Is Liberty University a cult?

I just know that Eric Green went there

I may have asked when this thread was started, but how was Falwell disgraced?

Also, it's something like 80% of doctors are religious. Next time you're sick tell them you'll wait to see an atheist.

In theory 82% of all Americans are religious. Think that's actually real? I don't.
In theory 82% of all Americans are religious. Think that's actually real? I don't.


Religious -

Do you kind of believe in a religion because your parents did? - Some percentage

Do you go to church every once in a while? - Some percentage

Do you go to church as a tradition? - Some

Do you kind of believe the teachings and follow them? - Ditto...

Do you believe the teachings and follow them? - Some some...

Do you believe God is personal and part of your everyday life? - Ditto...

Are you a prophet who casts out snakes, breathes fire on the enemies of Jehovah, and smites the gods of Baal near and far? - A few
I believe it was back when he was kicked out of one of the two hospitals here in Lynchburg. He and his posse would go into the rooms of dying patients and convince them to sign over their life savings and any property they had.

I'm going to have to see a credible report for that.
None of those schools, even BYU, is anywhere as disgraceful as Liberty.

I would straight up throw away any resume with Liberty on it. Meanwhile, I happen to know very intelligent and successful people from both BYU and TCU.

Liberty U produces some powerful and successful people though. Liberty U's network is extremely good at getting people jobs
To some degree all religion is a cult and all education is indoctrination.