Alex / Jiri - More exciting anyway!


Shercat ◔̯◔
Dec 16, 2017
Reaction score
Anybody else that feel the same way? :)

Poatan vs Jiri 2 is a way more interesting and hyped fight 👍

I say we actually won here.

I'm not a huge fan of fights on short notice. At least it's short notice for both. And they've already trained for/fought each other before.
Don’t really care. It’s cool to see high profile guys step up on short notice, but some of us really wanted to see Alex tested against uncle eye ev. Yes, I get that neckbeard wouldn’t have stepped up on short notice. That said, they should have opened the check book and found someone else. If Alex loses, we may never see that fight.
Fight Card is no

The card is the card <BC1>
At least now it has a proper main event. A relevant bout between 2 world class fighters and not some joker wannabes.


If Alex loses, we may never see that fight.

Alex has shown that a loss matters little to his mentality. Guy was broke and remembers being hungry still. He's happy for every payday!! I think Alex has the best mentality in the UFC <NewGina>

This card is better.

Yep *>*
but some of us really wanted to see Alex tested against uncle eye ev. Yes, I get that neckbeard wouldn’t have stepped up on short notice.
Well then don't be that way honestly. Uncle eye ev has had ample opportunities to take this fight. He was offered it at 300 and said no and he was offered it again and said no.

At this point it's on him. Luck is where opportunities meet preparedness and he doesn't stay prepared like jiri. So he doesn't get the same chances as him. I'd the fight doesn't happen it's because he turned it down
Umm, no. Respect to both guys especially Alex for risking his belt in a situation no other Champ would do for good reason, but it is against a repeat opponent that doesn't offer much legitimate challenge. The card was built entirely based on Conor's draw with UFC even pulling Jamahal Hill to not waste his potential on this busted event. Not sure if I will even pay for this one.