Do you believe Bo Nickal?

If he ducked an old Rob today no way he will be champ material anytime soon.

But I also understand where his decision came from: fear of robs prep. Lets not forget Rob was in camp and preparing for a significantly better fighter and wrestler in khamzat
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How did he get the msg in the first place? - by raven?
Sounds like excuses, but I wouldn't want to go to Riyadh either. Seems like nobody did, only Aliskerov, which makes sense.
Yep, Aliskerov is 15-1, only loss is to Khamzat, and has been fighting since 2012. He has a ton more experience than Nickal. It's risky but a nice high-profile fight to get more attention. Even a close loss might help his career.
Bo Nickal claims he got offered the short-notice fight against Whittaker, but he couldn't accept it because he was deep in the mountains of Montana with no cell reception. Then he proceeded to backpedal and claimed he didn't want to go to Saudi Arabia because it's "far as crap".

Sorry but Bo Nickal is a coward making lame excuses. He should just be a man and admit he was too scared to accept the risky fight. I actually believe this says a lot about a person's prospects as a champion. I don't think Bo has what it takes to become a UFC champion now. I could be wrong but that's my opinion.

Bo Nickal Reveals UFC Offered Short-Notice Fight Against Robert Whittaker​

Nope, he appears to be a shitty human being which lying would fall in line with his character.
I believe he got a call, probably the same as a dozen other MW so that the UFC could put something together to save the card. I don't believe his story whatsoever though and also would think he's be a near last place replacement option. His whole "I would've done it and the UFC wanted it so bad and they threw money at me and called so many times" is absolutely ridiculous.

The UFC was desperate and you were probably 10th on the call list. He still cowered away from responding for 3 days and is now bragging on social media about it. Keep fighting sub 50 ranked bums and talk way too much about how you're the best.

He's a talented dude who would benefit so much by just shutting the F up for another few fights.
Big Bo does as he pleases
Smart move avoiding the desert
Things get strange out there
Too big of a Jump in comp anyways, especially on short notice
fight doesn't really make sense
The only thing "far as crap" is the talent gap between your last opponent (Brundage) and Whittaker. Admit that you don't think you're ready for that yet. If you thought you were, you would've jumped on the opportunity. Men and women have been going overseas to fight for decades. So, the traveling is a lame reason.
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Lame to have to make an excuse.

Just man up and say the truth:

"I would want to have proper time to prepare for a guy like Rob. I'm not trying to rush into things and that fight on super short notice plus travel and weight cut just doesn't sound like fun or a great career move."
I'd prefer prospects take the time to climb the ladder rung by rung and develop themselves fully (like Shavkat) instead of rushing ahead before they're ready and slamming into a wall (like Khamzat and Aaron Pico).
He's smart to not take the fight. Big step up, short notice, huge gap in experience.

Talking about it was dumb.
should have just went with its too far. As a Murican, i wouldnt go there either.
OP another keyboard warrior who doesn't understand how this game or life in general works. Gotta love these turds calling pro fighters cowards.

You don't put a rookie up against a former champ who is still one of the top contenders. End of story.