What a hypocrite, Tom fought nov 2023, his next fight was July 2024. Jones fought Nov 2024, give him a few months to work out the fight its been 90 days for FS..
Jones is also the GOAT and champ, he is winning the mental warefare and will knock medicore Tom out international fight week.
Just dumb in an almost uncountable amount of ways:
Tom fought November on weeks notice because Jon couldn't.
Part of the delay for Tom was because Tom was interim champ by that point, which normally shouldn't have to defend.
The other side of that coin is that Tom's fight scheduling from there depended completely on Jones, so pointing out any delay of Tom's is still really just on Jones.
Additionally, Tom's opponent selection without Jon was actually a question mark, unsure if it would be Blaydes or Gane, so negotiations would have to be done for both, whereas Jon only has Tom in front of him, so that's another hurdle Tom had that Jon didn't.
Tom's average time between fights up until his most recent one has been 6 months
including his injury. Typically, when healthy, he's fighting less than 5 months after his last fight on average, which if we were applying to Jon here, like you're trying to, that would put this fight before April's end. You might notice that April is already booked full, meaning we're well into "this should have been announced by now" territory.