....A hillbilly from the deep South....
Meh, he's from Arkansas. Not deep south, not even south. More like "southwest", like go Razorbacks!!
...I’m a SERIOUS history buff...
Not until you pass a test:
1 - During the last 5000 years of human history, how many polities or civilizations have survived the test of time?
2 - How many were able to preserve freedom and rights by rule of law alone?
3 - How many defenseless peoples were able to preserve freedom or rights?
4 - How many defenseless peoples always eventually were subjugated?
5 - How long ago was the first polity ever engineered to preserve freedom and rights above all else, established?
6 - How long ago did it legislate unconditional equality for all humans?
7 - How many polities legislated unconditional human equality for all persons before the one above did it?
...Do we all see that Mitchell is delusional, and dangerous?...
Dangerous to whom? Are you inferring that he is a threat to the political stability of this polity?
Or that he is dangerous to other individuals?
What is the best societal method for dealing with crazy people? Close all the mental institutions, fight for full and equal rights for all crazy people, and learn to live with all of them roaming around doing whatever it is that crazy people do?
You know that is what USA has done, right? Starting with deinstitutionalization in the 1960's? You know that no city and no state in the union has even
half the number of mental health facilities or staff needed to accommodate its current population of individuals with serious mental illness, right? You know they all live on the street or languish in prisons that are not actually equipped to deal with serious mental illness, right? You know the leading cause of serious mental illness in this country, right? Hint - it is drug abuse. You know these things, right?
...In a country where 99% of the people CAN legally buy almost any kind of gun?
Well for starters, since we know that the rule of law alone has
never preserved freedom or rights in any society, and we know that unarmed peoples have
always eventually been subjugated, it makes since that the world's first truly free society would constitutionally protect the right of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms. What are you proposing? That we surrender the only known guarantee of lasting human freedom in order to be sure that we can prevent our massive, growing, unmanaged population of crazy people from getting guns?
How about try something else, like effective management of metal illness and its known causes?
I mean why give up the only assurance of lasting freedom just because you are unwilling to manage crazy people?
That doesn't make sense.
...This is EXACTLY the kind of behaviour that history tells us is inherently dangerous.
I'm hearing you loud and clear. You think a self-promoting WWE-style dumb redneck is too dangerous to have running around, so you want to infringe on his freedom and rights, and you also want to cast aspersions at the only known guarantee of lasting societal freedom.
We should make you the decider. You decide who is crazy, and when you see enough crazy people, you get to ban all guns for everyone.
...Either you understand what I mean or not.
I do. You mean that you are uneducated, but you don't know that you are uneducated, so you run your mouth while claiming that you are educated.