International 'Cerberus' Heatwave Threatens to Break Records in Southern Europe

It's not the primary concern. We have bigger concerns with physical pollution (plastics, chemicals, etc) that will do far more harm to far more people than slightly elevating temperatures over the next hundred years.

Care to show me the disastrous predictions of your heat model for the next 50? Or you just want to keep being a cunt?

What studies have you conducted (or dare I say read) which prove or at least point towards "physical pollution" (as opposed to what...spiritual pollution?) being a greater threat than elevated global temperatures?

You see, this is kind of the whole point of the last few pages here. You make these statements, but you provide absolutely nothing to back them up.

And you never did address @emefer's point of "physical pollution" actually being the primary driving force of global warming. So I suppose you ought to either do that, or find some way to reconcile your belief that physical pollution is bad, but...not the physical pollution that's driving climate change...
if scientists and policy makers cared so much about clean energy, you'd think they'd be all about building nuclear reactors instead of shunning it for do-nothing windmills and solar panels.
There is certainly a symmetry between this issue and covid - a bunch of idiots who barely made it through high school think they're smarter than subject matter experts.

The experts sure did a great job with covid
You're not able to answer or provide even the most basic of projections to me based on models you say are scientifically true. LOL.

Send me the papers asshat.
I asked him in another thread about this and he ran out ... Don't feed the low informative trolls, I would say
maybe sherdog physicists and engineers can educate me, but the doomsday climate crisis rhetoric is based on unreliable and or incomplete models which means it's just speculation at this point. and they're using this speculation to make destructive wholesale changes to the world that can't be undone.

phasing out the internal combustion engine, ignoring nuclear, going all in on a type of transportation whose production might be monopolized by a foreign adversary, structuring all of society around electric. these are dead-in-the-water ideas that a 12 year old would come up with or by tyrants who want everyone under their control. it's easy to see which...
I asked him in another thread about this and he ran out ... Don't feed the low informative trolls, I would say

I didn't 'run out'. Your response made it pretty clear whatever I shared you weren't going to actually take seriously, and I decided it wasn't worth the time.

If you're serious, let's start at the beginning - understanding the greenhouse effect. Do you have a solid understanding of that topic? Just to make sure we're on the same page there, can you briefly explain it? If not, emefer just posted a good breakdown on the effect. Watch it, and once you're done let me know if you have any questions and we'll go from there.
Changes in the climate are normal.
volcano eruptions and tsunamis are also normal.
if it comes to the fact that we humans are causing volcano eruptions and tsunamis through our activity, it's reasonable to think perhaps we should stop.
cause we're not talking about normal changes in climate, but man-made changes in climate.
Changes in the climate are normal.

Normal with reference to what?

Are you unaware of the fact that something could be caused by natural processes independently of humans, and could also be caused by humans? Are you under the impression this is an either or scenario?
Normal with reference to what?

Are you unaware of the fact that something could be caused by natural processes independently of humans, and could also be caused by humans? Are you under the impression this is an either or scenario?

The world was freezing over in the 70s, we were told. Then suddenly it was heating up.

Changes in the climate are normal for this planet. They've always happened.
It's the same thing every year. We hit June, temperatures rise, the news acts like this wouldn't be happening if not for global warming. The alarmists that are susceptible to propaganda come out of the woodwork to tell us how stupid we are and then in October everything cools down again and they lay dormant until the next June hits and we repeat the cycle again.

Somewhere in there we're all supposed to die or run out of food or something.
volcano eruptions and tsunamis are also normal.
if it comes to the fact that we humans are causing volcano eruptions and tsunamis through our activity, it's reasonable to think perhaps we should stop.
cause we're not talking about normal changes in climate, but man-made changes in climate.

It would depend entirely on what 'stopping' would look like. It 'stopping' means returning to a middle-ages existence, then no, we shouldn't (and couldn't) stop. Volcanoes and tsunamis that cause any significant loss of life are almost non-existent anyway. The only parts of the world that are going to suffer due to climate change (if what the doomsayers say is true) are the countries that have far too many children. There should NOT be 170 million+ people in a tiny little country like Bangladesh. Luckily their fertility rate is in the gutter now and will only continue to plummet. Any suffering they have to endure due to climate change is entirely their own fault, due to subjugating their women and turning them into baby-making factories. There should really be no more than 20 million people in such a tiny country.
The world was freezing over in the 70s, we were told. Then suddenly it was heating up.

Changes in the climate are normal for this planet. They've always happened.

Fluctuations are normal, but should we still be warming while the sun's output has dropped these past 50 years? Where is this extra heat coming from?