Would you like to see the UFC at the Sphere again?

Would you like to see the UFC at the Sphere again?

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Takes Two To Tango

The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Or it's better it to be an one off event?

At least they tried it out.

I personally think it's too distracting, let's just focus on the fights.

Sphere for concerts, movies, documentaries like Planet Earth. Those kind of things.

Not fights, it looked tacky.

UFC production is really really corny. So I don't care if they do all that stuff in the sphere or not. The videos / cut scenes didn't do much for me.

If it was a Japanese production / promotion like RIZIN / PRIDE of be keen!
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UFC production is really really corny. So I don't care if they do all that stuff in the sphere or not.

If it was a Japanese production / promotion like RIZIN / PRIDE of be keen!

Yeah Pride would be more interesting I believe, it's because they know how to put on a show.
They should've added some crocodiles for a minute.
That would make a nice easter egg.

But it was cool.
It looked great but Dana has said it will be something that will never be topped again, best in history etc., that we will be mind blown.
Have I missed something then?
Is the custom 3D graphics for the screen and a flying drone footage something that can never be done again? Lol.
I was banking on the graphics, after all it's the sphere, I was expecting something else on top of it, and a lot of it. I saw nothing apart from things I was mostly expecting.
Showing replays on the external screen was cool but it's something that cannot be replicated again? Really?
What did the Emmy writers etc. Do exactly there? I seriously maybe missed some breaking stuff.
No. When the camera angle was against the wall it looked like they were at the Apex. And the atmosphere that setup created didn't blow my hair back.

I'd much rather see a big arena packed full with people all around the octagon going fucking crazy. That's what makes good fights even better - an insane atmosphere.
I want WWE for Día de Muertos (Spanish for "Day of the Dead") there next,

Then a UFC for a fourth of July.

Then when Dana gets into boxing he can do a Boxing Day after Xmas there.

Im ok with a one off ..

The most ill agree to is one ever few years....outside of that. .
