I mean not really, if you want to stay by all means.
But one of the very few things of value my father taught me was “you never welch on a bet” - ultimately it’s a reflection of your character.
No one even challenged you to a bet, you just volunteered one to shit on Ank. You would’ve basked in the glory of winning if Poatan came through, but now that things didn’t fall in your favor you just forgo the consequences.
So it was never a bet, it was just a cry for attention. This behavior sadden me, it’s reflective of a world where people don’t live by a code. Instead they just setup make-believe stakes as bravado to boost their own ego and idol worship.
I don’t have any dislike/hatred for you, but your behavior warrants the non-stop mockery it’s receiving and I would be dishonest with my own beliefs if I didn’t pile on accordingly.
This is the true way of Dawg.