Media Dana Dumps on a DWCS Fighter, Rants About Jones P4P, Calls Merab Stupid, Talks Ankalaev/Pereira, Ngannou and More

What a dummy to make a comment like that. How is this guy the head of a billion dollar company? Lol

Cancer learned his dance moves from Dana.1724278514773.gif
I guess Dana is to young to know, two of the greatest dancers ever were white guys! I'm not into dancing, but for you youngsters who appreciate good dancing, check out Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. Once you see them, you will see how athletic they are too. Its pretty amazing. offense but during that same time period I'm sure there were some Black dudes in the speakeasy or whatever you call it that could out dance them
thats a really dumb thing to say what does this guy live in a box? how a white person dances? some of the best dancers are white LOL. what is he even talking about. this kind of generalizing is only done typically by the mentally retarded and to be honest dana does give that vibe a bit he talks way to loud for the vibe of the room.
Theres something off with his knees and shit. Dude slides himself across the mat as opposed to stepping. Odd footwork to say the least, but appears to be working!!
Lol, I was thinking this watching the Izzy fight. There were times in the pocket where it'd look like his knees would lock and he'd throw some ugly looking shit.

He's the perfect distillment of heart/power over skill/technique. offense but during that same time period I'm sure there were some Black dudes in the speakeasy or whatever you call it that could out dance them
Well if you're sure despite having no examples to actually compare then it simply must be true...
If my white guy dancing was as effective as DDP’s fighting, I’d be in a club instead of here