Explain to me why Aspinall

You wouldn't call out your boss for not giving you the promotion, right?

So why would Aspinall make enemies with the company while he has a bright future.
Aspinall is HORRENDOUS on the callouts

Like, painfully awkward horribly cringeworthy terrible...

I'm talking "Still my boy!!" "Don't fear me" levels of bad.

He is actually decent when it comes to interviews and when he is just being himself, but when he tries to cut a "soundbyte" he is one of the worst to ever do it. He is a really rough 0 for 2 when it comes to his chances to call Jon out from the Octagon. And his whole thing with showing up at the autograph signing to ask Jon for a square off was another brutal failure.

He is a heck of a fist fighter though.

I think his call out this weekend in the post fight interview was pretty good. Straight to the point and he didnt try to sound like someone else. All he said was "I think I can beat you and I know I am better than you so I am coming for it"

What's wrong with that?
Keeps calling out Jon Jones. He keeps talking about "jon if you're the best prove it." That's dumb. The UFC told Jon they WANT him to fight Stipe. The are 100% behind Jon fighting Stipe.

Jones is the one who wants to fight Stipe. The UFC is rolling with it because Jones has the leverage.
You need to be told why the number 1 hot HW fighter, who defended the interim title, wants to fight the champ?

..Defending a interim title… Fuck me
Dana is a notoriously thin-skinned little bitch and calling the UFC out will negatively damage Aspinall's career. By calling out Jones, he's hoping to get the fans to put some pressure on the UFC. Most of us here seem to think what Dana and Jones are doing is stupid and damaging beyond measure, so I think there is a possibility that pressure builds as people lose more and more interest in Jones and his decorative title.
Keeps calling out Jon Jones. He keeps talking about "jon if you're the best prove it." That's dumb. The UFC told Jon they WANT him to fight Stipe. The are 100% behind Jon fighting Stipe.

Why isn't Aspinall calling out UFC? Why isn't he saying that "the UFC doesn't want me fighting Jon because they aren't a competitive league. They are about using their PR machine to put fans in the stands and eyeballs on the TV not having the best fight that best."

Like even if Jon wanted to fight Aspinall but the UFC didn't want him too the fight wouldn't happen. Why call out Jon Jones? Call out the UFC. Call out DW. Call out Hunter. But calling out Jon does absolutely nothing for his case so why does he keep calling him out.

Every opportunity I get I would say "the UFC is protecting Jon from me" not "why are you scared Jon?" But Tom continues to call out Jon knowing damn well that road leads to a dead end. IDK. To me of he's not going to call out the UFC and pressure them to make the fight then there's no reason to call out Jon who isn't the real decision maker. Calling out Jon is like going back to 4th grade and asking if your friend (Jon) can come over and play. You know damn well he can't make that decision and needs to ask his mom (the UFC) first.

The UFC is protecting Jon from inevitable decimation against Aspinall. They are trying to spread his GOATness as far as they can. Stipe hasn't fought in years and is a firefighter ffs
I think his call out this weekend in the post fight interview was pretty good. Straight to the point and he didnt try to sound like someone else. All he said was "I think I can beat you and I know I am better than you so I am coming for it"

What's wrong with that?
Too nice and too respectful.

Jon you are old and fat. You picked the guy with no grappling and now the old guy out for years. you are running from me because I will fuck you up and you know it.
I got a belt in your division and
I am fighting the best contenders

While you run around fighting old retired men who haven't won in 4 years.

Stop the nonsense. And fight
Im astonished that these guys have managers they pay a shit ton but aren't coached on how to do a call out and when to do it.

Arnold Allen was asked who he wants next while Volk was sitting right there Octagon side and he didn't call him out . Didn't call out anyone.
Pro fighters; stop being so fucking nice and overly respectful while you're in the fight game 🫠.

It's the athlete syndrome though. Like when you see any NFL post game interview and it's just boring as fuck .
Fighters need to know this is still a blood sport and it's still entertainment. For your own careers sake use the opportunity when given to call someone out, and do with humor and or aggression. It's 100x better for your career then Instagram posts asking for fights.

And Aspinall seems like a stand up guy, so fun to watch, I'm a huge fan, but Christ on a stick everytime he calls someone out he's gotta say "I've got nothing personal against the guy, I just wanna fight him ".

My brother we know but keep that to yourself, put on some Kayfabe and tell Jones you wanna kill him and he's a pussy for not fighting you, crack a joke at his expense, some shit like that.

How the fuck can a guy be a top ten UFC fighter and not have SOMEONE tell his stupid ass:

Hey dummy, use that mic time in the interview to move your career forward. That's how the fucking game works. Pick 2 guys who you think you can beat ... and say that you will whoop their ass while you look in the camera with the light on.
That's all ya gotta do.
Stopped reading at 'Jon doesn't choose who he fights'. Dana himself said the Stipe fight was going to be booked because "Jon wants Stipe and Stipe wants Jon". Jon did duck Chael Sonnen who was coming in on short notice, he managed to avoid Rumble, but over all, he didn't care so much who he fought at LHW because he was the best at the time, of course that began to change with Santos and Reyes. Now that he's taken refuge at HW, he knows if he just starts fighting whoever like he did at LHW, he's going to get pulverized sooner rather than later. That's why he is uber selective about who he fights and the UFC just has to go along with it or Jones will walk away.
Jon signed to fight Rumble, didn't really avoid him, got into that car accident that he fled the scene and got suspended and stripped for, that's where DC stepping in short notice for the first fight with Rumble. Don't think Jon got in a hit and run to duck, but they did not fight, but Jon did agree and sign to fight him.

He's got no power at heavyweight. The first ever hw champion who is unable to ko his opponents.

Stipe is going to run Jones over like a freight train.
Money & Legacy, its quite simple actually.
He's tryin to shame Jones into taking the fight. It would work if he was younger probably, but at this point he just wants to get the bag and get out. This whole deal comes down to Jones, Stipe, and most importantly the ufc. As long as all parties are happy it is what it is.

Nobody gives a fuck what Aspinall or the fans (lol) want.
He's got no power at heavyweight. The first ever hw champion who is unable to ko his opponents.

Stipe is going to run Jones over like a freight train.
Yawn... He's got like 2 minutes of fighting at HW.
Yawn... He's got like 2 minutes of fighting at HW.

Him and his fans sure do talk big for only fighting one heavyweight with no tdd.

Jones will be humbled soon and we can forget about all that goat talk.
Him and his fans sure do talk big for only fighting one heavyweight with no tdd.

Jones will be humbled soon and we can forget about all that goat talk.
He's not only fought one Heavyweight though, he's also fought 27 Light Heavyweights.

What ever helps you sleep <JonesLaugh>
He's not only fought one Heavyweight though, he's also fought 27 Light Heavyweights.

What ever helps you sleep <JonesLaugh>

Stipe has always been a bad matchup for Jones. I give props to Jones if he actually steps in there with him.
It's like you didn't even read what I wrote. If he wants to fight Jon he'd call out the UFC and put pressure on them not Jon. Jon does what he's told
Probably because Jon doesnt do what he is told like literally never and calling out ufc in the past hasnt worked for pretty much anyone
Stipe has always been a bad matchup for Jones. I give props to Jones if he actually steps in there with him.
We'll see, no doubt if Jones ends up fighting Aspinall instead he will be called a duck for not fighting Stipe too.. Not that anyone really gives a shit either way .
It's fair for fans to shit on Jon for wanting to fight Stipe. It's also reasonable to shit on the UFC for even entertaining this facade. I lean towards shitting on the UFC for this as they are the main culprit and responsible.

However, Tom can't just start shitting on the UFC. That's probably not a good idea. He probably understands everything that's going on but his hands are tied. He needs the fans to do his bidding.

Aspinal's issue is that he has the personality of a wet paper bag.

If he actually tried to sell a fight, maybe they'd make a fight with him and Jones?

The UFC basically gave him their blessing to go out there and call out Jones and it came off like

"Umm..Mr. Jones, sir, can you plz fight me next? I got nothing against you. Plz fight me.'"

That's not gonna sell anymore PPVs than Jones Vs. [insert random name]