International 'Cerberus' Heatwave Threatens to Break Records in Southern Europe

Fluctuations are normal, but should we still be warming while the sun's output has dropped these past 50 years? Where is this extra heat coming from?

Then personally make changes to your own life if you really believe it's man-made. I'm told that the overwhelming majority of people accept man-made climate change is real. So why don't these people all make personal changes to their own lives? Don't use unnecessary electricity would be the most basic of changes. If all the man-made climate change believers do just this, it would make the world of difference. I'm concerned with CC being used as an excuse for more governmental power, which is an entirely normal, healthy, rational concern to have.

I've also noticed that people who travel a lot tend to be more liberal types (who inevitably believe in MMCC), so they should naturally stop this.
Then personally make changes to your own life if you really believe it's man-made. I'm told that the overwhelming majority of people accept man-made climate change is real. So why don't these people all make personal changes to their own lives? Don't use unnecessary electricity would be the most basic of changes. If all the man-made climate change believers do just this, it would make the world of difference. I'm concerned with CC being used as an excuse for more governmental power, which is an entirely normal, healthy, rational concern to have.

I've also noticed that people who travel a lot tend to be more liberal types (who inevitably believe in MMCC), so they should naturally stop this.

If you accept man-made climate change and you want to discuss solutions then we can discuss that, but why were you arguing that these kinds of fluctuations in temp always happen when they don't?
Then personally make changes to your own life if you really believe it's man-made. I'm told that the overwhelming majority of people accept man-made climate change is real. So why don't these people all make personal changes to their own lives? Don't use unnecessary electricity would be the most basic of changes. If all the man-made climate change believers do just this, it would make the world of difference.

Because making personal changes does nothing. The solution requires massive changes to industrial processes. The idea that individual change can fix the problem is propaganda created by the fossil fuels industry to deny accountability.
I didn't 'run out'. Your response made it pretty clear whatever I shared you weren't going to actually take seriously, and I decided it wasn't worth the time.

If you're serious, let's start at the beginning - understanding the greenhouse effect. Do you have a solid understanding of that topic? Just to make sure we're on the same page there, can you briefly explain it? If not, emefer just posted a good breakdown on the effect. Watch it, and once you're done let me know if you have any questions and we'll go from there.
You told me you had a bunch of data you wanted to share if I would keep an open mind . Please share your knowledge wise one .. or shut up about the subject
Because making personal changes does nothing.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course they do. If you use less electricity, a country's energy consumption will decrease. We're constantly being told to make small changes to our lives because it makes a difference.

The solution requires massive changes to industrial processes

Not if all the MMCC believers stop producing so much carbon emissions. If YOU personally want to buy an electric car, go ahead. Not that that actually makes a difference, because it requires a load of energy to produce the electricity needed to recharge the batteries.

The idea that individual change can fix the problem is propaganda created by the fossil fuels industry to deny accountability.

Stop using those fossil fuels if you believe in MMCC. 🤦‍♂️

That's an individual change YOU can make.
If you accept man-made climate change and you want to discuss solutions then we can discuss that, but why were you arguing that these kinds of fluctuations in temp always happen when they don't?
do global solutions include massive curtailing of consumption, war, and planting more trees?

not very popular, but I'm a big fan of anything and everything more efficient. living this lifestyle would likely put a lot of people into poverty. Imagine forcing automakers to produce a limited amount of models without revisions to core components, and you would use that car for 40-50 years instead of 10. LED bulbs that last a lifetime. planned obsolescence does serve a purpose of keeping folks employed.

much of the green movement involves greenwashing, where you toss out old stuff to buy new stuff, which is incredibly taxing on the environment in general. Take diesel for instance, that source of fuel produces less CO2, easier to produce, but it's dirty and loud. Trade visuals and comfort for more warming gasses and long term profits. Diesel engines last a whole lot longer and require less fuel to operate......... but there are arguably trumped up restrictions probably pushed by automakers because............ planned obsolescence occurs faster with gas vehicles.
Fluctuations are normal, but should we still be warming while the sun's output has dropped these past 50 years? Where is this extra heat coming from?
It’s probably a good thing we’re compensating for a poorly performing sun, eh champ? Imagine the chill in the air…
Global warming or temperatures isn't the issue. Pollution is the issue that most closely affects us all and will have the gravest consequences on future generations. It already is. Cancer rates skyrocketing everywhere. That ain't from CO2 or a slight rise in average temps.
Cancer rates are rising due to the overall growth in the number of old people. Can you separate that from whatever data says rates are "skyrocketing everywhere" and then show us the results?

Certainly, we should strive to not lose focus on other types of pollution, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't also be trying to cut CO2 emissions as quickly as possible.
It’s probably a good thing we’re compensating for a poorly performing sun, eh champ? Imagine the chill in the air…

I'm sure some people/places are enjoying it, others not so much. When sun spot activity dies down and fluctuates back it could get even more interesting.
Cancer rates are rising due to the overall growth in the number of old people. Can you separate that from whatever data says rates are "skyrocketing everywhere" and then show us the results?

Certainly, we should strive to not lose focus on other types of pollution, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't also be trying to cut CO2 emissions as quickly as possible.
Have you been reading the news Andy? The increase is people under 50.

CO2 is not bad, lol, you’ve been duped. Other emissions sure, the CO2 boogeyman will go down as one the most embarrassing assumptions in science we’ve ever made.
Because making personal changes does nothing. The solution requires massive changes to industrial processes. The idea that individual change can fix the problem is propaganda created by the fossil fuels industry to deny accountability.
Accountability for what? Where do you think humanity would be without fossil fuels, dumbass?

You take full advantage of EVERYTHING fossil fuels have provided to mankind and have the audacity to call for accountability. Youre a travesty to reason.
do global solutions include massive curtailing of consumption, war, and planting more trees?

not very popular, but I'm a big fan of anything and everything more efficient. living this lifestyle would likely put a lot of people into poverty. Imagine forcing automakers to produce a limited amount of models without revisions to core components, and you would use that car for 40-50 years instead of 10. LED bulbs that last a lifetime. planned obsolescence does serve a purpose of keeping folks employed.

much of the green movement involves greenwashing, where you toss out old stuff to buy new stuff, which is incredibly taxing on the environment in general. Take diesel for instance, that source of fuel produces less CO2, easier to produce, but it's dirty and loud. Trade visuals and comfort for more warming gasses and long term profits. Diesel engines last a whole lot longer and require less fuel to operate......... but there are arguably trumped up restrictions probably pushed by automakers because............ planned obsolescence occurs faster with gas vehicles.

I actually agree with you with a lot of that. A solution will have to be a multi-pronged approach across many sectors and levels of science and society. I'm a bit more pessimistic in that I think that it's too late and I can see most of the effort/investment being placed in mitigation efforts.
How exactly are these models incomplete or unreliable. Give me concrete examples.

that's above my pay grade but if i had to guess:

1. they can't predict this as accurately as they'd like because it's too far out and the further out the less accurate their models get
2. they're not sure what to look out for (it can't just be temperature, can it?)
3. there's a trillion complex variables interacting with each other that goes into their calculations.
4. they've been dead wrong many times which makes you wonder if they're either stupid or fear mongering and therefore why bet our civilization with their input
5. lastly, modelling probably isn't "science", it's just a useful guide and the tiniest input inaccuracies can throw everything out of whack.
6. and a bunch of failed predictions, some of them here..

You told me you had a bunch of data you wanted to share if I would keep an open mind . Please share your knowledge wise one .. or shut up about the subject

And, this is exactly why I didn't respond to you. It's clear you have no interest in learning anything.
CO2 is not bad, lol, you’ve been duped. Other emissions sure, the CO2 boogeyman will go down as one the most embarrassing assumptions in science we’ve ever made.

I see you ignored my previous post. I wonder if you'll ignore this one.

Why do you view "other emissions" as bad, but not CO2? Do you not believe CO2 to be a greenhouse gas? Or do you think it's a greenhouse gas but that it doesn't matter because...reasons? Are you under the impression that eventually CO2 will just magically self-regulate via photosynthesis, causing its levels to drop again or maintain some arbitrary level regardless of the further burning of fossil fuels?
Then personally make changes to your own life if you really believe it's man-made. I'm told that the overwhelming majority of people accept man-made climate change is real. So why don't these people all make personal changes to their own lives? Don't use unnecessary electricity would be the most basic of changes. If all the man-made climate change believers do just this, it would make the world of difference. I'm concerned with CC being used as an excuse for more governmental power, which is an entirely normal, healthy, rational concern to have.

I've also noticed that people who travel a lot tend to be more liberal types (who inevitably believe in MMCC), so they should naturally stop this.

100% all my bougie liberal family members who go on about climate change take like 8 flights a year. And that's not including work travel
Then personally make changes to your own life if you really believe it's man-made. I'm told that the overwhelming majority of people accept man-made climate change is real. So why don't these people all make personal changes to their own lives? Don't use unnecessary electricity would be the most basic of changes. If all the man-made climate change believers do just this, it would make the world of difference. I'm concerned with CC being used as an excuse for more governmental power, which is an entirely normal, healthy, rational concern to have.

I've also noticed that people who travel a lot tend to be more liberal types (who inevitably believe in MMCC), so they should naturally stop this.
What a stupid fucking argument. One person on a bike will do fuck all. Do you think that's how slavery was stopped? Some guy said hey man I'm not gonna use cotton products.
Be the change you want to see.
Sure that's all well and good, but it's not going to put a dent in reducing co2 emissions. We need systematic changes in how we meet our energy needs