,500 US troops in Iraq are still at risk of drone attacks, then she's lying about their being no troops in a combat zone. I think that's a pretty petty critique. That's like saying all Sailors and Marines onboard an aircraft carrier are currently in a combat zone because the COULD be subject to a sneak attack at any moment.
I don't care . . . you don't decide what is a combat zone or not. Neither do I. Fact-checked, brutally fact-checked, whatever. She got away with saying it in the debate, but was ultimately called out for it.

Obviously, troops are still at risk.

And I draw my conclusion as a former Marine who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. If I would have heard some Marine that stayed back in Kuwait refer to himself as having been in combat because he COULD have been hit by a scud or something, I'd probably laugh in his face.
Is there not a difference between being in combat and serving in a combat zone?
Regardless, to say that this fact check means that Harris "lost" ABC and is therefore in trouble with voters over this issue, is pretty retarded.
Who said "lost" ABC = being in trouble with voters? Do you have any clue about the audience who actually watches ABC news? Do you think David Muir would risk alienating viewers by going hard on Kamala? Dude.

I mean, besides the logic just being dumb, we can actually look at the polling and see this isn't the case.
Cool. I never said it was the case. That's something else you chose to make up to support your view.
And I know you're gonna cry "But I didn't say she lost ABC!" No, you sure didn't. But the tweet you copied and pasted with no words of your own did have the title "When you've lost ABC you know you're in trouble." So forgive us if we figured you supported the tweet you decided to copy and post here. Perhaps if you would have used your own words to explain why you would post something you don't support, then we wouldn't have misread you.

Anyway, your rebuttal...............
You asked me if I bothered to actually watch the video. Now I have to ask did you? If so, and this is your take then you need to go watch it again.

Again with the crying stuff. Where did I cry about anything? I responded to your incorrect assessment of the post. Do you believe people can't disagree with you without crying about something? And no, I don't care whether she lost ABC or not. That's not the point. The point was she made a statement that was NOT true and the moderators let it slide. And when confronted about that the governor being interviewed dodged answering the direct question about said lie.
exactly. he's a loser. nobody likes a loser.


they are losers. nobody likes a loser.

Bro you're far too inventive and fluent to start repeating posts back to back in multiple threads
I dont think i remember Trump saying he wanted to demolish unions.

The Unions right now arent very happy with the way Harris/Biden are pushing the EV Mandates heavily.

Zero hedge I remember when they got hammered by spreading EV lies. Good source lol

Democrats will tell you what "misinformation" is.... get ready for Authoritarianism. Hillary and Kamala have said similar things with a desire to silence any opposition.

JD Vance Demands DOJ Go After Washington Post Writer Who Called For ‘Resistance’ Against Trump ‘Dictatorship’​

Dear Attorney General Garland and Secretary Blinken,
I wish to address to your attention a recent opinion piece published in the pages of a widely- circulated American newspaper. Based on my review of public charging documents that the Department of Justice has filed in courts of law, I suspect that one or both of you might characterize this article as an invitation to “insurrection,” a manifestation of criminal “conspiracy,” or an attempt to bring about civil war.1
After declaring that the odds of an American dictatorship in the next few years are “pretty good” and that “[t]hose who hope to be saved [from dictatorship] by a U.S. military devoted to the protection of the Constitution are living in a fantasyland,” writer Robert Kagan—an editor at large at The Washington Post—proceeded to the conclusion that a second Trump presidency would justify secession, treason, and (likely) political violence:
Resistance [to President Trump and the United States government] could come from the governors of predominantly Democratic states such as California and New York through a form of nullification. States with Democratic governors and statehouses could refuse to recognize the authority of a tyrannical federal government. That is always an option in our federal system.2

Vance asked to be notified by Jan. 6, 2024, if the DOJ would be looking into the matter. Vance also questioned whether Kagan’s wife, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland,would have her security clearance reevaluated, “in light of her husband’s call for rebellion against the United States.”

How does Vladimir Futon even get to the conclusion of political violence from the part of Kagans article he quoted?

Are you going to tell JD to fuck off or go fuck himself or a couch?

Brittany Mahomes may have had enough with Donald Trump. She said Trump an Elon went too far with hate language over her friend Taylor. She does not want to send a message that she supports such language.​

She posting on her platforms to inform people she wants nothing to do with hate speech. Taylor did nothing wrong telling people to go vote it's her right. Brittany did not go as far as ending her support of Trump but she obviously sees how Trump works.​

Brittany may want ask Karlie what happened when she married Jarrad Kushner brother? They don't talk anymore. Taylor did not say I hate her just they don't talk anymore . Brittany just walked into Kalie zone
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Something happens to women's faces when they go Full MAGA:


It's like they go from normal looking people, to soulless caricatures
They looked so nice before they got their souls ripped out by the anti christ.