Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

lol.. Just posted something similar in the Kamala thread.

She's going to get asked about this and it's going to be very interesting to see how she responds.

And if she can respond without spiraling into a fit of uncontrolled laughter

More than 9 in 10 voters who believe Biden’s health was covered up blame Kamala Harris: poll​

A staggering 92% of respondents who believe there was a coverup think Harris knew at least a little bit about the president’s progressive deterioration, which became too much for even mainstream media to deny after his debate debacle against former President Donald Trump last month in Atlanta, though Biden’s issues have been discussed openly on the right since he took office in 2021.

When Trump brings this up at the debate and then dunks on her, will be a great moment and win him the election
And then you wake up from your wet dream into reality, where your favourite rapist is a fat rambling idiot with a vocabulary of a 14 year old

Ironic… considering an 8 year old could formulate a better insult than this garbage

And yes… Kamala will have to answer why Biden was allowed to stay in office and run for a 2nd term when everyone could see he was barely functioning for years

But please, continue with your childish insults because your smooth brain is unable to generate intelligent comments

Ironic… considering an 8 year old could formulate a better insult than this garbage

And yes… Kamala will have to answer why Biden was allowed to stay in office and run for a 2nd term when everyone could see he was barely functioning for years

But please, continue with your childish insults because your smooth brain is unable to generate intelligent comments


Quit your crying 😭 😭 😭
Yo, we missed our chance in 2016 and again in 2020
Bernie is what America needs.

he will roll over and play dead for Kamala, and all of his supporters will too
I feel like this is an exaggeration of what Trump has said and is dishonest to pretend he means therr will never be another election.
I detest Trump so deeply it is hard to describe, but I don't think it helps to misrepresent his words.
That's why I like to attempt engagement with you, you have conviction. If you could only figure out that your virtuous hatred of Trump is your own burden to bare.

No one, after 10 years of media spin against him, is going to be moved off their position on Trump by listening to virtue signalers belly aching over him
You know Dick Cheney, Mike Pence, and JD Vance haven't won any primaries either right?

So none of those people are qualified to be VP according to you.
None of those people have ever been the presidential nominee. Pence ran and didn't have the support, so he wasn't the candidate.
Once they come here and have anchor babies, their families start voting.
The baby is a citizen per the 14th amendment and can vote in 18 years. As far as I know, undocumented family members can’t legally vote in a federal election, it is prohibited by federal law.
Some states allow them to vote in local elections, like for school boards or whatever. Is that what you mean?
Ironic… considering an 8 year old could formulate a better insult than this garbage

And yes… Kamala will have to answer why Biden was allowed to stay in office and run for a 2nd term when everyone could see he was barely functioning for years

But please, continue with your childish insults because your smooth brain is unable to generate intelligent comments

That is an easier question to answer for than repeated instances of breaking the law or having multiple visits to Epsteins island….
That's why I like to attempt engagement with you, you have conviction. If you could only figure out that your virtuous hatred of Trump is your own burden to bare.

No one, after 10 years of media spin against him, is going to be moved off their position on Trump by listening to virtue signalers belly aching over him
You know damn well if a democrat said this, you would not be giving them the same benefit of doubt as Donnie.
You know damn well if a democrat said this, you would not be giving them the same benefit of doubt as Donnie.
If Democrats said this, Cardi B and Joy Reid would tell you it's ok and you would be here doing the same crap you are doing now
None of those people have ever been the presidential nominee. Pence ran and didn't have the support, so he wasn't the candidate.

You said she was a DEI VP pick because she wasn't qualified. And you said she wasn't qualified because she didn't win a primary.

What does her qualifications to be VP have to do with her running for President? Are you saying it's okay to be an unqualified VP as long as you don't run for President?