Donald Trump and the gullible right wing.


Green Belt
Jun 15, 2013
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First of I hope Donald Trump wins the republican nomination. I actually don't believe he is a republican. Trump just realized like many of the candidates that the republican right wing doesn't understand or care about policies only about rhetoric so a relative dumb person can get a lot of votes from them.

This video explains this phenomena better.

No substance only platitudes. Its like watching a movie....How Can anyone fall for this? "my favorite book...the Bible" sure Donald sure.
I don't care. Even if he sacrificed ritually 100 virgins each year he'd still be less of a joke as candidate than the cuckservatives who compete against him.
Republicans in general are good at that. Why anyone who is not a 1% votes for them is beyond me. It
Good to see that somebody else here is a Sam Seder fan.
unlike libtards who vote for a guy because he's black
unlike libtards who vote for a guy because he's black
Obama's race had nothing to do with him winning both elections.
I don't care. Even if he sacrificed ritually 100 virgins each year he'd still be less of a joke as candidate than the cuckservatives who compete against him.

I agree. he may be unfit for the job but hes not an snake like Huckabee or Cruz or Bush or Santorum or Christy or......

Good to see that somebody else here is a Sam Seder fan.

Another good analysis from Sam i Think this is spot on.

unlike libtards who vote for a guy because he's black

This is this black guy's mother.

First of I hope Donald Trump wins the republican nomination. I actually don't believe he is a republican. Trump just realized like many of the candidates that the republican right wing doesn't understand or care about policies only about rhetoric so a relative dumb person can get a lot of votes from them.

This video explains this phenomena better.

No substance only platitudes. Its like watching a movie....How Can anyone fall for this? "my favorite book...the Bible" sure Donald sure.

Well in that case, he is just like Blowbama. His entire campaign was a rorshark of meaningless platitudes.

"Hope and change"

"Yes we can"

My ass
Of course it did

Well the repubs made it pretty easy with the retards they had running... An amazing feat that a party for the 1% has so many gullible voters voting against their own best interests
I thought it was because he promised hope and change.

I thought it was because the Republicans had been an abysmal embarassment that had, through their dishonesty, costed the lives of American soldiers on a war founded on lies.
Yeah, hope and change was not rhetoric at all... oh libs.
Yeah, hope and change was not rhetoric at all... oh libs.

Between the USA's economic turnaround and things like the establishment of the ACA, it does seem looking back on it that the Hope was justified and some impressive Change has happened.