Crime 100 prominent Republicans threaten to start new party.

If they follow through they likely won't be successful in a presidential race but might be able to win some victories in all other areas.. But the Republican/Trump party might be screwed. Their narrow margin paths to victories will become even more difficult with the defection of even 5% of Republicans. But the Trump party is likely now more concerned about establishing obedience and loyalty in their base without a lot of thought to long term prospects.

We’d have a better legislative. More compromise. Coalitions. If they could siphon 30% from both parties.
What does the Canadian electorate look like? I only ask because as of a recent Gallup poll, Independents make up a significant plurality of US voters, 40%. There's at least one spike that's as high as 50%.

Granted, those won't all split to a third party, but even if the numbers aren't there yet we're getting closer. Americans want a change.

People who claim to be independent. Very different.
LOL but but them dems while there whole world is collapsing around them and its there own damn fault
"There should be a third party"

Libertarian party be like "an I a joke to you?"