Why would they strip the interim champ for trying to get a match up with the champ?
If jones doesn’t fight aspinal next then I fully expect them to strip him, eventually
How the ever-loving fuck did you get, anywhere in that post you were responding to, that I said an interim champ should be stripped for trying to get a matchup with the real champ?
Have a third-grader read the posts and explain what was actually said to you. That third grader, reading at their age level, will understand that all I said in the post is that the interim designation is less than the actual champion designation. Nothing was said, at all, about stripping Aspinall of his meaningless title.
If the interim title goes away, it's not because he's being "stripped" of it, it's because, by definition, "interim" means temporary or conditional. If the conditions that created it cease to exist, it does away on its own.
What I have said (in earlier posts) is that, by the very definition of what an interim champ is, and why those meaningless designations are handed out, that the "interim" title, logically, EXPIRES when the actual champ is active again, whether it's against the interim belt holder or some other contender. But, as it's not a real title, with any real criteria, that may or may not happen, depending on the aforementioned whims.