Elections Kamala Harris for POTUS

He’s the real one that would fight for the everything working man and anti corporate power and greed. The true enemy of the establishment. The Peoples Champion.
Dumb fucks in America lost their chance for the next FDR, a man of integrity that would fight to rebuild the middle class and make America number 1 again.
Even as a lefter leaning person. I think Bernie is a good person but he was being at best very naive when he was proposing free undergrad and healthcare as possibilities under his hypothetical presidency. There is no way in hell such an overhaul would be possible in a term or two.
funny this video came out a few hours ago and it has 16 million views yet elon has 400 times as many followers. Lol

Its because Trump's mouth his his own greatest enemy, so leftists love retweeting the quotes that lower his chances of earning votes from right-wingers.

And Christians typically like to vote for whom they also believe are Christian nominees, and Trump saying "I'm not Christian" makes him less appealing than... wait... what's Kamala's religion again? I honestly don't recall.

Anyway, but Trump ironically represents Christian principles more than Kamala 'Plan B & Abortion up to month 9' Karris, while Trump appointed judges that got RowVWade overturned.

But those details are overall irrelevant because some people don't throughly analyze nominees for a major election that some may hear "I'm not a Christian" and automatically discard him as a possible choice.

So, believe it or not, I'm not bashing the leftists who are retweeting that clip. Trump said it with full context provided so its fair game.

Imagine if Harris said this to Hindus or literally any religion. I wonder how all this Trumpian cocksuckers would react.

this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

Oh my god, he’s retarded. He’s super old, maybe it’s time to replace him, he can’t even lie anymore.

But yeah, doubt this will change for MAGATs. Saying pervy things about his own daughter didn’t phase them in the slightest.
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this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

I feel like this is an exaggeration of what Trump has said and is dishonest to pretend he means therr will never be another election.

I detest Trump so deeply it is hard to describe, but I don't think it helps to misrepresent his words.
If right wingers are mad about it, you know you've made the correct choice.

All the youtube MAGA talking heads are absolutely SEEEETHING at the moment.
I don't think she is a particularly good candidate, but surprised that she has such a strong start, as for Maga heads, they would be seething if Jesus Christ and Reagan's lovechild was the dems pick, it's going to be close if neither of them fucks up badly before november
Its because Trump's mouth his his own greatest enemy, so leftists love retweeting the quotes that lower his chances of earning votes from right-wingers.

And Christians typically like to vote for whom they also believe are Christian nominees, and Trump saying "I'm not Christian" makes him less appealing than... wait... what's Kamala's religion again? I honestly don't recall.

Anyway, but Trump ironically represents Christian principles more than Kamala 'Plan B & Abortion up to month 9' Karris, while Trump appointed judges that got RowVWade overturned.

But those details are overall irrelevant because some people don't throughly analyze nominees for a major election that some may hear "I'm not a Christian" and automatically discard him as a possible choice.

So, believe it or not, I'm not bashing the leftists who are retweeting that clip. Trump said it with full context provided so its fair game.
“Racist”‘doesn’t work
Fuck that
Giving people handouts based on race or gender is wrong
Your little tantrum doesn’t change that
lol Who is throwing the tantrum here? Your response was a "durrr fuck dat"
Racist does work. YOU are saying the ONLY reason she got the job is because she's black.
You said Justice Brown was a DEI hire, but she has MORE experience than all of the other judges. YOU are the racist one here because you assumed she was unqualified simply because she is black.

Don't just repeat what you heard on FOX news, PROVE that Kamala is unqualified in comparison to her peers.
Put her resume up against others, and tell me why she is unqualified.
Update on the white women for kamala zoom. They were going to have a call on sunday but moved it to monday. Theres also a white dudes for kamala that has 10000 signed up already

WhitedudesforHarris is up there in cringe competition with this group...

Is this true?
It was random Reddit comment.

"In the last 32 years, Republicans have won the popular vote a SINGLE TIME; they are extremely unpopular. The electoral college gives minority rule over the majority, and they couldn’t exist without it."
First part is true, 2nd part sounds like a 3rd grader who thinks president means 17th century king. It's only not coicided with who the president is twice in that time, and neither was a "majority". Both candidates were under 50% in both of them.

For the last several elections, just California and NY have been like a 7 million vote lead for the dem right out of the gate, then the republican wins the popular vote among the other 48 states.

It's the reason we don't decide elections with national popular vote so you can't just win by a huge margin in 2 states and have an insurmountable lead.

As far as "minority rules over the majority", we've already had that for a long time. Yale did a study in like 2014 showing that the handful of the richest people get their way over the majority far more often. If your concern was "minority rule over the majority", it would there instead of a 47.9% to 48.4% election.

lol Who is throwing the tantrum here? Your response was a "durrr fuck dat"
Racist does work. YOU are saying the ONLY reason she got the job is because she's black.
You said Justice Brown was a DEI hire, but she has MORE experience than all of the other judges. YOU are the racist one here because you assumed she was unqualified simply because she is black.

Don't just repeat what you heard on FOX news, PROVE that Kamala is unqualified in comparison to her peers.
Put her resume up against others, and tell me why she is unqualified.
Her resume? It's an elected representative, the "qualifications" would be winning a primary.

For the VP spot or the SCOTUS pick, announcing beforehand that you are only considering candidates based on race and sex is literally what a DEI hire is.

this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

I thought Cardi B was one of those black celebrities the chuds were parading around as evidence of black people supporting Trump?
Guess not anymore.

this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

He is clearly saying it in jest, playing up to the irrational fears he is going to be a dictator, get a sense of humour people.

this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

Of course it is. I like how you dolts think someone can just declare themselves a "dictator", and we've just been lucky nobody did it before.

It's also pretty rich that the same people screeching about "muh dictatorship" are the same ones who just this year were actively rooting for the president who's had to be slapped down by unanimous SCOTUS rulings for overreach more than any other president to just have his wife run who hasn't had a job in 30 years to skirt the term limits and run things, who also has a fawning media and obedient administrative state.
Here is the MSNBC Focus Group.

They are right of course. She knew for years and played the game because it's about power and control, not the U.S. Constitution, not doing what is right. She was in it with Wray, Mayorkas, Blinken, Buttigeg, the whole lot of them knew and refused to do their job to protect America. The Democrats cannot be trusted with the most important things as proven time and time again.

Here is the You.Gov Poll.

"Do you think there has been a cover-up of Joe Biden's health?"
  • Yes: 54 percent
  • No: 30 percent <---- LEFT CULT
  • Unsure: 16 percent
In total, 92 percent said Harris was "involved," another 88 percent said the establishment media, and 95 percent said White House staff:
  • Kamala Harris: (A great deal) 68% (Somewhat) 17% (A little) 7% (Not at all) 4% (Not sure) 4%
  • The Media: (A great deal) 59% (Somewhat) 20% (A little) 9% (Not at all) 8% (Not sure) 4%
  • White House Staff: (A great deal) 77% (Somewhat) 14% (A little) 4% (Not at all) 1% (Not sure) 3%
Clearly there was a cover up. It's stunning that 30% would say "no". That 30%. That's the Left Cult. There is not lie they won't believe or repeat to benefit their Big Government / Marxist / Administrative State goals.

That’s obviously a far right nazi focus group

this video is really catching on. Its getting a LOT of reaction. But trump has actually said it before! The election has people paying more attention

Trump trolling the left and the left screeching hysterically is peak comedy gold

Not a dog whistle…

That’s called ringing the Pavlovian dog bell and Democrats immediately start drooling involuntarily

They can’t help themselves